May Accountability and Weigh-In



  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'10
    Starting weight: 183lbs
    Ultimate goal: 155lbs
    May goal: 175lbs

    April 30: 183.8 lbs
    May 4: 180.0 lbs

    Good luck ladies!

    You're my twin!
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    Height: 5'0 and a half
    SW: 124 lbs
    GW: 117 lbs (for May)
    UGW: 105-110 lbs

    May 3, 2017: 118.2 lbs
    May 10, 2017:
    May 17, 2017:
    May 24, 2017:
    May 31, 2017:

    Only a pound, but I really can't seem to get on focus with losing the weight. So if it only a pounds I will be happy.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    Name: Phoebe
    Height: 5'3"ish
    Start weight: 195
    Goal weight: Heck if I know. 142 puts me at a BMI of <25. Going to reassess at the end of June.

    Average weight recorded from January: 155.9
    Average weight recorded from February: 153.5
    Average weight recorded from March: 151.8
    Average weight recorded from April: 150.4

    Week of...
    30th April (for reference): 146.6 by scale, 149.7 by trend
    7th May: 144.6 by scale, 147.5 by trend
    14th May:
    21st May:
    28th May:

    Success/struggles of the week: I am pretty happy with how my body looks and feels at this weight. But my blood pressure is still high enough that it needs medication, and I'd like to see if some additional loss improves that. About a pound of my loss this last week was diet and exercise; the other pound is all water weight from starting meds.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    edited May 2017
    Age: 30
    Height 5'6"
    Starting weight: 160 (September - postpartum)
    Goal weight this month - May: 145

    April 28: 149lbs
    May 5: 149.5 (water weight I think, TOM)
    May 12:
    May 19:
    May 26:

    @bringbackthejoy thank you! I also have those dreams :s
  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    I hope I'm not too late to join! My goal is not to lose too much weight, but just to maintain, keeping my muscle and lose some fat.

    Height: 162cm (5ft 3.5)
    CW: 57kg (125lbs)
    May Goal: 121lbs

    May 08: 125lbs
    May 14:
    May 21:
    May 28:
    June 4:

  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 122.6
    May Goal weight: 118

    30 Jan 140lbs
    6 Feb 138.8
    13 Feb-A day late but 137.8
    20 Feb-136.2
    27 Feb-133.7
    6 Mar-135.2
    13 Mar-131.0
    20 Mar-129.0
    27 Mar-129.8
    3 Apr-127.2
    10 Apr-126.2
    17 Apr-123.6
    24 Apr-121.6
    1 May-122.6
    8 May-120.2
    15 May-
    22 May-
    28 May-
    It's been a rough couple of weeks. But the next few will be even harder. Power forward. Sometimes it's will alone to get you though. Trust the process. Hoping to see some glimpses of the teens in the next week.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Highest Weight: 212lbs (on MFP)
    Current weight: 145.6lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145lbs
    May goal: No lower than 145lbs and eating at maintenance so fat loss plan can come into full action.

    2nd/3rd May: 147.4
    9th/10th May: 145.6
    16th/17th May:
    23rd/24th May:
    30th/31st May:

    Well, that escalated rather quickly. I'm attributing this water whoosh to eating probiotic yoghurts (in an effort to help my IBS) and drinking even more water than before. I have 3 litres (12 glasses) of strictly H2O, two large (450ml-ish) mugs of herbal tea, and two protein shakes with water every day (500ml each) so it's coming in hot. :lol:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    For some reason this weekend my weight went up by about 2lbs, for no obvious reasons, and felt rather down about that. However, back down to normal now and have already dropped below my end of May body fat goal! PT tonight and weigh in & measurements tomorrow morning. Just got to keep focussing on the numbers that tell a more comprehensive story.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    For some reason this weekend my weight went up by about 2lbs, for no obvious reasons, and felt rather down about that. However, back down to normal now and have already dropped below my end of May body fat goal! PT tonight and weigh in & measurements tomorrow morning. Just got to keep focussing on the numbers that tell a more comprehensive story.

    That's great! What's your new goal then?

    I feel like people who have issues with the scale give it a bad rap -- this isn't aimed at anyone, it's just something I've noticed. Of course, yes, it isn't the whole picture: I've lost an inch off my waist and an inch off my hips (my problem area) since starting to mess around with macros a couple of weeks ago which is very exciting. But your information is not complete without it. For example, my scale weight is only a reflection of where my IBS is at to me. The fluctuations are great indicators of what's been happening and what's coming. I couldn't tell that by only measurements as my bloat can take me up as much as 4 inches. However, looking at the scale, I was 148 for awhile and my bowel hurt so bad, yesterday I was 146.8 and I felt so much better in my tummy. Today at 145.6 I feel the best I've felt in a long time. Seeing those numbers change let me know that I was going to feel better that day.

    The only time I worry about my weight as...weight is if I was choosing to compete and I wanted to be in a lower weight class (kickboxing) but I'm not. Ultimately, it's however you feel about the situation but don't discount one or the other completely because you're only doing a disservice to yourself.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Oh, I'm certainly not discounting one or the other. For me weight is not the best indicator as I once was around 150lbs but terribly unfit and unhealthy. So although I was physically much thinner and lighter, I had no concept of body fat vs muscle mass, and it skewed my view. I now know I need a combination of weight, measurements and body fat/muscle mass in order to get a full picture for me.

    Body fat % goal to be revised based on tomorrow's weigh in.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited May 2017
    Oh, I'm certainly not discounting one or the other. For me weight is not the best indicator as I once was around 150lbs but terribly unfit and unhealthy. So although I was physically much thinner and lighter, I had no concept of body fat vs muscle mass, and it skewed my view. I now know I need a combination of weight, measurements and body fat/muscle mass in order to get a full picture for me.

