The Keto Life Intro



  • run2lose45
    run2lose45 Posts: 27 Member
    Previously I was on Primal Blueprint and just recently made the conversion to Keto. I'm on day 3 and the only problem I've had thus far was finding enough fat to eat without adding carbs and protein. I found a recipe for a fat bomb I like to fix this. I've already lost about 2lbs of water weight. Waiting for the fat burning to start................

    Goals: Carbs 5% (49g) / Protein 20% (108g) / Fat 75% (214g)

    Weight: 327 seeking 250-260

    I would push to 6 meals a day and stay within a calorie goal. Add MCT oil to just about anything to get your fat count higher. I use it for anything going in a pan, or dressings. Stock the fridge with eggs, cheese and heavy cream. I have about 6 types of snacking cheese in the fridge, but only use it for fat and protein boost. I put goat cheese and avocado on steak. It can be hard sometimes, but you can do it! Congrats on the loss and can't wait to see how far you come in just the next few weeks. I'm at about week 4 and down 13, it'll happen faster than you realize! Also, if you get a sweet tooth, I've been whipping heavy cream, freezing it, then adding about 4 oz Coke zero (can use any 0 calorie soda) for a float. Be aware of the aspartame but it can be a small reward for a good week!
  • Pip_squeak83
    Pip_squeak83 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks run2lose45 and Effervescent17. I found a recipe for some chocolate / almond butter fat bombs. I'm a little scared of the MCT oil. I read it can mess with your number 2's something fierce.
  • laurenpaxton4794
    laurenpaxton4794 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Started almost a month ago, and it was about time to find a group and hear some other stories to keep me going. I think the biggest struggle is finding a variety of meals to pack and take with as I'm out of the house from 8:30-8:30 mon-fri.
    Starting weight: 209.6, current: 195.6.. down 14 so far.. hoping to hit around 160
  • run2lose45
    run2lose45 Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hey everyone,
    Started almost a month ago, and it was about time to find a group and hear some other stories to keep me going. I think the biggest struggle is finding a variety of meals to pack and take with as I'm out of the house from 8:30-8:30 mon-fri.
    Starting weight: 209.6, current: 195.6.. down 14 so far.. hoping to hit around 160

    I meal prep also, and I usually pack almonds for snacks, steak or chicken with some goat cheese and broccoli, and prep a morning shake. Gets me through the day okay. By the time I get home, I'm not hungry, just tired, haha. I work 12s as well. It's a little rough when they start a food run around lunch. Usually if I get in on it, I'll do a nutrition check first. Thai- tom kah gah, Chipotle- meat and fajita veggies bowl, etc. You can participate, just gotta do a little research first. :) Happy Tuesday!
  • run2lose45
    run2lose45 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks run2lose45 and Effervescent17. I found a recipe for some chocolate / almond butter fat bombs. I'm a little scared of the MCT oil. I read it can mess with your number 2's something fierce.

    Hahaha, I haven't read that, but! I'm sure a meat and cheese diet in general can cause some #2 issues as well!
  • 62apples
    62apples Posts: 132 Member
    I am on day 57. My problem is water weight more than fat itself. I lost weight about 40 years ago on the keto diet. Kept weight off for decades. Went through a stressful time and gained weight. Had to wait for a less stressful time before I could successfully get back on the keto diet. From my heaviest to now is 33 pounds off. Since starting keto about 2 months ago, 25 pounds off.
  • jonah92013
    jonah92013 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, my name is Jonah and I've been doing keto for approximately 3-4 weeks. I gained a lot of weight over the last two years, while I was participating in a pretty grueling graduate program, and I've come out the other side. Now that I don't have that on my plate any more, I've committed to losing the weight that I gained, and getting back to the healthy lifestyle I had before I went back to school.

    Starting weight: 178
    Current weight: 163
    Goal weight: 145

    keto has been incredible for me. I don't get food cravings the way I did when I ate a high carb diet, and I rarely eat so much that I feel like I'm bursting. Between that and regular exercise, I feel like i'm moving in the right direction again.
  • 62apples
    62apples Posts: 132 Member
    I am now on 8 weeks. Not losing right now. Edema is up. Taking dandelion.
  • cyndi_castro
    cyndi_castro Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Cynthia and I'm on day 1 of my keto revolution.

    Day 1 Start Weight: 185
    Current Weight:

    Macro goals:
    75% F, 20% P, 5% C // 102g F, 61g P, 15g Net C

    Favorite Recipe of the Week:
    I'm really winging it. My sister meal preps so I will have to talk to her for suggestions

    I will try to posting weekly with updates/favorite Recipe of the week.
  • run2lose45
    run2lose45 Posts: 27 Member
    jonah92013 wrote: »
    Hi, my name is Jonah and I've been doing keto for approximately 3-4 weeks. I gained a lot of weight over the last two years, while I was participating in a pretty grueling graduate program, and I've come out the other side. Now that I don't have that on my plate any more, I've committed to losing the weight that I gained, and getting back to the healthy lifestyle I had before I went back to school.

