August LC Basics Boot Camp 2017: Week 1 (8/1-8/7)



  • kmdavis1105
    kmdavis1105 Posts: 16 Member
    August is definitely my month to get back on track!

    Week 1:
    Track Food/Follow Macros
    Exercise 4 Days (+100 pushups/day challenge)
    No Alcohol
    No Eating Out
  • misspamyla
    misspamyla Posts: 46 Member
    Hey! Awesome group.
    New member here (well, new to posting, been lurking in the shadows and off and on MFP)

    Calorie Goal:
    Carb Goal:
    (that's been my tricky combo in the past, great on keeping it low carb but piling on the calories so not much weight down - working on balancing that out!)
    Exercise Goal:
    (Evening swim -laps- at the local YMCA - just gotta get my butt in gear and get there)
    Honest Tracking:
    Water Goal:

    We GOT this, my friends.
    Have a fantastic day!

    "Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination" William Longgood
  • Chillycatmum
    Chillycatmum Posts: 188 Member

    Goals achieved 4/5

    ZC every day - Yep
    Log everything - done
    2l water every day - achieved 1.5litres
    15 min walk per day - managed 30 mins
    No alcohol - done
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Aug wk1 & wk 2:
    sleep in bed by 10:30p & end of day practice
    water 88oz/daily & start of day practice
    mineral salt & multi vit-min/daily
    IF 20:4
    netcarbs 25g, fats 60% ttl g, fiber 15g min
    no chips (my current weakness)
    FitBit 12K steps, 18floors, 90 active min/daily
    HIIT 20 min/daily
    increase free weights up 2lbs
    --> aim to loose 4lbs & 3inches

    Aug wk3 & wk4: vacation (change netcarbs up 35-45g, IF down to 16:8, HIIT replaced by swimming & biking & kayaking, no chips) --> aim to loose 2lbs & 1.5"

  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    New to the group - playing with LC for a few months but seem to get derailed when life throws a curve ball! Excited to work on goals for August. I need to refocus!

    August Week 1 goals
    Log ALL daily (as @misspamyla said, honest tracking)
    Stay within macros
    Water intake
    Exercise - kickboxing x2 and HIIT x 2
    No late evening snacking

  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member


    Welcome to the forum!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    While I really need the focus of a challenge, I'm just back to logging today after a two month project at work that ate up my time and energy. I will tune in to what everyone is doing the first week, then set myself some goals next week after I've gotten back in the swing.

    This however, is what got me through the last two months without gaining or slipping back into bad habits.

    ===> "One key thing that I have learned in my journey is this:Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success"
  • realsammysalamander
    realsammysalamander Posts: 49 Member
    So August 1st is my day one and I am a little nervous but totally determined. This week is just going to be about starting habits.
    1) Drink enough water
    2) Take multivitamin
    3) Under 25g of net carbs
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    August 1

    Weighed in: o:)
    Electrolytes: o:)
    Calorie Goal: o:)
    Protein Goal: o:)
    Exercise: o:) (swam)
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    bametels wrote: »

    Under or at calorie max:
    Under or at carb max:
    45 min. exercise, 6 days/wk:
    Pre-log next day:

    5/5 today!

  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    I tried LCHF a few months back and did t do well. I think it was bc I wasn't really ready or prepared. I started, along with my husband, last Monday and am stoked!!! I'm a done 9 pounds and I'm actually not as hungry as I thought. I love this thread and so glad to be back here!!

    My goals:

    Logged all food:
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    Not everything posted.

    Log all food:
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    I give up!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited August 2017
    @jackiefrost1013, if you are adding emoticons that are not from the bar above the box you are typing in (where the happy face is), anything after the emoticon often gets dropped. >:)

    Welcome back! Congrats on the 9 pounds! :)

    Not everything posted.

    Log all food:

  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    @jackiefrost1013, if you are adding emoticons that are not from the bar above the box you are typing in (where the happy face is), anything after the emoticon often gets dropped. >:)

    Welcome back! Congrats on the 9 pounds! :)

    Not everything posted.

    Log all food:
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    My goals:

    Log everything: <3
    Macros within 3-5%: <3
    Under calorie goal: <3
    Water intake 80-100 oz: <3
    Step goal made: 3/4
    Gym 3-4 days a week: :'( not today.
  • jackinorrie
    jackinorrie Posts: 187 Member
    I cannot believe I am going to post this... but here is my honesty and accountability:

    Wed 8/1:
    Logged: :|
    Calorie Goal: :)
    Carb Goal: :#
    Water: :(
    Macros: :/
    Exercise: :(

    One out of six ain't that bad..... said nobody EVER!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    @meglcoop WELCOME!

    @jackinorrie it's just August 1st so hang in there. You've got this! :)