    Body fat % goal to be revised based on tomorrow's weigh in.

    I know that feeling, when I was a teenager in recovery from my EDs I was probably about 140-145 but absolutely useless in the physical arena. Couldn't do a push up, no one knew what a burpee was and running/cross country was like invented torture for an asthmatic. I am thankfully over that phase of my life. :smiley:

    I just tend to get a bit frustrated with the 'throwing out the scale' movement in general because everyone pushes it like it's some miracle cure to all your weight related anxieties, and I did that, and I also gained back 12lbs and ended up crying in a hotel room in Paris. (IBS bloating/pain sent me over the edge :lol:) I feel like those who are upset by the scale the most haven't found the right goals outside of weight loss yet.

    Sorry guys, I didn't mean to deviate like that but I had to get it off my chest.
  • linz1976
    linz1976 Posts: 56 Member
    hi first week on here since last year.
    5ft 6.
    start weight - 174lbs
    current weight- 145lbs
    goal weight - 137lbs.

    currently trying to get the right quantities of carbs protein and fat for my daily intake of calories. I have 7 weeks till I go on an all inclusive and wearing a bikini. Looking to get around goal weight by then.
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    vnukinga wrote: »
    Age: 40
    Height 5'2"
    Starting weight: 122 (January)
    Goal weight this month - May: 112
    Ultimate goal weight: 110

    1/13/2017: 122
    2/1/2017 - 121.8
    2/26/2017 - 120
    March 1: 119.4
    March 8: 118
    March 15: 117
    March 22: 118.2
    March 24: 117
    March 29: 115
    April 4: 115.8
    April 11: 115.2
    April 15: 112.8!
    April 22: 114.8
    April 29: 114
    May 6: 113.8
    May 13:
    May 20:
    May 27:
    June 3:

    I have been shamelessly indulging in sweets so the last week the weight went up and then went down a bit...Now that I have eaten the rest of the chocolate eggs out of the house, I can start eating clean again, LOL!
    Best of luck to all!

    OMG! Get it girl!! You're blowing us all away, we no longer have any excuse. So cool to see the progress over the last few months!
  • Rodzeus
    Rodzeus Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 24
    Height 5'5"

    Current weight: 138
    Goal weight this month: 135
    Eventual goal: 125

    May 6: 138.3
    May 13:
    May 20:
    May 27:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 178cm
    Starting weight May: 179.4lbs
    Ultimate goal: 160lbs
    May goal: 174lbs (slow and steady, and am building muscle) - Revision 10th May: Aim for sub 174lbs.
    Body fat goal for May: Drop sub 29% - Revised goal 10th May: Sub 28.5%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    3rd May: 178lbs
    10th May: 176.6lbs - Body fat: 28.9% - May goal met! B)
    17th May:
    24th May:
    31st May:

  • leondra_nicole
    leondra_nicole Posts: 15 Member
    A little late to the game but I'd like to join in!

    Height: 5'4
    HW: 220
    SW: 173.8
    May Goal weight: 165

    4 May-173.8
    8 May-171.4
    15 May-
    22 May-
    29 May-
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    Height: 5'0 and a half
    SW: 124 lbs
    GW: 117 lbs (for May)
    UGW: 105-110 lbs

    May 3, 2017: 118.2 lbs
    May 10, 2017: 117.0 lbs wahh? We'll see next week if it sticks. Something tells me it won't but who knows.
    May 17, 2017:
    May 24, 2017:
    May 31, 2017:

    Only a pound, but I really can't seem to get on focus with losing the weight. So if it only a pounds I will be happy.
  • BipolarFitness
    BipolarFitness Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, I'm certainly not discounting one or the other. For me weight is not the best indicator as I once was around 150lbs but terribly unfit and unhealthy. So although I was physically much thinner and lighter, I had no concept of body fat vs muscle mass, and it skewed my view. I now know I need a combination of weight, measurements and body fat/muscle mass in order to get a full picture for me.

    Body fat % goal to be revised based on tomorrow's weigh in.

    I know that feeling, when I was a teenager in recovery from my EDs I was probably about 140-145 but absolutely useless in the physical arena. Couldn't do a push up, no one knew what a burpee was and running/cross country was like invented torture for an asthmatic. I am thankfully over that phase of my life. :smiley:

    I just tend to get a bit frustrated with the 'throwing out the scale' movement in general because everyone pushes it like it's some miracle cure to all your weight related anxieties, and I did that, and I also gained back 12lbs and ended up crying in a hotel room in Paris. (IBS bloating/pain sent me over the edge :lol:) I feel like those who are upset by the scale the most haven't found the right goals outside of weight loss yet.

    Sorry guys, I didn't mean to deviate like that but I had to get it off my chest.

    Thanks for talking about that. People who don't have eating disorders tend to have a hard time understanding the fact that throwing out your scale can be like losing a piece of you. I have anorexia and still haven't thrown out the scale because of the fact being that it is so hard. Anyway thanks for talking about that. <3
  • DDBooBoo57
    DDBooBoo57 Posts: 17 Member
    Highest Weight: 165
    Starting Weight: 157
    Current weight: 154.4lbs
    Ultimate goal: 127lbs
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Age: 43
    Height 163cm
    Starting weight: 62.9kg
    Goal weight: 61.5kg revised 12th May 60.9kg
    Ultimate goal weight: 60kg (although considering reviewing this down to 58kg)

    April 28: 62.9kg
    May 5: 62.7kg
    May 12: 61.3kg!!!!
    May 19:
    May 26:

    So after having 3 weeks where the weight has barely reduced all of a sudden I lose over 1kg in a week!! Have revised my goal weight down to get into the 60s although I suspect my weight loss next week will not be as spectacular :)