August 12 Sign In



  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Yes x3

    I took the kids swimming only to find that the pool has changed their timetable and it was adults only lane swim... Grrr, two disappointed kids and one disappointed dad. Too much on today to go back later.
    3 Hours of house work, I'm definitely counting it as it really got my heart rate up.
    Afternoon on the beach with friends, and we had some small kids in tow so the 30 min round trip actually took about an hour, but it still counts...
    Fish and Chips with two portions of mushy peas (I should have checked who actually wanted them before ordering!) and a single beer but thanks to that housework I'm still on target for Calories.

    My daily weigh in was a disappointment, flat/up for the last 5 days. But I'm learning better expectations, I'm still averaging 1.5lbs a week, which is more than I should expect on a average deficit of 465 cal for that same period (So I need to expect progress to slow down further). I'm just starting to weight train (plus plenty of salt on that fish and chips) so I'm pretty sure that it's changes in water that are causing this current stall, I know that if I keep consistent on the calories good things will happen. Yes, I think I actually do believe it this time.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Aug 12
    Exercise: 3 miles walking
    Calories: under
    Tracked: Yes!!!
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 90 minute walk
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes :)
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    August 12
    Exercise. Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Tracked. Yes
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    Late check in
    Yes x 3 !
  • jesscutedol
    jesscutedol Posts: 40 Member
    Uhm moved house so burned somr calories there yes. Tracked everything yes honey tryna lose some pounds. Target caloties yea even if i was craving some coffee late at night
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member
    Sorry, I am catching up on the discussions. I am back in the U.S. My friends and I had an amazing trip hiking the Canadian Rockies!

    Exercise? Yes; 4+ hours of hiking
    Calories? Yes
    Tracking? Yes

    On this day, we hiked the Johnson Canyon. It was another long, uphill hike, but the view at the end was incredible! It was a difficult climb, and unfortunately, I saw many people struggling to keep up. At one point, I saw a man pressuring his little girl (no older than 7) to continue on the hike, even though she was crying of exhaustion. I can't pretend to know their situation, or even what it must be like to be a parent. I support parents who want to instill healthy habits into their children's lives. However, my philosophy is to enjoy my exercise. I feel that if I push myself too far, I will quit and spiral into a no exercise lifestyle. When I saw this little girl, my heart broke for her. I feel like that kind of exposure will not only ruin her outlook on exercise, but for enjoying the outdoors altogether. Sorry, I'll step off of my soap box. It is just a prominent memory from that day, and I felt that this group may understand where I am coming from and may offer their own opinions on the matter.
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    @pears734 Fantastic Hiking, I’m a little bit jealous. I love hiking now but I still remember being dragged over a high moor on a hot day with insufficient drink as a school child. I know that my kids will moan and sometimes need to be pushed a little to get past some hard effort but it's easy to confuse pushing a kid for their sake with a selfish desire to reach the goal. I was proud to walk up Snowdon with my Son (aged 10) and I was prepared to turn round part way if needed but in fact he set a slightly faster pace than me!. I didn't take my daughter (7) because I thought it would be too much for her. Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales at just over 1000m (3500ft) and is very touristy, so has lots of well established trails.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @pears734 I too am jealous of your amazing hiking summer. Continue making the most of your freedom! We never really know the full story so it's hard to judge. I was about 10 when I climbed the Puy de Dome which is the picture on Volvic water bottles for anyone in Europe. My dad had wanted me to stay at the campsite but I'd insisted on joining in and kicked up a fuss til he agreed. Near the top I was struck by vertigo and froze. I couldn't go up. I couldn't go down. I couldn't move. In the end,after a few minutes of this, my dad gave me a light slap on the face. I burst into tears and shouted at him but continued and was so proud of myself and that night back at he campsite I told him I forgave him and I'd had a great day. To an outsider passing at that moment though, it would have looked bad! He still tells me he felt awful but had no idea what to do.

    @marthall Aw I've not been to Snowdon for years! Well done to your son!