Friday/weekly weigh in



  • slimyouth
    slimyouth Posts: 52 Member
    .3 lbs on, had a pretty similar week to last, so not too bad really
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    190.5 lbs Same as last week.

    Fell short on my workouts this week. plus being away from BKK and not eating as usual has been reflected in the no weight loss this week, but as i usually gain while up there I'll take that.

    RHR: 52
  • learntolovetheburn15
    learntolovetheburn15 Posts: 157 Member
    edited August 2017
    Date:25 August 2017
    Current weight - 12st 6lbs 7oz (174.7.2lbs)
    Realistic goal weight - 11st (154lbs)

    I was looking at about a two pound gain but i was on my period and had three takeaways last week.

    Resting heartrate = 64 bpm
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member

    190 lbs
    Down 0.5 lbs from last week.

    4 x 10k workouts this week. Eating as usual but maybe slightly more with the workout appitite added.

    RHR: 49

    How you all doing?

  • slimyouth
    slimyouth Posts: 52 Member
    15 st exactly.
    Down 1.4lbs, had my usual 'heavy' weekend but during the week I trained extremely hard and I pretty much stuck to my diary, so pleased with a loss.
  • habeeba300
    habeeba300 Posts: 33 Member
    Today's weight 11st 7 (161 lbs) a loss of 1.4 ,but still higher than the week before of 159.8 pounds but I'm working on it .Today will be a setback as it is Eid celebrations , so will overeat .I hope I behave after that .
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    edited September 2017
    Wednesday 06 Sept 2017

    Slim, Well done! Steady as usual!

    Habeeba! Well done! Don't ruin it with celebrations. Eat before you go and nibble on the healthy stuff only!

    Claire! Well done for posting your weight again last week. You know you can't indulge in take-aways 3 times a week and expect to hit your goals. You were'nt doing that when you were losing steadily. You know how to do this weight loss game. Get your head back on track! We can support but you have to make the choices to get this done! You have it in you! Let us see it! Xx

    Ok a Day or so early but will be away playing Bob the Builder at actual weigh in time so will need to do it early this week. Can't seem to lose these last couple of weeks despite the additional workouts, but at least I am not gaining. I guess my body is just adjusting and I'll see it drop off later. Optimism rules KO! lol

    190 lbs
    Same as last week.

    3 x 10k workouts this week (including one I will do later today despite the thunderstorm. Eating as usual with at least 500g sweet tatties and 500g veggies every day. Will be rice and beans this week as usual while on the house self-build.

    RHR: 51

    How you all doing?
  • learntolovetheburn15
    learntolovetheburn15 Posts: 157 Member
    edited September 2017
    Weight on 25/08/2017 - 12st 6lbs 7oz (174.7 lbs)
    Resting heart rate = 64 bpm

    Weight on 07/09/2017 - 12st 5lb 1oz (173.1 lbs)
    Resting heart rate = 62 bpm
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Looking good there Claire! Progress! x
  • slimyouth
    slimyouth Posts: 52 Member
    Put the 1.4lbs back on that I'd lost last week!
    I know exactly where I'm going wrong, I can be a saint all week but the weekends I just let go, eat and drink far too much, but it's the weekend excuse.
  • habeeba300
    habeeba300 Posts: 33 Member
    edited September 2017
    Today's weight is 11 st 4.6 (158.6 lbs) .Starting weight here 11-8-2017 was 11 st 5.8 (159.8 lbs). A drop of 1.2 pounds , I haven't been this weight since mid June ...RHR 60. Target is to get under 11 st so that I can rise and fall up to the 11 st mark .
  • learntolovetheburn15
    ^ Well done Habeeba :)
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Still upcountry working on the build so can't weigh in on time this week. Maybe at the weekend.
  • slimyouth
    slimyouth Posts: 52 Member
    15.1.8lbs today, up .4lb on last week, but I feel great tbh, not too worried about the slight gain.;
  • habeeba300
    habeeba300 Posts: 33 Member
    Today's weight is 11st 5.2 ,a gain of .6 ,still lower than from start weight here.I am not worried at all as due a period soon and have been bad last two days .I also plot my weights on two trend charts daily and according to them I'm on a downhill drive ,back into the green range from the red range ..The only strange thing is that my RHR has risen to 62 from 58 ,but this means I am credited more calories for my exercise now .I wonder what's going on there as before it has been as low as 53-56.Has this happened to anyone ..,,maybe it's because I sometimes do a little lifting ,nothing really ,not even 5 mins worth ,just 20 overhead lifts of 5 kg and 20 pull downs at 20 kg ,not a high weight at all.
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Thu 21 Sep 2017

    Stay on it peeps! A little fluctuation is now't to fret about! Just keep the trend on the down slope! :smiley:

    190.5 lbs Same as two weeks ago. I guess I put weight on last week as I usually do when upcountry building as I am pretty sure I have lost a little this week so it all balances out. A hidden progress but no actual progress week. :neutral:

    Fell short on my workouts last week but got in 4 of 3 this week so bonus! Back on track with a minimum of 500g sweet tatties and 500g of veggies a day, (plus beans for extra added protein) but actually nearer 1kg of each most days so food side is looking as great as the workout side.

    RHR: 46
    (A bit lower than usual. After 40km of running in 4 days I guess its chilling time! lol)
  • habeeba300
    habeeba300 Posts: 33 Member
    Today's weight 161.4 lbs ,gained a lot but I have been over calories most days with a binge one day and missed gym too .But it's due partly to time of month too which is delayed ,bad thing is this appetite for more food and badness will continue until it does come .It is probably why RHR is up too as Claire pointed out to me too.
  • slimyouth
    slimyouth Posts: 52 Member
    15st 2.8lbs. A gain of 1lb, but hey ho, I know I've trained hard and still feel ok so not too bothered.
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Thu 28 Sep 2017 - 7th weeks done folks!

    Oops! I got the decimal place wrong last week when I converted kg to lbs! 86.2kg is not 190.5 lbs, it is 86.2kg / 190.05 lbs so I looked in lbs to be almost 0.5 lbs heavier which would have made this week's challenge easier in lbs with a 0.5 lb head start! lol.

    So where are we this week and did we do what we should have?

    Workouts: 2 (All 10k runs) (Average over that last 2 weeks is 3 but technically a fail to meet 3 unless I get one in tonight so going to try to fit that in)
    Weight 85.2kg/187.8 lbs! Dead on 1kg/2.2lbs loss this week! Progress -1.7kg/-3.7lbs
    RHR: 48
  • habeeba300
    habeeba300 Posts: 33 Member
    Well done fitterbody ! My weight is 11st 7.4 ,it's same as week before,but still no tom ,so it's not a gain at least .The eating cravings are on and mostly for sweet things though I do try to make sure veg and fruit is had too .Its not too bad as past month have been as high as 11 st 11.HRH is down to 59 from 62