August 19 Sign In



  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    Exercise, tracking, and calories done for the last two days. Zumba yesterday. Today was just light exercise. Back is bothering me. Must have done more moving my daughter than I thought.
    Today's subject:
    I have always been on or off of a weight journey.--- I was the fat girl in kindergarten. Had some thin years but more overweight and obese years. --- but what pushed me to drop 70 pounds and keep it off these 7 years was my sister going into hospice care after a long illness. It hit me that emotional eating was going to ruin my health and that life can be very short and my family needs me. @fightingthetideofaging it is awesome that you are secure in your habits. I know that I can be great for periods of time, but emotional eating is a monkey on my back. MFP challenges and daily accountability are so important to me. Thanks @RangerRickL for taking this on! - and @craigo3154 for your backup , @hawkins410 for being my challenge buddy.

  • fitastic2day
    fitastic2day Posts: 44 Member
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    3 yesses today. Needed a rest day so lots of leisurely paced walking and some stretching.

    I discovered a love of health and fitness while trying to lose baby weight after my second. I lost 35lbs and felt so strong and confident. Then got pregnant again a few months later. Bounced back pretty quickly after my daughter was born (thank you extra breastfeeding calories!) but maintaining has been an up and down journey. About a year ago we started to let go of a lot of the healthy habits we had made and I put on 15lbs. I tried here and there to get it off but didn't have much success. I felt so uncomfortable in my body, disappointed I had lost so much strength and was unable to fit in my clothes comfortably with no budget to buy more. I lost sight of being proud of what my body could do and instead was focused on what it looked like... that is not the example I want to set for my girls. About 2 months ago I was ready to get back on track and take control of my health and found this group about the same time. The accountability has been exactly what I needed. Down 6.5lbs and I'm totally ok with it being a slow process to adjust our lifestyle and find balance.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    The time has come for me to leave this challenge. It has become second nature for me to exercise every day, log all my food, and stay way below my calorie limit. I'm sure it is easier for me to stay on track, because I'm a bachelor, live alone, no kids, retired, etc., so no one, no job, to plan free time, meals, whatever, around. I feel like I've become a broken record posting yes, yes, yes, every day!!

    This is an awesome group, and you are all doing great....keep up the good work!! ~ Bill

    Hi Bill,
    You're not a broken record at all. You're an inspiration! You've taught us all about gym classes we never even knew existed and we'd love to know how your latest venture of c25k goes and beyond!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    @fitastic2day great pic. So true.
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes. A dog walk and a night up The Strip

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    What's my why? I retire in 18mths and I want to have good practices and habits set up so that I can fully enjoy retirement.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,285 Member
    pass day ....

    I done well at the party buffet, but unfortunately my glass seemed to be self filling and I have absolutely no idea how much I drank, I have put a number in my diary, but it could be higher or lower than that .. just a best guess and my best guess also puts me over on calories anyway :)

    I did manage to get my exercise in thou 35 minutes spin bike before I had my bath to go out and dancing at the party :)
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    My Why............I was continually gaining weight. I was put on medications that sped up that process I was frantic, I then became heavier than my husband who is 6ft and big built. My self esteem and confidence was suffering. I knew I had to do something, then on New Years when the resolutions came up I normally would have passed but something inside me said to go for it. I refused to say I would lose an amount of weight but like I reported yesterday I made the resolution to be lighter and healthier at the end of 2017. Well I am definitely on line for that as I had my surgery and will soon be able to get fit and I am down almost 30lbs.

    Todays recap

    Went to fall fair and walked around for about 40 minutes( was there 1 1/2 hours but took rest breaks) so exercise yes
    calories yes but did use a little of the exercise ones
    tracking yes
    water yes

    Thank you everyone for sharing your why's. Reading them was very inspiring. :)<3
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, one-hour walk
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    What prompted my start: looking in a mirror in a hotel room and not being happy with what I saw. (end of 2013)

    What made me continue until now: the energy I get from working out, the fact that I am more happy and confident with how I look, the vision of my dad who went from highly active and fit to overweight after stopping with exercise, the wish to be physically active for a long time to come especially now that I have a daughter.