    Starting weight: 178
    Current weight: 163
    Goal weight: 145

    keto has been incredible for me. I don't get food cravings the way I did when I ate a high carb diet, and I rarely eat so much that I feel like I'm bursting. Between that and regular exercise, I feel like i'm moving in the right direction again.

    You will get to your goal in no time! I'm so jealous. I'm around 5-6 weeks in and just started being able to routinely work out. Just haven't had the motivation or energy.
  • cjegger
    cjegger Posts: 24 Member
    What's a good way to configure your daily carb/protein/fat goals? I'm trying to start this off the right way.
  • webdevsoup
    webdevsoup Posts: 384 Member
    edited July 2017
    Well, I'm new here, but I'll introduce myself. My name is Adam, aka webdevsoup (I do web development, and my last name is Campbell, so Soup was my nickname in the military). I started Keto 1 week ago today, and so far, I'm loving it. I use the Ruled.Me 30 Day Meal Plan and recipe book. Week 1 was a little tough, because EVERYTHING had curry in it. I'm doing it with my wife, and we're both losing. I don't really have any troubles right now. I hit a wall on days 2 and 3, because I just wanted to stuff my face and drink beer. I'm a home brewer, so it's really hard not drinking beer right now.

    But, I've done a similar thing in the past, MediFast, which worked really well. I lost about 50 lbs in 15 weeks. This plan seems to have me doing similar.

    Starting weight: 236.9
    Current (Day 7) Weight: 228.8
    Goal Weight: 175

    I also used to run long distance, until I injured my foot. I recently got my foot "fixed", but haven't been able to run due to my weight. So, this is a kick start. Thanks for the good links so far.

    Oh yeah, if you want to friend me, feel free. My log in streak might be a bit of a motivator for some of you.
  • snapper567
    snapper567 Posts: 2 Member
  • Muffinpops
    Muffinpops Posts: 3 Member
    Morning my names Kelly and im on pre day one (buying everything so i'm ready for the morning, but fasting today)

    Start weight 138kg - 304lbs
    Day 1 Current Weight 119kg - 262lbs
    Goal Weight - 65kgs - 140-145lbs

    Macro Goals:
    68% F, 26% P, 5% C,
    120g F, 106g P, 20g Net C

    I'm super new to this, i'm still doing the research but i'm feeling ready yet very nervous. I'm not a big eater and I know that's one of my issues. But my partner suggested I find others in a group for support so here i am. I've struggled with the weight i gained after having cancer 70kgs to 14kgs in a year, the only thing that has worked was fasting this is how i found Keto as i wanted a healthier way to go about what i've been doing.

    Any tips, info, wisdom i'd be forever grateful
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is April. I found this group yesterday and joined immediately. In 2015, I had lost 60 of the 100+ pounds I needed to lose by eating a mostly mostly raw diet of veggies and fruits, as well as some lean protein or salmon . Unfortunately life got in the way with a full-time job, full-time school, and very late nights studying and doing homework. By September 2016, I felt to tired to cook and work out and over time I could feel myself gaining, even though my smaller clothes still fit somewhat decently. Fast forward to late May or early June of this year, I finally got on the scaly and saw I gained back at least 30 pounds. I was disappointed that I allowed myself to gain back so much, and even more disappointed that I was in denial for so long. I started back eating mostly raw (which I thoroughly enjoy) and weighed myself on 7/21 and had lost about 15 pounds. Anyway, for years I had been hearing about the fat burning benefits of being in ketosis and, although I was afraid to eat so much fat, decided to give it a try. I figured like I could incorporate my raw veggies into a ketogenic diet.

    I started the ketogenic diet and using ketostix on 7/30/17. Here are my stats:

    7/31/17 weight: 258.8
    8/1/17: trace ketones
    8/2/17 - 255.4
    8/3/17 - 254.2
    8/4/17 - 253.2 moderate ketones

    I'm doing short-term goals, as I find them more manageable. My first goal is to reach the 240s by the end of next week. From there, I will work on losing the next 10 lbs., and so on.

    My macros are: 65% fat (126g), 30% protein (131g), 5% carbs (22g).
    I eat lots of salmon, avocado, eggs, raw veggies, coconut oil, etc. I have been over on my carbs each day, but haven't gone over 50g...if I calculate net carbs, I'm averaging 30g, or so.

