Summer Stretch July 2017 Challenge: Week 1 (7/1-7/7)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
This month's challenge brought to us by a brilliant idea from @Steph_Maks

Ok...ok. It's not summer for some of us. It's winter in the southern part of the globe. Summer works with the alliteration I'm trying for here. :wink: Do forgive, me hearties. :lol:

Still, the month of July is as good a month as any to endeavor to challenge ourselves to stretch our goals, to push ourselves a little farther or harder, because we know, if we want to, we can do anything. Whether it be literally adding stretching into our fitness routines (like yoga) or trying to stretch our limits, let's challenge ourselves to improve our efforts. As long as it represents an improvement for you and your health/fitness, your goal is perfect for this month. Buckle down on plan basics? Push a little harder in workouts? Branch out and try a new kind of exercise? It's all fair game.

I've posted a few days early, as I'll be gone over the 1st of the month, feel free at anytime to go ahead and post your goals in this thread. Please keep it bumped for me while I'm are gone, but, as always, I'll have links to each week's thread at the bottom of the Challenge Sticky post for easy access if/when it gets buried. Things are always hoppin' here.

Stretch just a bit, and see how far you can go! I think you'll surprise yourself.



  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    I'm sorely in need of this, by now to get the basics right again is challenge enough.

  • LizinLowell
    LizinLowell Posts: 208 Member
    I would love to stretch my IF into an EF so maybe I'll try that in July! I've been researching a lot & it sounds like the best idea is to ease into it with baby steps. I've done one 24h fast, I'd like to try 48 but even if I just make it 36 that would be great.
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to stretch my no cheat days or alcohol for 30 days promise to last the entire month of july. I started last monday (6-19).
  • Thalra
    Thalra Posts: 3 Member
    Our goal is to stretch our beginning workout routines from 10 mins a day to 15-20mins a day for both my husband and myself.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    My goal is to incorporate the gym 2-3 times a week. Seems simple, but I haven't been doing it. I started Keto about 3 weeks ago, and have not been able to get the fitness AND the diet into action at the same time!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    First time posting and am fairly new to LCHF way of goals for the month of July are to stay at or below 50 carbs a day, walk on the treadmill 20 minutes 4 times a week, and drink a minimum of 80 oz of water a day.

    Welcome to the forum. :)
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    "Crazy Betty" LOL. I have a "Crazy Paula".

    I'm back in for July. I was on vacation last week. It wasn't very diet friendly.

  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    When faced with a food temptation:

    Just say, "No, thank you. Not now."

    This was meant not just as a response to a person offering food or a fleeting off plan food opportunity; but, as an acknowledgement to yourself that saying no for this moment does not mean never again.
    It means just not now due to a current goal which is a priority to me.
    It means when I can make it work for me, I can have it.
    It means I am not feeling forever deprived, I am choosing to make a choice for now, so that I will feel better in the long run.
    This is a prevalent strategy in the recovering community, otherwise known as "One Day at a Time."

    My stretch goal for July is to avoid all refined sugar. After great success in May with the "Meativore May" challenge, life smacked me upside the head with some huge stressors, and I responded by diving into a vat of chocolate. Okay, so the "vat" of chocolate is only figurative, but the amount of chocolate I ate in June, the weight I have gained, and the rising BG numbers are very real.

    I need to stop eating All The Sugar. I'm going to try to do it just one day at a time. Just for today, I'm going to be good to my body and only eat what is healthy for me.