*waves weakly*



  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    It's ok. It comes naturally to us "Weird Low-carbers"... (So I have been called!)
    It's the other more 'conventional' dieters you've got to watch out for.... :D
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome back. I will say I also gained 10 of the 90 I lost back only I was still being good with my foods. I just dared to add in some veggies which for me does not work.And now I know for sure it does not work. I dumped the veggies as soon as I found out I was 10 pounds up and weight gone in 5 weeks. I have to stay VLC like almost none in a day to keep the weight off. I can not believe I am punished by weight gain for eating a tomato or a zucchini or mushroom of some green beans. GGGRRRR So hang in there you know the brain fog and lethargy will leave yu soon and then your energy will soar.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Welcome back. I will say I also gained 10 of the 90 I lost back only I was still being good with my foods. I just dared to add in some veggies which for me does not work.And now I know for sure it does not work. I dumped the veggies as soon as I found out I was 10 pounds up and weight gone in 5 weeks. I have to stay VLC like almost none in a day to keep the weight off. I can not believe I am punished by weight gain for eating a tomato or a zucchini or mushroom of some green beans. GGGRRRR So hang in there you know the brain fog and lethargy will leave yu soon and then your energy will soar.

    Thank you! I'd hate to not be able to eat veggies...I'd go nuts!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    It's ok. It comes naturally to us "Weird Low-carbers"... (So I have been called!)
    It's the other more 'conventional' dieters you've got to watch out for.... :D

    Oh don't I know it. We're highly disdained...s'ok, I'm cool with that! Hate away, haters! :D
  • AshStout83
    AshStout83 Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome back!!! I have missed you!!! I have zero judgement. You know what works and I believe you will do it.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Kittens happen ;)
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    Simply begin again.
  • melluc2
    melluc2 Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome back! You got this ! :)
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm so very happy to be back on plan. I mean, it's such a difference in hunger and energy, how did I forget????
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    I'm so very happy to be back on plan. I mean, it's such a difference in hunger and energy, how did I forget????

    Loki is a sneaky little *kitten*. He twists your perceptions around, and you don't even know he's doing it if you aren't careful. He sits there and waits for a weak point: the scale isn't cooperating, stress, temptations in your face. And then he slips in whispering: "It's sooooo delicious. Just one," "it's not fair. You deserve...," "The scale isn't budging yet. SEE! It's not working," "oops! Messed up! Eat all the carbs and start again tomorrow or Monday :naughty: ," and etc. He's also good at helping you lie to yourself. Telling you "you're doing everything right!!!" When in reality, you've had a lot of higher calorie days here and there and maybe a couple cheats a month. And let you tell yourself it's ok to not measure everything as exactly.
    Then, BAM. You're down for the count.

  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    All the hugs for my very favorite Lori. :heart:
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Welcome back and good for you girl!

    I'm right there with you...I've slowly gotten a bit lazy the past 2 months, but still had small loses. Then both of my parents and my brother-in-law all landed in the hospital last week for various things and it was insane how quickly I turned to food. All week long I've binged and put on 10 pounds. I was just commiserating with myself last night over how terrible I feel due to not just over eating, but over eating garbage. So today is back to square one for me.

    I think that's the important thing...remembering how much better you feel eating healthier and picking yourself up and dusting yourself off when you hit a dip in the wrong direction.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm so very happy to be back on plan. I mean, it's such a difference in hunger and energy, how did I forget????

    Loki is a sneaky little *kitten*. He twists your perceptions around, and you don't even know he's doing it if you aren't careful. He sits there and waits for a weak point: the scale isn't cooperating, stress, temptations in your face. And then he slips in whispering: "It's sooooo delicious. Just one," "it's not fair. You deserve...," "The scale isn't budging yet. SEE! It's not working," "oops! Messed up! Eat all the carbs and start again tomorrow or Monday :naughty: ," and etc. He's also good at helping you lie to yourself. Telling you "you're doing everything right!!!" When in reality, you've had a lot of higher calorie days here and there and maybe a couple cheats a month. And let you tell yourself it's ok to not measure everything as exactly.
    Then, BAM. You're down for the count.

    Sighs...this is so right. That's really exactly how it happened. I was just so resentful that I couldn't eat how I wanted and lose. Why others and not me?? Oh, others didn't spend eighteen years starving their bodies to the point of malnutrition. At least not that I've read. No I'm not a special snowflake, but not many people make it out of hard core, decades long drug addiction. If I can do that, I'll be damned if Loki can't be put in his *kitten* place, right???

    Thank you, BS, you've been my biggest inspiration and a soft place in a hard world. So much <3 for you...

    Thank you @Cadori you're bunches of sweethearts.

    Thank you @mskeyaj
    It feels good to be back on track!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    Welcome back and good for you girl!

    I'm right there with you...I've slowly gotten a bit lazy the past 2 months, but still had small loses. Then both of my parents and my brother-in-law all landed in the hospital last week for various things and it was insane how quickly I turned to food. All week long I've binged and put on 10 pounds. I was just commiserating with myself last night over how terrible I feel due to not just over eating, but over eating garbage. So today is back to square one for me.

    I think that's the important thing...remembering how much better you feel eating healthier and picking yourself up and dusting yourself off when you hit a dip in the wrong direction.

    It really is important to realize the mistakes and flawed thinking. Armed with knowledge, right?

    Thank you so much.

    I'm Sorry your family is sick!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member

    Thank you, BS, you've been my biggest inspiration and a soft place in a hard world. So much <3 for you...

  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    Thank you, BS, you've been my biggest inspiration and a soft place in a hard world. So much <3 for you...


    That's just way too adorable. My heart is going to explode.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    welcome back Lori. I was mia too. gained back 19 of my 68 lost...not happy but determined and back at it.

    for me it doesn't take much wheat to send me on a wheat bender.. .why must I learn the hard way each time

    we.can do this!!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    welcome back Lori. I was mia too. gained back 19 of my 68 lost...not happy but determined and back at it.

    for me it doesn't take much wheat to send me on a wheat bender.. .why must I learn the hard way each time

    we.can do this!!

    Heck yes we can! No, we will!

    NO, WE ARE!!!!!! :)