New to the group!

theonenonlymrssmith Posts: 26 Member
edited May 2017 in Social Groups
I'm Jazzie. My weight has been pretty stable for quite some time, but I recently went through a few diet/lifestyle changes that caused some weight to sneak back on. Im a little (okay a LOT!) frustrated with it, because I feel like I am the healthiest I've ever been. I do power yoga (the ultimate yogi) 4 days a week and yin/hatha the other 2-3, and I'm a bit of a health nut when it comes to nutrition, and honestly feel the best and strongest, I have in my entire life! So when my summer shorts wouldn't button, I knew it was time come here for a refresher course- because obviously Im falling short somewhere. My job is sedentary, and I think I have become a boredom eater. So thats a start.

5 foot 2
127 pounds
Size almost 6 in AE jeans

grow an inch or two taller ;-) :giggle:
No goal weight, because Im trying to tone and build muscle
Fit back into my 4's comfortably

I know I need to add some hard core cardio back into my routine, I'm looking at getting a rower soon. I have "knock knees" and am trying to find ways around that in the cardio department. I had a treadmill I gave away, due to numbness in my lower spine when I would use it. (as a kid I was told my lower 3 vertebra are "fused" and don't move, so Im wondering if thats connected) Any ideas for low impact cardio would be highly appreciated!

Oh wow. I am rambling. Anyways, looking forward to learning some new tips and tricks in this group!

Love and light!


  • kclewis416
    kclewis416 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Jazzie..

    I am 5'1 125ish lbs (lost 5-6 lbs recently) 37 in a few weeks and also feel like I am the healthiest I have been in a long time. I work out 3-5 days a week - my thing is weights, and it just recently became my thing. Prior to that I was really big on getting that cardio in for all workouts, since I too have a sedentary job (desk job) and I 1000% can relate to the boredom eating.. I do that all day! I started to do less cardio and more weights and for me that was what worked to lose some weight... plus my 5 day a week 1200 calorie goal. You will find what works for you - you clearly know what works best for your body and what you enjoy!

    I would love to be able to fit into a size 4 again.. but I do not think that would ever happen.. I used to be a size 4 for years, and I am not sure if its me having kids or gaining weight that has stopped me from being able to squeeze into them. I just recently packed up all my size 4's and will be donating them....womp womp... So I am sticking to my size 7's for now... I tend to store my fat in my midsection so even sometimes a 6 is too tight there.. and I must admit after all the squats I do, my legs and bum are starting to get a little bigger (in a good way). So good luck with that.. I like that you have a goal that isn't necessarily weight related. For all the weight I have lost, and probably muscle gained.. I still fit the exact same in my jeans, give or take. It can be frustrating, but I think I am past that now.

    I guess maybe my tip might be to add a little weight training into your routine.. even if its 1 or 2 times a week.. and to make sure you stay as consistent as possible with the calorie intake.. but always do things that you really enjoy as much as possible!
  • theonenonlymrssmith
    theonenonlymrssmith Posts: 26 Member
    kclewis416 wrote: »
    Hi Jazzie..

    I am 5'1 125ish lbs (lost 5-6 lbs recently) 37 in a few weeks and also feel like I am the healthiest I have been in a long time. I work out 3-5 days a week - my thing is weights, and it just recently became my thing. Prior to that I was really big on getting that cardio in for all workouts, since I too have a sedentary job (desk job) and I 1000% can relate to the boredom eating.. I do that all day! I started to do less cardio and more weights and for me that was what worked to lose some weight... plus my 5 day a week 1200 calorie goal. You will find what works for you - you clearly know what works best for your body and what you enjoy!

    I would love to be able to fit into a size 4 again.. but I do not think that would ever happen.. I used to be a size 4 for years, and I am not sure if its me having kids or gaining weight that has stopped me from being able to squeeze into them. I just recently packed up all my size 4's and will be donating them....womp womp... So I am sticking to my size 7's for now... I tend to store my fat in my midsection so even sometimes a 6 is too tight there.. and I must admit after all the squats I do, my legs and bum are starting to get a little bigger (in a good way). So good luck with that.. I like that you have a goal that isn't necessarily weight related. For all the weight I have lost, and probably muscle gained.. I still fit the exact same in my jeans, give or take. It can be frustrating, but I think I am past that now.

    I guess maybe my tip might be to add a little weight training into your routine.. even if its 1 or 2 times a week.. and to make sure you stay as consistent as possible with the calorie intake.. but always do things that you really enjoy as much as possible!

