Anyone running *and* lifting weights?

rositsky Posts: 25 Member
I'm finding it hard to limit my calories because I don't want to lose muscle, but at the same time I'd really like to drop 10 pounds so that running is easier and so I fit into my clothes better. I'm only 5'3", so the extra 10 pounds is actually a lot on my frame. I am currently lifting (pretty heavy) twice a week and running 3 times a week. I'll be gearing up for a half marathon in February and starting to really increase my mileage in the next couple of months. It is *so* freaking hard to lose the weight! I'm starting to wonder if I should eat more calories, but just change what I eat. My goal is to be leaner, not just skinner.


  • tiagayepfa
    tiagayepfa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm training for my 10th Marathon (Chicago next month) and also lift heavy. I'm also 5'3" and want to drop about 7-10 more lbs and build muscle. Which marathon are you running? I've been struggling with calories and macros but I find I always need to eat more calories and protein. I'm only running the minimum (3 days a week) and lifting 4 days. Sounds like we have a lot in common!
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    I am running and lifting weights, though I wouldn't say that I am lifting heavy. I am doing my first 1/2 marathon in November. I run 5 days a week and lift 3 days. I think as long as you are fueled for the work-outs, I wouldn't be super worried about the muscle loss.
  • tiagayepfa
    tiagayepfa Posts: 3 Member
    @bringbackthejoy congrats on your upcoming 1st half! I did my first one Nov. 2009, so looking to celebrate my 9th Halfaversary (lol) this year. It's actually pretty easy to lose muscle from running, especially over 4 miles. I'm training for the Chicago Marathon and only running the most minimum I can (3 days a week) so I don't lose too much muscle. Two shorter runs and one long run. So far so good. Happy training!
  • Janice6543
    Janice6543 Posts: 92 Member
    I stick to the shorter distances -mostly 5k due to a history of plantar fasciitis when I started training for a half. So I run 15-30 min 2x/week, often on treadmill. Swim 3-4x/week. I still manage a decent 5 k race time despite lack of training..I think I get plenty of cardio at swimming.

    I lift weights 2x/week - mostly functional stuff like squats, lunges, push-ups, modified pull ups, shoulder presses and tripep dips. I switch between arms and legs and add in jumping jacks or plank between sets. So I get a lot done in a 30 min workout.
  • rositsky
    rositsky Posts: 25 Member
    @tiagayepfa Yes, we do have a lot in common. :) How much are you wanting to lose? Or are you just in maintenance phase right now?
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    @tiagayepfa Thanks for the tip re: muscle loss. I haven't noticed much so far but my milage tops out at (1) 8m/ week and two-three shorter distances at this point. Maybe by race day I'll notice it. Best of luck on the Chicago Marathon, I hear that is a great one! @rositsky You should check out the recomp threads they have as that would seem to address your concerns. I hear that it is a really slow process. Best of luck!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I don't know.

    I don't run but I spin - three times a week. And I do interval/weight classes the other days, with one day off.