Summer 2017 - Introductions



  • tremenza
    tremenza Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the add :)
    Really looking forward to the next 12 weeks!
    Name: Lauren
    Age: 36
    Height 5'6
    Current weight: 188lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 168
    Goal weight: 145

    Goals & motivation:I really need to start taking care of myself over the last year I've gained 20lbs at least, I have a few health problems cropping up (hypothyroidism, rosacea, joint pain, chronic inflammation on blood results depression, high blood pressure for the 1st time I'm always on the low side) These health issues are beginning to scare me so I want to get on with loosing weight as I think half of my issues are due to not looking after myself physically or mentally. I just feel rubbish
  • jmb6739
    jmb6739 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi everyone, very glad to find this group, thanks for letting me join!

    Name: Jen
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'8"
    Current weight: 195
    Challenge goal weight: 185
    Goal weight: 170 (?)
    Goals: Keep focused during the summer, when it's very easy to get off track (too much fun at the lake house). Keep up with my weight lifting, strengthen my hips, gluts and lower abs.
    Motivation: Currently I'm in PT because my knee caps aren't tracking properly, (due to weakness in my hips, gluts and lower abs), and I'd really really like to get to pain free. I also lost 30 pounds last year, then took a break and maintained (actually maintained, yeah!), now I'm ready to lose the next 30 to 40. I'm already down 10, so I'm making the right progress!
  • ktoos
    ktoos Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm so glad to have this group to keep me motivated this summer.

    I'm 8 weeks out from my second left ACL repair :( My first one 2010 skiing, this time while playing USTA tennis.... I tore it in Jan and couldn't ski/play tennis so I lost a lot of cardio and despite weight training the weight crept on at a 1lb/month. Last month was just pure rehab and now I'm back on the bike and elliptical!! Rehab of a second ACL is now a 9 month project....I think a group would be a fun thing to try and keep me from getting discouraged.

    Age: 49
    Height: 5ft 2in
    Current Weight: 118 -121lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 110-113 (my weight usually easily fluctuates 3lbs)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 108-111
    Goals: Rehab left knee and be in "kick-*kitten*" shape for my 50th birthday (Nov) and ready to hit the slopes (Dec) and back playing tennis/USTA (Jan)

    My Motivation: Never tear my ACL again!! Working on strength, hip alignment, balance. Lose the weight I've gained from losing all my cardio workouts so that I don't have the "matronly middle age waist" and my clothes fit. Skiing, tennis, mountain biking, hiking with family and friends!!
  • kljames02
    kljames02 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am so excited to be a part of this group. I have been looking from something to keep me motivated for the summer. Here is my introduction:

    Name: Kourtney
    Age: 37
    Height: 5ft 5in
    Current Weight: 178.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 163.8 lbs (1.25 lb/week)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 lbs
    Goals: For the month of June, I would like to be consistent in the following: 1) walk 30 minutes per day, 2) drink a gallon of water per day, 3) strength train 3 times per week, and 4) eat a paleo diet 80% of the time.
    My Motivation: health, body confidence, the ability to be able wear anything I want
  • NelsonKatelyn
    NelsonKatelyn Posts: 120 Member
    Name: Kate
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'5"
    Current Weight: 179
    Challenge Goal Weight: 168
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140-150

    Goals: I've been meeting with a personal trainer every 2 weeks, so my biggest focus right now is consistency in getting to the gym!! Life tends to get in the way sometimes, so I'm trying to reset my mentality to accept that I need to set aside the time for ME. I've found that I enjoy strength training MUCH more than cardio, so I'm looking forward to working on my arms and core during this summer challenge!