    Thanks so much for chiming in and sharing your experience. I've tried weights in the past (we used to have a fancy cable machine) And honestly, they just aren't my thing! I LOVE yoga, like Pink sparkly heart have found my happy place, and power yoga is just weights with body weight, really. I just finished a 108 day power yoga challenge and I KNOW Ive gained "tons" of muscle. lol. I went from my triceps practically curving inwards:is anti-muscle a "thing?" LOL- To actually having a little muscle definition there. Couldn't do a single pushup at the beginning, and now I can (Barely) do 5! I am seeing results in my arms, legs and definitely my butt! Its my midsection that I just don't understand.

    Its interesting that you mention not being able to fit your 4's despite being more toned. Because before I tried on my summer shorts, I was thinking that the failure of the scale moving was due to me gaining so much muscle. But then my pants aren't fitting around my hips and waist like they used to. However DH SWEARS I don't look any heavier. But I always thought size and how your pants fit was the "gold standard" of weather or not a workout was working?

    I fit into a 4 after having my two kids, and now I can fit a 4 but only if my jeans are hang dried and they aren't what I would consider comfortable and my sweats are fitting differently too. Ive been down to 113 before, with those same 4's hanging off but I don't think it was a healthy 113. Ive noticed the biggest change in my butt, tbh. Its higher and fuller in a good way- But can that change the way your pants fit around your midsection?

  • kclewis416
    kclewis416 Posts: 79 Member
    Wow... 108 day power yoga.. I have never even heard of it before. Good for you!

    It sounds like we have the similar issue about the midsection.. I have no clue how to get the fat from there off, I do have strong abs.. I can plank for a good 3 minutes and think my core is strong.. and I can feel them under the chub.. I do notice that it is slowly going down but it is taking a very long time.. Very long time - I think this for me is going to be a slow process and I will notice a difference 6 months from now and again 6 months...

    I think I agree that the numbers on the scale are not as important as how clothing fits.. I think that is a much better way to measure success. But I am losing weight and not seeing much difference...maybe I am gaining more muscle as well. My boyfriend notices it in my back and my legs - upper thighs.. and I notice it in my arms and my bum.. I have started to get that line down the middle from upper chest to belly button though..

    I can squeeze into some size 4's but no way in hell am I sitting down and the fat just flops over the sides.. its so uncomfortable its not even funny.. so I find that a size 7 fits me good in the thighs and legs.. and I can wear a crop top and show my belly without having it look like a muffin top. sometimes a size 6 as well.

    If you find the secret to removing excess fat in the midsection.. let me know lol
  • bmbittick
    bmbittick Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm 29 (and holding), 5 foot 1 inches (with shoes and weigh 129. I have 2 wonderful children (11 and 4) and my youngest child made me unhappy with my weight and body lol. Just kidding I know it's because I had an addiction to cookies. Anyways. I want to tone up and lose a few pounds. My problem is eating!!! I don't eat enough and have to make myself eat breakfast and lunch. In my younger years I had eating issues and it still haunts me today just not as bad. I don't get the hungry feeling or maybe I just ignore it without realizing it which is why I make myself eat because I know I need it. Looking for friends to keep each other on track!

  • theonenonlymrssmith
    theonenonlymrssmith Posts: 26 Member
    bmbittick wrote: »
    Hello! I'm 29 (and holding), 5 foot 1 inches (with shoes and weigh 129. I have 2 wonderful children (11 and 4) and my youngest child made me unhappy with my weight and body lol. Just kidding I know it's because I had an addiction to cookies. Anyways. I want to tone up and lose a few pounds. My problem is eating!!! I don't eat enough and have to make myself eat breakfast and lunch. In my younger years I had eating issues and it still haunts me today just not as bad. I don't get the hungry feeling or maybe I just ignore it without realizing it which is why I make myself eat because I know I need it. Looking for friends to keep each other on track!


    Nie to meet you! We sound quite similar. I am also 29 and have 2 kiddos! (9 and 5, both boys) I totally get how you feel about the eating thing. I have finally learned that my hunger cue isn't in my stomach. Its in my head. I start getting "foggy" in my thoughts and grumpy in my reactions, and movements get "hazy" if that makes any sense at all. but if I waited on my stomach to tell me to eat, I would pass out long before I knew I needed sustenance! So I either eat too much because I am bored, or I don't eat at all, because I am busy and not even thinking about food at all. LOL Ahh, the learning curve that is thyself.
  • Bluebell2325
    Bluebell2325 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, we all sound similar, friend request sent to all of the above! I'm 5'2" and 122lbs, and just really wanting to sort myself out rather than lose much more weight. I am (or was??) one of those irritating people that could eat whatever I wanted and still look like a stick, but I see 40 on the horizon (I'm 38) and know I need to make better food choices. But because I've never had to "watch what I eat" I have no clue how to do it. I'm a keen runner, kettle-bells and have recently started karate (which has been a childhood ambition, I'm still rubbish, but I'm very determined and will stick with it).