Questions about vsg

White_Pumpkin Posts: 12 Member
I have a first appointment next month but in the meantime, I've been trying to do lots of research. I'd love to hear about your experiences. I've been thinking VSG but I'm interested in other wls options too. Here are my questions:

Is there any really long term research on wls? I've seen up to 10 years out but I'm worried that 20 or 30 or 40 years later problems will become evident.

How do you deal with head hunger? Does VSG help? My over-eating is usually not because I'm hungry but because I'm bored or I'm too lazy to cook something healthy. Will the VSG have any effect on this? Does it help you break bad habits?

Are there other effects of VSG besides feeling full faster? In other words, does VSG affect your sense of taste?



  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Is there any really long term research on wls? I've seen up to 10 years out but I'm worried that 20 or 30 or 40 years later problems will become evident.

    I can't cite any specific research but I am sure if you google it, it's out there. WLS has been performed for years though - remember stomach stapling from way back in the day? I think if you follow your surgeon's plan and do what you need to do, complications will be little to none. I think the risk of complications due to obesity are much greater.

    How do you deal with head hunger? Does VSG help? My over-eating is usually not because I'm hungry but because I'm bored or I'm too lazy to cook something healthy. Will the VSG have any effect on this? Does it help you break bad habits?

    In the beginning you won't feel physically hungry, so that might help with head hunger a bit, but long term, that will be something you have to learn to manage. You will have to be the one to break your bad habits. Most WLS centers have support groups that are helpful, and in my case, I chose to go through therapy. I felt that I would do whatever it takes to ensure long term success.

    Are there other effects of VSG besides feeling full faster? In other words, does VSG affect your sense of taste?

    I wouldn't say VSG affected my sense of taste at all, but my tastes have changed, and they still do, even after more than 3 years out. Maybe something I liked before doesn't appeal to me now, or things I didn't like before I am now good with. Some foods that agreed with me before don't agree with me now, and some foods that didn't agree with me now don't cause me any problems. It can be trial and error as far as different foods go, but it's not a real problem at all.

  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    @White_Pumpkin I highly recommend doing it. There are always "problems" but the closer you follow recommendations the less there will be. I'm 2+ years post op and couldn't be healthier or happier.
  • White_Pumpkin
    White_Pumpkin Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone!