Over eat when stressed out

I eat a lot when I am very stressed out and I am bored. Can you all help me because I need to lose 50 pounds


  • ChavahWilson
    ChavahWilson Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! I have 40-45 pounds to lose. I find it helpful to recognize what exactly triggers stress for me, and avoid it when possible. Some of my own triggers, or situations that prompt me to eat anything in sight, are lack of sleep, not enough water, late meals, discipline issues with kids, overwhelming to-do list, poor eating (sets me right up for more poor eating). Instead of trying NOT to eat a bunch of bad foods, it helps to focus on positive things I can DO: get kids to bed on time so I'm more likely to get to bed on time, drink water, eat a balanced breakfast, attack my to-do list, get outside, think about and prep meals beforehand so we can eat a decent meal before we're starving...
  • I can relate!! So between working 3-12 hours shifts and having a almost 2 year old and a husband who constantly travels for work, etc my life never stops spinning!! I find myself eating as maybe a sense of control?! It's the one thing in my life that I can keep a handle on but I choose comfort food over health food which is my downfall. Sure it sounds nice to cook 3 "healthy" meals a day but is it at all possible?! Most likely not If your a normal human!! Lol!! So what i try to do is set small goals, I got a fit bit so I track my steps so it motivates me to be more active. On the days I work I try and meal prep my lunches so I don't order out or eat garbage on those days. I use my fitness pal (1/2 the time if I remember) to track my food. And re-evaluate what I'm eating that uses the most of my calories. During stressful times, I try and distract myself by either going to the gym or finding a task that I can pour myself in so I don't think about food and sit in front of the tv. Right now I don't have a huge amount of success as far as weight loss but I do beat small battles every day and try and stay consistent with exercise. Also try not to eat after 730pm. Hope this helps!