I'm sure there are more people.... where are they?



  • oddestduck1
    oddestduck1 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a little over a week ago. I told my RA coach that their tracker was clunky and I knew I wouldn't keep at it but that I loved MFP and would use it. She just has me log my daily totals from MFP into RA. Works great and she can tell I am following thru. I also like that in MFP , I can connect with my weight loss buddy who doesn't have access to RA. I agree that most of what they are covering is stuff I know but being reminded helps.
  • karmabear06
    karmabear06 Posts: 62 Member
    I've been a MFP member for several years now and have teeter tottered with the same 20-30lbs. I did lose 40lbs and got below my lowest adult weight in almost 16 yrs but that didn't last long. I had support when I first started my health journey in Feb 2013 but that has fizzled. My insurance covers RA so I decided why not take the extra help for free. I had my first session on Friday and quickly realized that I'm ahead of most everyone in my group. After private messaging with my coach we argeed that I would continue logging my entries on MFP but I would use RA to log 'generic food calories' in the food diary so she can see my total calories. I need the extra help to stay accountable so if that means logging my weight, water, generic food calories, and fitness then that is exactly what I will do to have sucess this go round. I don't know if my coach can read my notes but I've been using them to summarize what I've eaten and how I'm feeling overall. Yes it's a bit of a hassle to log into both apps to update but again I need the accountability.

    Feel free to add me but please send a message first.
  • RickSuk
    RickSuk Posts: 8 Member
    Hi just found this thread. I'm 10 weeks into RA. I'm still hanging in there. using the scale daily and double listing on both RA & MFP (that's a hassle but I plan on staying w/MFP but want my coach to get my data too). I thought about going Fitbit to save on that, but sticking w/my Garmin for now.

    There's no magic bullet but having the "accountability" to my coach is a motivator. I've dropped 3 BMIs but that started even before RA. So far the best thing I've gotten has been the reminder to me to "not sit". I stand on the train, and take extra steps/trips @ work.

    Best of luck to all!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    It is very nice to meet all of you! Just about to start RA with coach in a week. Thanks to ya'll I will start putting my calories in from mfp. I have been in mfp for a long time. Did well until my back pain went out of control. My neck and spine have bone spurs that cause me lots of pain. So far I can sometimes walk, and the most difficult thing is sleep. If I can't sleep then it is very hard to move. Keeping my chin up, and am hopeful <3