    If anyone has any tips or advice, please let drop me a line.
  • maries31964
    maries31964 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Marie. I will try to make it not a novel hahaha. 1/24/2005 I was 317 and had Gastric Bypass. I had metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, Hashimoto Disease I was a mess. In one year I hit 145 and maintained for 5 years, then I got remarried and to an Italian and there comes old habits and the carbs crept back in my life over the next 5 years I gained 54 pounds. I was so sick, I was having all sorts of symptoms and it took all of those 5 years of gaining and almost death one night to diagnose me with Severe Reactive Hypoglycemia, its severe because of the bypass. Then I stumbled on Jimmy Moore, read Keto Clarity, I am a research hound so on to Stephanie Person, Dr. Eric Westman, Dr. Stephen Phinney and Tim Noakes and Vivica Menegaz. I have now been Keto as of Feb 2016. My fog cleared, I sleep, NO HYPOGLYCEMIC EPISODES, I have 36 of the 54 pounds gone as I just wanted to feel good and let the weight come off when it was ready as it would regardless with eating correctly. I keep my macros 80/15/5 as close to that as possible. It sways a bit some days but not by much and never in the Fat area. I did try to up my carbs these past few days 75/15/10 but not liking it. I am not comfortable at up to 36 net carbs. I like 18-23 net. Ketones do not register anymore on the Stix as my body is using them at this point once you get KetoAdapted that can happen. I don't know if I will purchase a Dual Glucometer as the strips for Keto can be a bit pricey but I am looking at one by Nova Max and considering it. My Hashimoto Disease is reversing!! My doctor was skeptical with this Keto Lifestyle but my blood panel came back better than it ever has been and my thyroid they had to lower my meds and he said I may be off one day if the trend continues! I do not miss bread anymore, rice, potatoes none of it. There are too many Keto Options out there for replacements. I know there are lower glycemic fruits like Blueberry or Rasberry but to be honest just knowing I CAN have it, I don't really want it. My favorite way to get my fat in is My Fatty Chai

    2 Tablespoons Kerry Gold Grass Fed Butter
    2 Decafe Spice Chai Tea Bags
    2 Tablespoons Farmers Cow Heavy Cream
    1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
    1/2 Teaspoon Real Vanilla Extract (not imitation it tastes like alcohol)
    1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil or MCT Oil (optional if I want an extra boost)
    1 Splenda Packet or a couple drops NuNaturals non alcohol Stevia

    Boiling Water, steep bags a good 5-7 minutes or longer. Add all ingredients and blend, I use my Ninja then reheat up in the microwave YUM YUM YUM

    I have one sometimes 2 every day without fail!!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is April. I found this group yesterday and joined immediately. In 2015, I had lost 60 of the 100+ pounds I needed to lose by eating a mostly mostly raw diet of veggies and fruits, as well as some lean protein or salmon . Unfortunately life got in the way with a full-time job, full-time school, and very late nights studying and doing homework. By September 2016, I felt to tired to cook and work out and over time I could feel myself gaining, even though my smaller clothes still fit somewhat decently. Fast forward to late May or early June of this year, I finally got on the scaly and saw I gained back at least 30 pounds. I was disappointed that I allowed myself to gain back so much, and even more disappointed that I was in denial for so long. I started back eating mostly raw (which I thoroughly enjoy) and weighed myself on 7/21 and had lost about 15 pounds. Anyway, for years I had been hearing about the fat burning benefits of being in ketosis and, although I was afraid to eat so much fat, decided to give it a try. I figured like I could incorporate my raw veggies into a ketogenic diet.

    I started the ketogenic diet and using ketostix on 7/30/17. Here are my stats:

    7/31/17 weight: 258.8
    8/1/17: trace ketones
    8/2/17 - 255.4
    8/3/17 - 254.2
    8/4/17 - 253.2 moderate ketones

    I'm doing short-term goals, as I find them more manageable. My first goal is to reach the 240s by the end of next week. From there, I will work on losing the next 10 lbs., and so on.

    My macros are: 65% fat (126g), 30% protein (131g), 5% carbs (22g).
    I eat lots of salmon, avocado, eggs, raw veggies, coconut oil, etc. I have been over on my carbs each day, but haven't gone over 50g...if I calculate net carbs, I'm averaging 30g, or so.

    If anyone has any tips or advice, please let drop me a line.

    I must have been sleepy when I typed up my macros. Smh. I was just looking at it like, wait...that makes NOOO sense at all.

    My actual macro goals are: 65% fat (136g), 30% protein (109g), 5% carbs (22g).
  • hpepps
    hpepps Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for starting this group! I'm new to the keto life style and i'm having a problem getting in the fats without adding protein. at the end of the day my proteins are too high and fats are a too low. Any tips?

    GOAL: 75% fat 25% Protein 5% Carbs