  • jesscutedol
    jesscutedol Posts: 40 Member
    Yes x 3 from me. Tracked my macros. Went little over bord. Did 60 min aerobics at home the fast stationary walk without a treadmillor without lifting feet.... caught my daughter laughing at me realised i looked silly but still burning calories so no worries
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Late update, so maybe nobody will read it.

    yes x3, Went for 48 minute walk to expore local paths near the Wilderness Gathering and this also meant that I remained in calorie deficit by a tiny tiny margin. I have the UAC to thank for staying as close to 'on track' as I have during this festival.

    My why.

    Well I could say that I am unhappy with the way that I look, I don't like looking fat in clothes or without them on and I am embarrassed taking my kids swimming but truthfully I've felt this way for a long time and tried to loose weight many times and sometimes I've succeeded for a time. So it's not really the reason this time, but I hope it will be a benefit.

    I could say that I am worried about my health. I'm within 5 years of the age my father had a stroke, my last Cholesterol results showed a deterioration and I have felt very tired after eating and in the evening and I keep expecting my blood tests to show I'm becoming pre-diabetic. But truthfully all my health markers are still fine, and I've not had a doctor tell me that my weight is an issue. So this is not really the reason either, but again I hope that stopping worrying about health issues that are not there yet will be a benefit.

    The real reason is that I've realised that life is passing me by, and that I am hung up on several issues in my life and I don't really progress on to the next thing because I keep going round in circles on these issues. I've become interested in 'Grit' and the realization that I do know how to loose weight (I know the theory and I've actually done it a couple of times) but that I let my impulses get the better of my future self. I've had a few false starts this year but this attempt to loose weight (and gain strength) is about pushing through the obstacles and learning determination and how far I can get by following a straight forward approach and not giving up before it has the time to work. My most important markers are the number of days I have tracked in MFP and my Net calorie average. I am currently up to 42 days with a net average of -450 Cal per day and this is by far the longest period of continuous logging and consistent dieting that I have put together for many years. previously a bad day or two and I would give up, and try again a few weeks later (back at square one, or actually a little bit heaver than the previous attempt). I have many reasons to eat food in addition to nutrition (comfort, reward, 'don't waste it', and 'why not') but no control. I want to develop that control, and develop it to the point that I am proud of my body and that I don't need to obsess over my food and exercise to maintain that position.

    @am_change "Choose your Hard", I like this. It is about understanding and accepting what the 'Hard' is. How long it takes to reach a goal and the cost that you have to pay along the way.
    @lamlam2013 "I knew the weekends would be hard." Then the goal is to 'manage' the weekends as best you can and make enough progress during the week to outweigh the weekends. You didn't say why you needed the pass day but you can compensate during the week.
    @fitastic2day You have a great sister. also "Normally a day like today would totally undermine my progress and derail me. Oh no! This gal will not go quietly into the night!" I understand this, way to go.
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    August 19
    Exercise. Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Tracked. Yes

    What prompted me was my weight creeping up and feeling helpless. I wanted something I could stick with. The challenge of exercise daily is something I've never done everyday is always hit or miss. Now no more excuses!!!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    marthall wrote: »
    Late update, so maybe nobody will read it.

    @marthall. This is the UAC group. We read (and care).
    marthall wrote: »
    The real reason is that I've realised that life is passing me by, and that I am hung up on several issues in my life and I don't really progress on to the next thing because I keep going round in circles on these issues.

    This is the story of most peoples lives. The difference is that you recognised it and are doing something about it. This puts you ahead of 90+% of the population (maybe 99+%).

    I only picked the eyes out of your post, but the whole post is inspirational. Well done on staying on track.

  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    Thank You @craigo3154
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member
    Exercise? Yes; an hour of walking and fun yard games
    Calories? Yes
    Tracking? Yes

    I began a healthier lifestyle when I realized that my old ways were keeping me from fun experiences. I was always tired and little exercise wore me out. I was very unhappy, and becoming healthier made that change.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    We read, and we care: I love it! I love this group!
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 96 Member
    @am_change Thank you