


  • getrealgirl
    getrealgirl Posts: 201 Member
    @shonat11 Hi! Feel free to friend me if you are looking for friends! I am open to all friends! My MFP is an open book~helps me with accountability.
  • okobojii
    okobojii Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there! I'm Kristine and I'm hoping this will help me stay on track. I have an event in October that I'd like to lose some weight for (I won't be down to goal by then, but would like to be well on my journey.) This is exactly the type of group I've been looking for!
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    Hi all ! My name is Sheeba. I live in Austin and I am a stay at home mom of a 4 year old. I joined UAC in June and have lost 11 pounds since then. I was not so successful in July as I stopped after 5 pass days but I still continued staying under my calorie goal. Trying to get back on track this month. It is going to be tough as I am moving long distance and I plan to save my pass days for the actual move.
    My goal this month is to stick through till the end and strength train for at least 2 days a week.

    All the best to all and Congrats to those who made it last month !
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome (back) to the challenge to all! :)

    I'm a 30something mum to a one and a half year old living in the UK. I was doing well on my baby weight loss (and beyond!) journey and then it all went a bit wrong. So I'm back for my 10th month. I've just tweaked my goals in the mfp settings and it's cut my calories quite a bit eek :s but I'm hoping it will lead to some weight loss this month. I'll be happy with a pound at the moment! Helping me this month is the fact I'm a teacher and there's no school for the whole of the month! My daughter is still booked into nursery for 3 mornings so I can get some good work outs in. Hindering me this month will be my mother-in-law. She's a feeder and despite watching her own weight complains and then sulks when others don't eat what she pushes on them. This month we're visiting them for a long weekend and also going away for a week's holiday with them. I'm going to eat well. She's going to sulk. I'll try not to complain on here too much. :p

    Good luck for a great month everyone! B)

  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome, everyone!

    My name is John, I'm 30 years old and I live in Brooklyn, New York and this is my second month in the challenge. I fell short of reaching the winner's circle in July, but still lost three pounds, so there are many different ways to measure victory here!

    I'm three pounds away from my target weight and hoping the challenge can keep me on track to hit it by Labor Day, though I think even coming within a pound by that date will still be pretty successful. Here's to hoping that September is more about maintenance!

    I try to do two minutes of planking every day in addition to the usual targets for the group, so I will often throw those into the report as well.

    Best of luck, everybody!
  • bocasdelbadbob
    bocasdelbadbob Posts: 111 Member
    I am an old guy kind of. 64.
    I am in maintenance mode. I been oscillating up and down about 5 lb or so for maybe 6 months or so.
    Maintenance mode isn't real meticulous but when I am up 5 I get meticulous.
    I fizzled at the end of last month. Didn't do deliberate exercise after my vacation. Last week of the month I was pretty sedentary. I budgeted for it though. That is good new behavior for me.
    I lost an implausible amount of weight during my vacation. Later figured out that it was hydration weight so I gained half of it back just hydrating for a few days.
    Goal for August...
    More consistancy
    exercise; no missing more than a day of exercise. No eating of more than half of exercise cals.
    tracking; Dry erase board on the refrigerator. 1 tick for every hundred calories.
    Way less alcohol. 2 units per month. Yeah,
    Budget; discipline
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Hello everyone!
    This is my second month with UAC. My name is Clarice and I'm from Southern California. I've been married to my wonderful husband 18 years out of my 58. We have one very spoiled golden retriever named Tara. My favorite exercises are just plain walking, hiking, and exercising to Zumba DVD's. Lately I've been trying to do a bit more strength training; I'm working with a Physical Therapist to strengthen my back and improve my core. I actually like it! :)
    My goal this month is to focus, focus, focus (as @RangerRickL says)! I'd like to see a slow but steady weight loss and drastically improve my eating habits. I've learned the hard way that you can't out-exercise a bad diet!
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member

    My name is Kelsea. I am 25 years old, work as a nursing assistant on the orthopedic floor of a local hospital (I'm the one who worries about your joints haha), and I begin my master's program in Physician Assistant studies next month. If you stick around, I'll share what I learn with you.

    I have been a member of UAC for 9 months, and have been in the winner's circle only twice, but I have been very active in the group all except last month, when life got ahead of me (it happens). I hope to be more of a presence this month, but if I fail, know that I'm cheering all of you on, thinking of you often, and have no intention of being away long. This group has helped me lose more than 25 lbs and has supported me through many health and fitness challenges throughout the last year, and I absolutely love it!

    Feel free to friend me!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    Hi , I'm Jodi from Ohio. 2nd month with the UAC. It is exactly what I need to help me maintain my 60-70 pound weight loss. -- As you can see it rolls up and down a bit, but for 7 years I have had a healthy BMI. My battle with weight has been lifelong. == Fat kid in kindergarten --so I am proud of these 7 years.

    I'm married 29 years with two daughters 20 and 23 and a black lab (Maggie, my screen name) I sit behind a desk most days. I enjoying skiing, cycling, and gardening. I have a library of fitness DVDs, ---some really old favorites and I do Zumba in the privacy of my house.
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    I'm Anya, a nurse practitioner in California, who makes house-calls to home bound senior patients. I spend a lot of time in the car, so I do basic old school weight training to keep back/neck pain at bay. This is my second month of UAC. I lost 1 whole pound last month, but that's ok. I'll be happy if I can peel off another 1-2 lbs this month. In fact, I'll just be happy if I can stick with it. I'm looking forward to checking in and seeing how you're all doing this month.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    Sandera2 wrote: »
    I'm Anya, a nurse practitioner in California, who makes house-calls to home bound senior patients. I spend a lot of time in the car, so I do basic old school weight training to keep back/neck pain at bay. This is my second month of UAC. I lost 1 whole pound last month, but that's ok. I'll be happy if I can peel off another 1-2 lbs this month. In fact, I'll just be happy if I can stick with it. I'm looking forward to checking in and seeing how you're all doing this month.

    You got this!. You Can stick with it!
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member

    You got this!. You Can stick with it!

    Thanks Maggie :)