Tell me your keto flu concoctions!

awfuldaring Posts: 21 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
I've got keto flu!

What are some of the weird foods you eat/drink when you've got it?

I'll start! I've started melting bouillon cubes into broth, with an additional sprinkle on top of Nu-Salt. It seems to help a little. I'm sure people at work think I'm insane! (Also hi I'm new! Help! I'm on my fifth day!)


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member

    If you haven't upped your salt until you were suffering, you also need to add in magnesium. Most any form other than oxide will help. Basically, your body keeps water, sodium, magnesium, and potassium in balance. Potassium is pretty easily gotten from food if you're eating whole foods...

    However, when you first start keto, you dump a whole ton of water that's been held in for processing carbs. As such, a ton of sodium and magnesium get dumped too. If you don't replace the 3500-5000 mg of sodium a day you dump, you'll start dumping a TON of magnesium. And magnesium is nearly impossible to replace with food only (unless you're eating all organic, heirloom, and grassfed foods). 95% of the first world population is deficient in some way, 75% of them are significantly deficient. Due to the lack of crop rotations/resting fields, the advent of GMO's, the increase in pesticides, etc., food is almost completely depleted of magnesium. An apple back in the 1950's had something like 50 mg of magnesium. Today, a non organic one has less than 10 mg, and an organic one has about the same, to my understand. That's just one example.

    I personally prefer a chelated magnesium for easy absorption. My favorite is the Doctor's Best brand Magnesium Gylcinate. My second favorite is Thorne Research Magnesium Citrate... Both recommend splitting into AM and PM doses, as it only stays active about 12 hours.

    I personally had to get around 800 mg at first to treat my underlying deficiencies, but around 400 mg does it for me now ongoing, unless I sweat or exercise a lot.

    That all being said, for getting lots of sodium, I like pickles, some like olives, I like pepperoni, salami, and other lunch meats, I salt everything. I've been known to toss back some Pink Himalayan Sea Salt crystals and swig some water to wash them down. Bouillon helps, as you said. Using a knob of butter can help, too, and make it a treat. Homemade keto-ade (like gatorade, but without sugars, dyes, and unneeded things) is decent too....someone can share the recipe.

    Keep in mind that the nu-salt might be making your "flu" worse. I was so magnesium deficient when I started that adding ANY potassium forced me to drop more magnesium, and worsened the issue... Drinking extra water without the remaining electrolytes will make you dump more, too, as your body strives to keep balance in the blood, whether that means dumping things in large doses or strip mining your bones and muscles to get what it needs (hence muscle cramps and bone pain for some)...

    Focus on getting enough water, getting at least 3500 mg of sodium, closer to 5000 mg + if you're still suffering, then magnesium. Then, and only then, if you're still suffering (unless you've been medically tested to show low potassium) should you add potassium. Too much is worse than too little. @Sunny_Bunny_
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    We're all so different.

    I'll totally concur that increased sodium is a must (if you have no medical reason to not use/increase sodium. I never got a case of "keto flu" because although I'm not into salting everything I eat, I am acutely aware (from the good folks in the forums) that salt is necessary. I usually have a few dill pickles mid day (and/or some pickle juice). I'll also lick about a 1/2 teaspoon off the palm of my hand or chew on a boullion cube a few days a week. More on hot humid days if I am outside. This has been my method for a year and a half. Anytime I might feel low on sodium it surfaces with a mild case of the "sweats". Sodium fixes me up within 15 minutes.

    In regards to magnesium: In the beginning, I had a period of getting night leg cramps so purchased chelated magnesium glycinate. I took 100 mg at night which was enough to eliminate leg cramps (in addition to sodium). Any more than that will give me a case of the runs-even glycinate or citrate. Tried it. I don't need it so far as I know. I take some magnesium every now and then because I have it and it is not going to hurt me.

    Potassium/Magnesium: I've never supplemented with potassium. Based on my food intake, I'm confident I get plenty of both potassium and magnesium. Kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard, avocados, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. US Food labels are required to be updated mid year 2018 and potassium is required on the new label.

    I'm not so sure soils are severely depleted. One can read both sides on the internet and other literature. This is just one study that indicates soils are not depleted...though the last compilation of nutritive data occurred in 1999 and I'll agree a lot could happen in 18 years.

    All is not to say other's experiences are not real or valid. We're all different.
  • awfuldaring
    awfuldaring Posts: 21 Member

    Oh wow I didn't know that! Thanks so much! I will be careful with the potassium then, and run to the grocery store for a little bottle of chelated magnesium. Do you think epsom salt soaks work as a supplement to capsules?

    I ended at 3000 mg of sodium yesterday and I felt so ill, I fell asleep on the floor upon coming into the house. I was so achy and nauseous! However, today I'm already at 8000 mg (eek that sounds like a lot!), and I actually feel halfway decent (and I'm finally hungry again!). My fingers and face aren't swelling like they used to with that much sodium, either. Maybe I needed it.

    Do you find you have to keep your sodium at these levels every day? Or do you find you can taper off?


    I was getting 3000 mg sodium already, and I was still feeling crappy (heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, weird sweating, and light-headedness, joy!).

    I've never done a strict enough low-carb diet to be in ketosis all the time. Now that I am and I only have 25 mg of carbs to play with, I've been experimenting on what keeps me satisfied AND is nutrient-dense in the nutrients that I need. I eat plenty of spinach, kale, and collards -- in every meal, even when I was binge-eating junk food alongside lol, just not this week while I'm experimenting with the meager amount of carbs. I used to snack on pickles and olives (I can eat half of those small jars in a sitting of dill pickles lmao) but now I don't know if a spear is worth 1 g of carbs. I really need to eat more magnesium so I'm looking into avocados, but each one is 10-15 g carbs and that's more than half the day's carbs. Same with nuts and seeds. What serving sizes do you use?

    Lmao that's a lot of excuses from me! Don't worry, I'll get to where you are. I just need a week or two of logging to find out how to get to the micronutrients I need for now.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    @awfuldaring Glad you upped your sodium and feeling better. You definitely nailed the list of symptoms of needing more. The 25 grams of carbs you're targetting per day-is that total or net? Avocados have about 3 total carbs per ounce but only about 1/2 gram net. Many folks count net carbs (carbs-fiber=net). Most experts in the area of ketogenic diets currently suggest net. It makes a big difference in the carb count. You're right though avocados generally seem to be 4-5 ounces (at least those I buy) so 10-15 total carb grams per avocado.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    Please be careful with boullion cubes.Often they are loaded with msg
    Which can make you feel terrible and is a neuro toxin. Get some Green Vibrance for micro nutrients and also a good trace mineral supplement.When making the transition you need alot of support because your body will have alot of dead microorganizms leaving your system which can feel bad. Also organic matcha tea with stevia or erythritol is must get unsweetened. Also add a pinch of sea salt to water by your bed. Flax meal and chia meal and hemp hearts are great to help with elimination.You can sprinkle or add into smoothies.Good luck
  • awfuldaring
    awfuldaring Posts: 21 Member
    A little update to add that I think I've gotten over the worst of the keto flu! :) In addition to keeping my sodium up (THANK YOU <3 seriously I am dumb haha), on days I wake up feeling achy, I've been upping calories (via mostly fats like brie, prosciutto, pork rinds, nice greasy salads at Subway...) and my intake of leafy greens, and that seems to help. I decided to "forgive" my calories going a few hundred above target if it means that I'm sticking with the keto thing (let's be real, if I feel crappy, I'm going to dig into something. Better it be indulgent keto food than something that will kick me out of ketosis and make me do all this again...maybe?). What an awful week! Thank you soooo much for all your help!! <3<3 I love this community!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    If I want something warm, I do bone broth. I make my own to avoid msg. For a cold drink I like Electrolyte Surpreme from Jigsaw Health. (like a sugar free gatorade). At night I take slow mag and potassium with my multivitamin and such. Also I keep a small bowl of pink salt at my desk. It's the larger crystals I put into a grinder, but leave them big in my bowl. Like 1/8 inch in size. Then every hour I just put one under my tongue.
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