Almost 4mo out and moving slow

Gone2Flowers Posts: 6 Member
I sure do miss the rapid loss from right after surgery, if only that could have lasted one or two more months. But I went in knowing this wasn't going to be all easy peasy lemon squeazy. I was losing a fair amount after upping my activity but I got pretty sick this last week so my activity level dropped and so has my loss. I was sleeved on 01/31/17 and have lost 56lbs since then but feel like I should have lost more. Anyone else in a similar boat?
p.s. friend requests are always welcome.


  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 459 Member
    I had my first stall at 1 month and 2nd one at 4 months. Keep with the right choices and trust the process.... the loss will start again soon :)
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Just keep up with good habits and your body will respond. A few years down the road you're not going to remember or care how quickly you lost weight.
  • Gone2Flowers
    Gone2Flowers Posts: 6 Member
    You're all absolutely right, it doesn't really matter how fast I lose it so long as I do. I'm just nota terribly patient person lol Once upon a time I was half the size I am now and I guess I'm just super excited to get back there again!

    I have PCOS as well so I totally understand all the frustrations with that. I got pregnant my senior year of high school so my now husband and I thought getting pregnant would be easy since we did so the first time trying to avoid it so imagine our surprise when we found out 2 years later I never should have been able to get pregnant (clearly its possible with PCOS but my case is pretty severe and has other complications.) Just like you I'm glad to have my rugrat even if the little darling is starting to get hormones and driver her parents nuts lol

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement, it can be a real bummer when you don't see/feel change especially after the excitement of the initial post-op loss.
  • clcmfp
    clcmfp Posts: 108 Member
    I was sleeved a month after you (2/22) and have lost 42 since then (and 17 pre-op). I have about 54 to go until my goal. I try to keep the attitiude of "my weight loss will be what it will be". That means not comparing to others, setting goals based on losing x pounds by x date, or generally having expectations of how fast this should go. All I can control is what goes in my mouth and getting some activity. The rest will take care of itself.

    To me, it sounds like you're doing great! Try to be patient!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    You're all absolutely right, it doesn't really matter how fast I lose it so long as I do. I'm just nota terribly patient person lol Once upon a time I was half the size I am now and I guess I'm just super excited to get back there again!

    I have PCOS as well so I totally understand all the frustrations with that. I got pregnant my senior year of high school so my now husband and I thought getting pregnant would be easy since we did so the first time trying to avoid it so imagine our surprise when we found out 2 years later I never should have been able to get pregnant (clearly its possible with PCOS but my case is pretty severe and has other complications.) Just like you I'm glad to have my rugrat even if the little darling is starting to get hormones and driver her parents nuts lol

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement, it can be a real bummer when you don't see/feel change especially after the excitement of the initial post-op loss.

    Dont rule out another, the surgery does crazy things

    I have 2 children a decade apart.
    My daughter i had after taking fertility drugs, my son it seems is the result of hormone release from the fat loss with a miscarriage when i was 1 year post op (concieved 9 months post op)
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    And im soooooo over the pre teen hormones, such attitude and sarcasm in such a small bundle lol
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Aztec4Life wrote: »
    Just keep up with good habits and your body will respond. A few years down the road you're not going to remember or care how quickly you lost weight.

    That's some #truth right there.
  • dawnie1313
    dawnie1313 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there! I am three months post op (2/16/17) and I feel very slow too. I am averaging 3.2 per week. BUT, I bodies system is lose for two weeks, stall for two weeks, repeat...I have talked to my Nutritionist and my doc and they are more than pleased with my progress. But, still, I do think I had visions of dropping 50 lbs in like the first month. LOL. This is a life time journey for me. Not a quick fix. So I am trying to stay focused. Follow the plan. And eventually the weight will come off. Some days are easier than others and its hard not to compare our journey to others, but I try to remember that I have never in my life consistently lost 3 lbs a week...So I have decided to be okay with it. :)
  • Elyseinchi
    Elyseinchi Posts: 71 Member
    Oh please... this is my story too... only I am only down 47 and was sleeved on Jan. 30th (a day early!) :) (FRUSTRATION!)

