Weight loss buddy?

Toweringtulip Posts: 12 Member
I'm new to message boards and, like yourself, wish to connect with people of a similar age who are determined to lose weight and improve their fitness.
I used to be very slim and fit but have gained some unwanted weight in recent years. I intend to lose 1.5stone through reasonably healthy eating and exercise.
I am going to set myself some challenges and would appreciate a "weight loss buddy".


  • DevotedToDASH
    DevotedToDASH Posts: 60 Member
    Hi - I hope I'm not breaking the rules since I'm not quite 60, but closing in fast. I know support is important and also would love to connect with people who are close to my age. Please feel free to friend me.
  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    I am 62. Trying to lose a few pounds. I am active, I have started the C25k, I am in my 2nd week. I also bike ride, lift weights and do yoga. Today I did 21 miles on my bike. The older you get, the harder it is to stay fit.
  • Toweringtulip
    Toweringtulip Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Amy! You certainly are active! I'm starting to build my activity, hence fitness, levels up again!
    I will be going to the gym for an early session tomorrow morning.
    I agree ...keeping fit as you get older is much more difficult!! I need to shed the extra weight I'm carrying ...I simply don't like it!!
    Please feel free to friend me if you wish.
  • DevotedToDASH
    DevotedToDASH Posts: 60 Member
    AmyM831 wrote: »
    The older you get, the harder it is to stay fit.
    Isn't that the truth!

    For me, a lot of it is trying to find the time to devote on a daily basis. Up at 5 am, behind a desk from 7am to 4pm, and trying to start a business doesn't leave me much time. I would love to have a workout buddy local as I have some PTSD issues and venturing out alone can be a struggle for me. I'm doing my best to get at least a half hour of focused activity in every day and plan on increasing that by 10 minutes each week until I'm up to at least an hour and a half. Luckily I have a Gazelle glider here at home, and will be adding weights to my routine too. I'm going to do this.
  • Toweringtulip
    Toweringtulip Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good luck with your business! You've probably seen from my profile that I'm retired, but when I was working I managed to do more exercise than I do now...I think that's due to having a defined structure to my day and exercise was part of my routine.
    Since retiring I've had lots of "demands" made on my time but I've also rebelled against a strict routine and learned how to "chill out" more ...perhaps too much so!!

    Sorry to hear you have PTSD and I hope you find a workout buddy soon (family, friends, neighbours ?)
    The important thing is that you appear determined to succeed which is a great attitude to have.,Go for it!!!
  • Toweringtulip
    Toweringtulip Posts: 12 Member
    I've just returned from a walk along the beach ...moderate pace ( walking a dog according to MFP, even though I don't own one!)
    Going out for a meal + wine this evening but the exercise calories won't compensate for tonight's indulgences!!
  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    @DevotedToDASH, I don't like walking alone either. My husband has health issues and can't walk with me anymore. When I was a young child I saw my childhood school friend be killed by a dog on our way home from school. So to this day I am afraid of stray dogs. Why it didn't attack me to, I don't know. I did allow my kids to have a dog growing up as I didn't want to pass my fear of dogs on to them.
    @Toweringtulip, I do watch the grandkids a couple of times a week to help out. My daughter is getting her PhD in addition to working part time. So I help out with the kids when daughter and son-in-law are at work/school.
  • dlockhart1955
    dlockhart1955 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone. I am Debbie, I am 61 and I live in the Dallas Fort Worth Area. I do go on walks when the heat is not so bad. I was doing Weight Watchers but could not lose for the last two months. My doctor wants me on low sodium diet and WW does not track that.
    I have one grandson age 5. I took him to Disney World in May and did a lot of walking there.
  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    @dlockhart1955, I also have a grandson who will turn 5 the end of the year. He is a character.
  • DevotedToDASH
    DevotedToDASH Posts: 60 Member
    I have 8 grandchildren between the ages of 5 and 12, so I've done a LOT of babysitting over the past few years. They keep telling me I'm the "fun" grandmother because I actually tussle with them and play instead of just sitting back and watching them. Can't imagine it any other way, but boy am I exhausted when playtime is over, lol!

    My husband and I have been going for some counseling because food and lifestyle have become such an issue between us, and our counselor and I did get him to commit to at least going with me to the community pool and workout room just to give me some sense of security. I wish I could get him to participate because he has more significant weight issues than I do and is worse than a couch potato, but he's already said that won't happen. I hope he keeps his word about going with me as a safeguard - but I may have to accept the fact that I'm going to have to go it alone on this path... that's another reason I'm here and thankful for the support and motivation I'm already feeling! <3<3<3
  • DevotedToDASH
    DevotedToDASH Posts: 60 Member
    @AmyM831 Sorry you had to see that happen to your friend. I can't even imagine. I have a couple of friends who have been attacked by dogs, and I've seen the terror in their eyes when even a little dog starts acting up in public. In our neighborhood we have coyotes and occasional mountain lions - when I do go out to walk, I keep mace with me just in case, but they are a fact of life around here. With rare exception, they don't want to bother humans and don't want humans to bother them.

    As for my PTSD, part of my issues are because several people very close to me have been alone when they were seriously injured or became seriously ill - the thought of that happening terrifies me... more so because my first husband was abusive and would tell me that if anything ever happened to me like that he would just let me die. I still work hard every day on keeping my fear rational, but it keeps creeping in there. I have an intermittent arrhythmia that the doctor has told me could potentially make me faint if I'm exerting myself when it comes on (he does keep reassuring me that it won't kill me, but it can be very disconcerting when I'm alone and I start feeling it), so my fear isn't totally unfounded.

