
cmaina18 Posts: 5 Member
Anyone out there at a stage of weight loss where they aren't gaining or losing any weight? I'm there and I need some tips because I'm working out and eating below my calorie allowance but despite that nothing is happening.


  • RachsLosses
    RachsLosses Posts: 103 Member
    I'm having this issue! I'm having around 1200 calories a day and workout 4-5 days a week for the last 6 months and have only lost a few pounds :( I feel like I should be getting more returns.

    A bit of advice I do have, I stopped weighing myself for 1 month and took pictures in the same workout top and bottoms, even though I didn't loose any weight my body did shift, from then I have stopped caring so much about what the scales say and focus on my look (since that's why I started) this is especially important when you incorporate lifting into your workouts as the 'weight' wont go down but you body will shift!
  • aleezada929
    aleezada929 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    this is 100% my problem right now :( i'd been losing a pound a week for almost 3 months, but i've been stuck at the same weight for about 2 weeks now. I haven't really changed anything in my diet/exercise, but i plan on upping my cardio a bit and making my weights a few pounds heavier + lifting more often (cardio is just so much easier to do & just more fun for me... purposefully been slacking on lifting lol)

    if lowering your calories isn't helping with your plateau, though, I suggest a cheat day!! or cheat meal and go a bit above your regular caloric allowance, then continue on what you were doing the days after!:)

    hope for the best!!!
  • pittmanclan545
    pittmanclan545 Posts: 22 Member
    This is me. Unfortunately I can't find a way to lose at all anymore. I eat less than 1100 calories a day and work out 5-7 days a week. I run 16-22 miles a week, plus go to the gym 3 nights a week. According to my fitbit I burn over 2000 calories a day and I'm never under 16000 steps. The weight won't budge! I am definitely frustrated!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I think @pittmanclan545 & @RachaelAppleton you're eating too few calories and suffering from metabolic adaptation. Look at the

    @aleezada929 I'm at that point. It's a pain. Mind you, if you've upped your weights then you're possibly building lean muscle mass, which is denser than fat. Alternatively you're eating too little and then my comment above applies. But plateauing is normal. I plateaued for 3 weeks and am starting to see a slight decrease in weight again now.

    This group may be worth a look to help you determine an appropriate calorie intake and work your way up to that. My weight loss calorie intake is at 1750 at the moment, and I intend to slowly increase it as I get leaner.
  • tkilljoy421
    tkilljoy421 Posts: 1 Member
    I think I may be suffering from Metabolic Adaption as well. When I started MFP my calorie goal was around 2300 but in the last 6 months I dialed it down to 1750 and my progress screeched to a halt. Is a cheat day the only remedy for this, or should I re-up my daily intake?
  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    edited August 2017
    I hear everyone. I work out 6 days a week, no fewer than 12k steps a day, roughly 1200 to 1500 calories a day, and I'm stuck. This month I'm experimenting with meal timing. I tend to eat a late dinner, and my goal for this week is to stop eating by 7 p.m. I just think it is a constant state of readjustments, which is annoying, but I figure it is either that or settling for a weight at which I'm not comfortable.

    Also, I try to focus on a variation of what a prior poster advised: Look at some other measure of progress other than the scale. Last Saturday was a beautiful day, and I decided to just take a long ended up being an 8 mile walk which I really enjoyed. No way would I have just considered that a pleasant stroll last would have been an ordeal.
  • Fitnessgirl0913
    Fitnessgirl0913 Posts: 481 Member
    Just speaking from my personal experience when I plateaued I had to up the intensity of my workouts. When I started my weight loss I was about 210 pounds, I plateaued around 150 and increased my 1.5 mile brisk walk to 2.5 miles and the weight loss picked up again, not nearly as quick but it was still happening. I dropped down to 137, my ultimate goal was 130 but I am a size 4 so I really don't need to lose anymore, I have a lot of muscle which proves the number on the scale isn't everything. You may not be losing but you may see other changes such as how your clothes fit. If you really do have more to lose though try doing longer cardio or push harder, have you tried interval training?
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @tkilljoy421, you might find this article helpful. It explains the basic hows and whys of reverse dieting.

    @WallyAmadeus, do you ever take progress photos or measure certain parts of your body? That could give you a good indication of progress too. Walking 8 miles is really good progress!