    Still I will say this.... everyday is a new day and while the weight is not falling off, I am beginning to see dramatic changes in my energy level and my ability to move freely and my clothing sizes dropping significantly. Over the past 2 months I am averaging only 6 - 7 pounds / month.... it bums me out but every little bit counts, right. I am trying to incorporate more shakes and more water in my eating plan - back to basics to see if that spurs more weight loss. I am trying not to be discouraged - thanks to so many great MFP friends who have offered great support.

    We can do this... one pound at a time. xo

  • Gone2Flowers
    Gone2Flowers Posts: 6 Member
    You're all absolutely right, it doesn't really matter how fast I lose it so long as I do. I'm just nota terribly patient person lol Once upon a time I was half the size I am now and I guess I'm just super excited to get back there again!

    I have PCOS as well so I totally understand all the frustrations with that. I got pregnant my senior year of high school so my now husband and I thought getting pregnant would be easy since we did so the first time trying to avoid it so imagine our surprise when we found out 2 years later I never should have been able to get pregnant (clearly its possible with PCOS but my case is pretty severe and has other complications.) Just like you I'm glad to have my rugrat even if the little darling is starting to get hormones and driver her parents nuts lol

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement, it can be a real bummer when you don't see/feel change especially after the excitement of the initial post-op loss.

    Dont rule out another, the surgery does crazy things

    I have 2 children a decade apart.
    My daughter i had after taking fertility drugs, my son it seems is the result of hormone release from the fat loss with a miscarriage when i was 1 year post op (concieved 9 months post op)

    Oh no my husband and I decided it's too late for us lol We don't want a high schooler and a grade schooler so I've got 5 yr birth control and he's looking into getting snipped. It may be selfish but we're looking forward to our freedom in our late 30s since we gave it up in our early 20s when we had our daughter so young. Plus we get to spoil our little girl without worrying about making a sibling jealous :p
  • Gone2Flowers
    Gone2Flowers Posts: 6 Member
    Elyseinchi wrote: »
    Oh please... this is my story too... only I am only down 47 and was sleeved on Jan. 30th (a day early!) :) (FRUSTRATION!)

    Still I will say this.... everyday is a new day and while the weight is not falling off, I am beginning to see dramatic changes in my energy level and my ability to move freely and my clothing sizes dropping significantly. Over the past 2 months I am averaging only 6 - 7 pounds / month.... it bums me out but every little bit counts, right. I am trying to incorporate more shakes and more water in my eating plan - back to basics to see if that spurs more weight loss. I am trying not to be discouraged - thanks to so many great MFP friends who have offered great support.

    We can do this... one pound at a time. xo

    I've found that if I workout for at least an hour for 5 nights and really watch my calories I drop but life gets in the way sometimes and I can't go the full hour. Thankfully I've just noticed this and told my husband so he's on board with making sure I get my hour one way or another.

    It's funny because I'm so super proud of you and your 47lb loss but mine isn't enough isn't that crazy? I think when I lost a bunch right after surgery I thought that rapid loss would continue just a bit longer buuut clearly that was wishful thinking.

    You're totally right thay we will do this one lb at a time!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    You're all absolutely right, it doesn't really matter how fast I lose it so long as I do. I'm just nota terribly patient person lol Once upon a time I was half the size I am now and I guess I'm just super excited to get back there again!

    I have PCOS as well so I totally understand all the frustrations with that. I got pregnant my senior year of high school so my now husband and I thought getting pregnant would be easy since we did so the first time trying to avoid it so imagine our surprise when we found out 2 years later I never should have been able to get pregnant (clearly its possible with PCOS but my case is pretty severe and has other complications.) Just like you I'm glad to have my rugrat even if the little darling is starting to get hormones and driver her parents nuts lol

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement, it can be a real bummer when you don't see/feel change especially after the excitement of the initial post-op loss.

    Dont rule out another, the surgery does crazy things

    I have 2 children a decade apart.
    My daughter i had after taking fertility drugs, my son it seems is the result of hormone release from the fat loss with a miscarriage when i was 1 year post op (concieved 9 months post op)

    Oh no my husband and I decided it's too late for us lol We don't want a high schooler and a grade schooler so I've got 5 yr birth control and he's looking into getting snipped. It may be selfish but we're looking forward to our freedom in our late 30s since we gave it up in our early 20s when we had our daughter so young. Plus we get to spoil our little girl without worrying about making a sibling jealous :p

    Be sure to double bag it until snip day, i know a few ladies whove been caught out on birth control.... my friend was caught out 3 times lol