Daily updates and chit-chat



  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2017
    i'm so proud to be able to say that as of this morning, i am officially overweight and no longer obese according to my bmi!!

    welcome back, kelly. we missed you. it sounds like you had a wonderful time. i hope the good feeling lingers!

    happy birthday, erika.

    emme, all i can say is, "wow"

    hello to everybody else.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Kelly, what an awesome post! It is wonderful to hear you feeling so well. Amazing how healing nature can be. There have been all kinds of studies done recently on that, BTW.

    Emme, I like to travel, but I don't hold a candle to you!! What a schedule!

    Ryan, Thanks for the bday wishes, I am having such a nice day. And congrats on moving out of the "obese" category! That is truly a big deal. I do think those categories are a little bit too general though--my DH is in the "overweight" category and the man does not have an ounce of fat on his body.

    Becky, thanks for calling the hotel. How is your busy time going? I know it is so hard to stay on track when you are really stressed with work. Take care of yourself. I just finished a book called "Scarcity," it was so interesting. It talked a lot about how when bandwidth is taxed (from time scarcity or other scarcity), then our willpower drops dramatically. There is even quite a measurable drop in IQ! It just makes it really hard to focus.

    I am planning to weigh tomorrow. I am like Becky, and I don't want to let a "bad" reading on the scales knock me off of eating healthily. I am still thinking of what my research group leader said, not sure if I already told you guys? She said, yes, for some of us, we are genetically predisposed to be overweight, and it will be very difficult or impossible to drop those pounds. But for those type of people, it is even more important to eat healthy and exercise, since we already have one strike against us. I have to remember that eating right is not just about losing weight, it is about my health, whether or not I lose weight.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    I complained about the outdated emojis on SP, but now I miss them!! :'(
  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    i agree, erika. i miss the emojis. i'm having a hard time adjusting here, but i'm willing to give it more time. i know we've only been here for a little while.
  • emmerunner
    emmerunner Posts: 6 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about the emojis. They are really limited here. Hmmm... I guess we can always add our own. 5w8uq2l9ygzr.png

  • emmerunner
    emmerunner Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2017
    Testing from my phone--can't use the phone emojis, either. Just the MFP ones.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    edited May 2017
    I do really like the tracking tool a lot better. And the mobile app is WAY better. But the group thread has its drawbacks--I also miss having the newest post at the top, and not having to scroll so much. I am fine with whatever you guys want to do in terms of staying to chat here or going back to SP.

    For my bday, DH is doing all the driving of DD. Heaven!! B)
  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    i, personally would prefer to keep tracking here, but take the chitchat back to sp, if that's fine with everyone else. i'll do whatever everyone else wants.
  • emmerunner
    emmerunner Posts: 6 Member
    I'm fine with whatever you all decide, but oddly enough, I'm leaning towards SP. Who would have thought it?
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Funny! Kelly, what is your vote? I guess at least when SP finally shuts down (or stops being free, or something), we at least know we can always come back to MFP!
  • dancingthroughmylife
    dancingthroughmylife Posts: 4 Member
    My vote is probably SP but I'm ok with either

    Nature definitely does help..:but I found I needed to be back on meds first. A month ago I was in nature dealing with really dark thoughts still. I'm still having some pretty low mood times but nothing like what I was. I'm less afraid of dealing with life and feeling more able to do so.

    Im still pretty tired. I'm still recovering from vacation and four days ago I had my dose bumped up on my primary antidepressant too. I'll need about a week or two to adjust if things go like they normally do.
  • bgincostarica
    bgincostarica Posts: 5 Member
    I will follow you guys wherever you decide to go.....
  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    isn't there a song, "i will follow you, follow you wherever you may go..."

    i had another down day yesterday. spent the day in bed and barely ate. by dinner, i was feeling well enough to eat, but I was still low on my calories. today i'm feeling better and norm is making streak on the grill so i should be okay. its so easy to slip back into old habits.

    i hope everyone has a great memorial day, including becky. G-d bless America.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Ok guys, consensus definitely seems to be to move back to SP, so I think we should do it. See you over there! :*
  • cherwarshawski
    cherwarshawski Posts: 4 Member
    It's never too late, but how on earth do you start/
  • slim1156
    slim1156 Posts: 31 Member
    one baby step at a time.
  • sderika
    sderika Posts: 19 Member
    Hi folks, this team has moved back over to SparkPeople. Although we like MFP's food tracking tools, we like the chat on SP better. We would love for you to join us over there if you would like! Just search for the "Challenge Yourself" group under the Community section.