    My Motivation: Let's be honest, vanity plays a big part in weight loss for a lot of us. I want to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin without feeling the need to cover up with a cardigan (in this summer heat!!). I also have a 3 year old sun with endless energy that I need to keep up with.
  • FitByChristmas86
    FitByChristmas86 Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Jane
    Age: 31
    Height: 5ft 9.5in
    Current weight: 225
    Challenge goal weight: 199
    Ultimate goal weight: 160

    Goals and motivation: I've struggled with my weight most of my life. I'd like to get my stress eating under control and make exercise a normal part of most days. Also, of course, I want to look good and be healthy. I have a nearly 2 year old daughter that I need energy to keep up with and we are hoping for another baby soon so I want a healthy pregnancy. I like the idea of others keeping me accountable. Good luck to us all!
  • tlee278
    tlee278 Posts: 35 Member
    edited June 2017
    Name Tina
    Age 45
    Height 5'6"
    Starting weight:220
    Current Weight: 202.3
    Ultimate Goal weight: 165-170
    Challenge Goal Weight: 188
    Goals for the challenge-To continue this lifestyle change and to become healthier than I've ever been.
    My motivation-my daughter! As a single mom, it's just her and I. After a serious health scare, I want to make sure that I'm doing my best to be healthy so that I can see my daughter grow up.

  • holymacaroons
    holymacaroons Posts: 1 Member
    Howdy! I am so excited to be here!

    Name: Ana
    Age: 28
    Height: 5ft 3 in
    Current Weight: 187.4 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175 lbs I'm hoping to lose about 1lb per week.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120 lbs

    Goals: #1: I want to be able to control my PCOS. I've always struggled with my weight and other horrible side effects from PCOS. I want to be in control. This will ultimately make me a confident person. #2: No weight gain during the summer. I will be doing some traveling and I just know there's going to be delicious food wherever I go. MUST RESIST TEMPTATION. #3: I want to feel healthy and not tired all the time. I want to rely less on coffee and other supplements to gain energy. #4: I'm not going to lie, I saw Wonder Woman this weekend and I want to be strong and kick butt!

    My Motivation: My motivation for this challenge and my overall weight loss journey is my husband. He is very supportive of everything I do and I want to be healthy with him. Cute clothes are definitely one of my top motivations. I just want super cute clothes! I want to be able to run marathons like it's no big deal.
  • Tjs8819
    Tjs8819 Posts: 33 Member
    Name: Tiffany
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'5
    Current weight: 163lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 151lbs (1lb/week)
    Ultimate goal weight: 140-145lbs

    Goal: I want to maintain my goal weight. I am a yo-yo dieter and I always end up falling off the wagon after a few months. I'm hoping this group will keep me motivated.

    Motivation: It may sound shallow/vain but I want to look good! I love to shop and I want to be able to buy anything I like without worrying about how my love handles! Also, I am almost 30 and I want to start taking better care of myself and I want to prove to myself that I can follow through with my goals and that I am in control.
  • coxwife11
    coxwife11 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey y'all!!! Thanks for adding me! Im from Dallas, Tx and just starting my journey (workout wise).

    Name: Kandra
    Age: 28
    Height: 5ft 2in
    Current Weight: 283lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 160 (2lbs a week)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130 lbs
    Goals: Im just starting out so Im doing 30 mins of cardio a day per my dr. Being able to work out 30 mins straight would be fantastic!
    My Motivation: Family (i have 2 kids and an awesome husband), I want to get healthy for myself amd look better not only for myself but my husband.
  • Pow2008
    Pow2008 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!!
    Name: Beverly
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'5"
    Current Weight: 166
    Challenge Goal Weight: 155
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 148

    Goals: Workout 6 days a week.
    My motivation: The success I've already seen :smile:
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Name: Samantha
    Height: 4'11
    Current weight 215( started at 220)
    Challenge goal weight: 175
    Ultimate goal weight: 140
    Motivation and Goals: Look amazing in my wedding dress. I get married September 3rd and I currently need to lose 3 inches off my bust and waist to fit into my dress.

    Hi Samantha! I love your wedding dress goal! YOU CAN DO IT! Think about your pictures :#
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    I am a little older than most of you, but I am looking forward to being inspired and challenged by you all.
    Name: Janine
    Age: 55
    Height: 5' 6"
    Current weight: 174.5
    Goal weight: 140
    Goals: Stay on my diet, and don't get discouraged or give up.
    Goals: Feel healthier, have more energy, and to be happy with how I look and feel. I live in Arizona, so summers are hot, and I cannot hide under clothes. I want to be able to go swimming with my family without being self conscious.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    edited June 2017
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    karly2612 wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I live in Australia so will technically be sweatin' it out in winter 2017 :) but happy to be along for the ride with you all.

