Binging on chocolate

xxtonixx87 Posts: 56 Member
I couldn't imagine a day without chocolate, from when I wake up to going to sleep I think about it and can't stop myself from having some. I get rid of it all then I'm in the shop & can't help myself buying some, it's a vicious circle in my day-to-day life that I need to get out of. I have tried, it is addiction.
What do you do to help stop buying, binging and thinking about food?


  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    No body has responded to your question. I am guessing that no one feels they have "the" answer.
    Some ideas:
    1)I plan my meals and snacks. So, when I am in the store and have the urge to purchase my binge food, I remind myself that I can have my planned snack when I get home.
    2)I also will remind myself that buying the binge food will lead to self-hatred. And if I don't buy it, I will be happier with myself.
    3)If I can hold off buying the binge food, the urge passes by the time I leave the store.

    Generally, the more days I go without my binge food (usually chocolate), the weaker the urges become.
    If I tell myself that I can have a little of the binge food because it fits within my calories of the day (or whatever) it sets off the urges to binge. And those urges are so strong that I find it difficult to resist.
    At this point in my life, avoiding my binge foods works better for me then moderation. I don't know about long term success, though.
  • BrutalMeHonest
    BrutalMeHonest Posts: 42 Member
    I struggle with this. So, so bad. I buy individually wrapped chocolates, and tell myself I'll just portion them. I don't know why I even try to kid myself. Baking chocolates too. I'll buy bags of chips for baking (I bake for my husband), then I'll just end up eating them myself. So far the only thing that's kept me from buying it is guilt. But that gets overpowered sometimes.
    Chocolate protein shakes have been really helping me. Last time I binged was two weeks ago, and after switching my afternoon shake to chocolate, it's been helping. I got some sugar free chocolate syrup that I add to them sometimes to boost the chocolate taste when I'm really craving (it tastes gross on it's own).
    It's an ongoing battle :/
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    I have been planning my meals and eating at set times. I've been eating fruit instead of chocolate so that I am still getting that sugar. If I'm really struggling/hungry and getting really bad urges, I think about what it's like to have 100 chocolate bars in one sitting, and how that would make me feel - probably throw up etc.
    If THAT still isn't working, then I sniff the chocolate through the wrapper and put the damn thing down. Sounds weird, but it works. Sniffing can't put on calories! And usually that is enough, I don't need to eat it then.
    I can't moderate it though, can't just have one chocolate - it has to be an entire bar, the whole box etc. So I'm just avoiding it. It's not the healthy approach, but it's what I have to do to get by just now.
  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    I have been planning my meals and eating at set times. I've been eating fruit instead of chocolate so that I am still getting that sugar. If I'm really struggling/hungry and getting really bad urges, I think about what it's like to have 100 chocolate bars in one sitting, and how that would make me feel - probably throw up etc.
    If THAT still isn't working, then I sniff the chocolate through the wrapper and put the damn thing down. Sounds weird, but it works. Sniffing can't put on calories! And usually that is enough, I don't need to eat it then.
    I can't moderate it though, can't just have one chocolate - it has to be an entire bar, the whole box etc. So I'm just avoiding it. It's not the healthy approach, but it's what I have to do to get by just now.

    I feel the same way. That right now I have to avoid certain trigger foods or situations. It would be awesome if I could eat those foods in moderation. But right now, I cannot. So, for now, I avoid certain foods. I hope that in the future I will be able to add them back in to my diet and eat them in moderation. Is this unhealthy? I'm not sure. If it helps me to eat well and retrain my brain, then it is healthy, I think.
  • boredloser
    boredloser Posts: 119 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm really bad for binging on chocolate. Lately though since trying to get back on track, I found these high fibre brownies that only have 87 calories. I have one of those a day and just break it into several pieces to eat and pace myself with it instead of eating it all in the one and then another...and another...and another..

    I believe they are by Fibre One. It's not a chocolate bar, but brownies are good. :grin: I'm in the UK, so no idea if they're in the USA/Canada but I'm sure there'll be similar.
  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks @boredloser . I will look for those next shopping trip.
  • Mom2Maika
    Mom2Maika Posts: 34 Member
    After months of trying moderation either my binge foods (chocolate), the only thing that has worked for me is abstinence. Chocolate flavoured Protein shakes sweetened with stevia are the only thing that don't set off my cravings and leave me feeling satisfied.