    I've also been assaulted by strangers a few times (twice back when I lived in Chicago, and once out here) so I'm also hypervigilant about my surroundings. Sigh... I will never completely give in to it though... I refuse to.
  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    @DevotedToDash, so glad you got away from husband #1. I used to live in Colorado around the foothills in Boulder and coyotes and mountain lions were and issue, especially after dusk. Although I did see coyotes in the daytime. I used to run around a local lake in the early mornings and always see them lurking. But since I was in a running group I felt safer.
  • Toweringtulip
    Toweringtulip Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone! On the subject of grandchildren my grandson is 3y 9m old; I also spend time babysitting for my daughter who is currently doing a part time Post Graduate Teaching course.
    I have a 30 year old son with learning difficulties and, whilst he lives in his own home with support staff, I spend quite a lot of time managing his support / life in general, really.

    @AmyM831 and @DevotedToDASH - you have both experienced dreadful traumas no wonder neither of you like to go walking alone! Karen, I hope your husband continues to support you when you go to the pool/ gym.
    I was interested to read that there are occasionally mountain lions near to where you live; when I recently spent a couple of weeks on holiday, in California, I was told that one had been spotted near the hotel where I stayed in Yosemite. Even though I knew it was unlikely that I would encounter one whilst walking with my partner, I was a bit anxious when we were out and about!
    Here in Northumberland (UK), where I live, the scariest animals I usually meet are cows and sheep! :)
    (Hmmm ... dogs too!)

  • kaybrowning
    kaybrowning Posts: 3 Member
    Just finished my first week of tracking. I realize that when I stop getting on the scale, the weight creeps on. Usually when I go on a "diet" that first week is great...I loose 3 - 5 lbs. This time I lost just half a pound. But, that's ok. I 'm trying to change habits and diet rather than just do "another diet". Let's stay with it everyone.
  • jwash5472
    jwash5472 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Jean and I am 63. I was in the Army out of high school and needless to say was in great shape because they made you walk everywhere and had to do exercises. I got married in the Army and was away from home and then ended up getting divorced. On my own I lost a LOT of weight and got down to 110 pounds, which isn't healthy at all. Well moved back home around mom's cooking, got married (my husband LOVE's to cook and he is from down south so enough said) which helped put the weight back on. I quit smoking and that added weight so now I am trying to get some of that off. I am 5'7 and weigh 225 pounds, right now I would just like to get under 200 but any amount would be good. Hoping to find others that kind of know what menopause can do to you too. Sorry for rattling on. Good luck to all on your journey.

  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    edited August 2017
    Welcome Jean, the last couple of weeks my family has been dealing with a Mesothelioma diagnosis of my brother-in-law. It has been rough on everyone plus I am worried about my sister as well. She doesn't seem to be handling it well at all. Which is to be expected, but she is not eating or sleeping, just crying. I don't know what I can do for her 1400 miles away. They have been married 40 years and are always together when not at work.
  • Dmas28
    Dmas28 Posts: 3 Member
    HI everyone. I'm Dee. I have recently retired and like someone else posted, was much better at exercising when I worked, with less time. Seems crazy, right? Now I have all the time in the world and somehow the workouts just seem to not happen. Putting on some weight, which I am not happy about. That's why I am back tracking and signed up today for a yoga class. Hoping to get recharged and inspired as part of this group.
  • libbymac68
    libbymac68 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone l'm Beth had to stop working to raise 4 grandchildren and the weight has piled on over the past 7 years. Have tried dieting more times than l can remember and each time lost a good amount of weight but then some stressful situation would come up or l would get discouraged with the whole dieting thing and l would start eating and not paying attention to the foods l was putting in my system! Well the old knees are hurting constantly and haven't been able to do much walking which l love because of it and the cortisone shots don't seem to work anymore, so l have to get serious about losing the weight before l even consider surgery. It's been a few weeks now and l have religiously tracked everything and am down 13lbs, hoping l don't fall by the wayside and mess up. Just got to keep my focus on the things l want to be able to do by next year. Love and Happy success ladies
  • enjayare
    enjayare Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Nancy. I am 61, 5'2" and closing in on 190lbs!! I cant believe it. For much of my life i was thin (never exercised and ate what ever i wanted) - so I really dont know how to lose weight. Today is my day 1!!!
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    Hi, I'm Donna in California, am 63 years old, 5'6, and 195 lbs. I'm single and live with my Mom along with my son, his wife and kids. I retired from hospital work a few years ago....which is when my weight really started climbing. I just started dieting again this week after losing 30 lbs. two years ago, and slowing gaining it all back after I quit logging my foods and then quit exercising. My weight loss went fairly smoothly and quickly before, and I'm hoping for the same experience this time except I am going for 45 lbs. and will probably stay on for maintenance this time around after I reach my goal. Like Nancy (above), I was thin all my life and got used to eating anything and everything so avoiding snacking and high calorie foods is my main issue. Fats are actually my weakness. I used to be very active and outdoorsy, but now I spend most of my time at home. I provide daycare for 2 of my grandchildren, 8 months and nearly 3 yrs. (I have 7 grandchildren total now which I adore), and try to squeeze some yoga or Pilates in a couple days a week, but I can't do it like I used to. With my generally sedentary lifestyle, MFP set me at 1200 calories and I'm lucky to exercise off another 100 calories plus what I burn running after kids and keeping up the house. My goal is 2 lbs. per week. I have lost one whole pound this week and hope to see the other gone tomorrow on day 7!