    Name: Karly
    Age: 29
    Height: 168cm
    Current Weight: 105kg
    Challenge Goal Weight: 93kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 70kg
    Goals: accurate and consistent logging, gym 4 times a week. Healthy eating and not giving into temptation
    My Motivation: My health, and my upcoming 30th.

    Greetings from far FAR away! I didn't know it was winter there. NEAT! Oh yes...30 is the new 20 :D
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Name: Kal
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'4"
    Current Weight: 159.5 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 144 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 138 lbs
    Goals: Eating, to focus on my diet to elimate anything I know I shouldn't be consuming as my mobility is limited. Physically, To develop strength to walk for 20 mins and climb stairs and focus on my rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Mentally, to go easy on myself and stay positive the days I am having pain and allow myself time for healing. I have lost 24.5lbs since January, so I know despite my physical restrictions, it is possible.
    My Motivation: I had a full knee reconstruction in feb, and will need the other knee reconstructed also due to an accident I had last year, so I want to be in the best shape possible for the 2nd surgery at the end of summer (as I know what to expect).

    For anyone new, this group is amazing and supportive, for the returning ladies, I look forward to encouraging you on your next step of your journey xx

    Hi Kal, welcome back. ALL GOOD GOALS! Keep at it :smile:
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    jcummings6 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I love this group and all the motivation and support. I look forward to checking continuing my weight journey with you all.

    Name: Janelle
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'4
    Current Weight: 150.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    Goals: To finally be back to a healthy BMI, Be able to run my first 5K is the short term goal, ultimately I'd like to do a half marathon one day.
    My Motivation: My son (I want to be a healthy example for him), shorts, skinny jeans, and sun dresses remind me of how good it feels to be at a healthy weight! I'm also running a 5K color run in September with a group of work friends.

    Thanks for letting me share and helping me to stay on track!

    Hi Janelle. Thanks for returning. Good luck on preparation for your 5k. You've done well this far...keep it going :#
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Name: trinity
    Age: 33
    height: 5,2
    weight: 132
    goal weight: 117

    Goals: log meals on mfp, drink 60 oz h2O, finish my 2nd 12 week fitness program, drop body fat to 17-19%

    Motivation: wanting to feel good in my body on my birthday june 24, being happy and a good role model for my daughter

    Thank you for hosting another group!!!

    Hey Trinity....thanks for coming back to join us. You've been killing it thus far!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Name: Bethany
    Age: 34
    Height: 5-4
    Starting weight: 132.5
    Challenge Goal weight: 122
    Goal weight: 120

    About me: I'm a wife and stay at home mom of 3. I enjoy country living and love Jesus. For exercise, I like biking, jogging, and strength training.

    Goals: Like everyone else, I want to lose some extra weight, feel better, fit into clothes more comfortably. Just as much as the physical challenges, I want to overcome my mental barriers of fear of this being too hard and failing and the doubt and withdraw that comes with that. I desire to face my weaknesses and apply what I learn to other areas of my life.

    Motivation: Accountability here, for sure! To overcome daily and throw off the fear and doubt that hinder me and weigh me down in life....and of course, to feel and look better in my clothes, like shorts and swimsuits :)

    Thanks for hosting this group!! I've never committed to a group like this before but am very excited and hope to make some friends along the way!

    Hi Bethany! Welcome! I am glad you are excited. We are here for you to help you reach your goals. YOU CAN DO THIS....AND YOU WILL
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Age: 20
    Height: 5ft
    Current Weight: 208
    Challenge Goal Weight: 195 lbs (0.5 lb/week)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 lbs (will re-evaluate here)
    Goals: June my focus is waking up and getting to the gym. Some days will be arms/abs/cardio, some days will be legs/cardio and others will just be cardio. July and August are TBD
    My Motivation: My best friend's wedding in September!, being healthy, hopefully exercising and eating better will help with my depression and neuropathy.

    Thank you so much for adding me to the group! I am very excited to have some many amazing women to help motivate me and inspire me to keep on the next 12 weeks!

    Hi Courtney! Thank you for joining us. You must look good for that wedding :p