Sept LC Basics Challenge 2017: Week 3 (9/15-9/21)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Welcome to the September Basics Challenge!
I feel so strongly about how crucial this is, I'm having a Basics challenge every month.

Bah, basics! Entirely boring and unsexy, right?
Guess what though? It will get you to your goal. Basics aren't flashy or exciting, but this is how it's done.

One key thing that I have learned in my journey is this:
Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Consistently nailing the basics is so important. And consistency creates good habits, routines, and gives you momentum that will carry you through hard times or disruptions to your normal schedule. Forget motivation. Motivation is a fickle thing. Discipline carries you through when motivation fails you.

So what are the basics?
Well, hitting your carb goal, obviously, right? There are other very important basics we need to lock in: staying hydrated, keeping electrolytes up, logging consistently (if you're a logger), exercise (if that's one of your goals), hitting your macros, staying away from trigger foods and other things you know set you back...

You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

Each week there will be a thread to collect your progress that week and to interact with other challengers.
I'll keep links to the weekly threads at the bottom of the stickied post should the thread get buried. 2 clicks, to this post and the Weekly link, will get you back to it.

So go ahead and post your goals in this Thread.
My daily post would look something like this.

Wed 9/1:
Logged: :+1:
Water: :+1:
Electrolytes: :+1:
Calorie Goal: :+1:
Carb Goal: :+1:
Exercise: HIIT :+1:
Prelogged next day: :+1:
No booze!: :+1:

But this is your show. So focus on your basics.

Make this month count! Tear it up!:+1:


  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Hi All, I'm back again.
    I had stopped LCHF and just from July 1st I've gained 5 more pounds.
    The good news is that I've managed to clear out one storage unit! and purge lots of things from the house to make it more like a home. I had to downsize from a large house to a small condo and it hasn't been easy. It has been stressful and then I added the reckless diet. The bad news is that last time this year I was 20 pounds lighter. The good news is that I know I can lose this again.

    Back to Logging, Exercise and planning!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Welcome back!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Welcome back, @slimzandra!

    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: Probably not. Ate too much carbs at the wedding and regretted it today!
    Exercise: Lots of steps plus a good 30 mins of dancing. :)

    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: :+1:
    Exercise: Very under the weather today, but I just about have 10k steps.
  • hjackson1226
    hjackson1226 Posts: 125 Member

    Water: :)
    Logged Food: :)
    Carb Goal <50: :)
    Sleep 6hrs: :) BARELY!
    Keto//OS: :)
    Atleast 14 Hours Fasted: :/


    Water: :)
    Logged Food: :)
    Carb Goal <50: :)
    Sleep 6hrs: :)
    Keto//OS: :)
    Atleast 14 Hours Fasted: :)


    Water: :)
    Logged Food: :)
    Carb Goal <50: :/
    Sleep 6hrs: :) BARELY!
    Keto//OS: :)
    Atleast 14 Hours Fasted: :/
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Sick! Cold from hell. And still using the possessed tablet.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Feel better soon @baconslave

    Diet is back on track after my vacation indulgences. Foot is still not right. I think maybe it's a stress fracture not a sprain. Ugh. It's only good when there is no weight on it.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: :+1:
    Exercise: :+1: (swam

    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: :+1:
    Exercise: :+1: (strength)
  • mskeyaj
    mskeyaj Posts: 76 Member

    Logged: :)
    Water: :)
    Electrolytes: :)
    Calorie Goal: :/
    Carb Goal: :)
    Exercise: :)
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Preplanned meals :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: :neutral:
    Exercise: :# :

    Feel better Baconslave..
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes.
    I Staggered through a walk for 30 yesterday and a full hour today. Still congested and tired. I ended up going for today's walk after trying to nap but the kids were being obnoxiously loud.

    I better be up to strength tomorrow. I'm getting behind.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited September 2017
    MORNIN'! :wink:

    This is mood I'm in.

    My 17th wedding anniversary is the first day of Fall. :mrgreen:
  • hjackson1226
    hjackson1226 Posts: 125 Member

    Water: :)
    Logged Food: :)
    Carb Goal <50: :)
    Sleep 6hrs: :)
    Keto//OS: :)
    Atleast 14 Hours Fasted: :)


    Water: :/
    Logged Food: :)
    Carb Goal <50: :)
    Sleep 6hrs: :)
    Keto//OS: :)
    Atleast 14 Hours Fasted: :)
  • mskeyaj
    mskeyaj Posts: 76 Member
    Logged: yes
    Water: yes
    Electrolytes: :/
    Calorie Goal: :/
    Carb Goal: :20-25
    Exercise: yes
    No alcohol: :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: No. Carbs were high. I was at a work dinner and options were all pretty carby (but delicious!)
    Exercise: No time.

    Weighed in: :+1:
    Logged: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calorie Goal: :+1:
    Macros within range: :+1:
    Exercise: No
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    This virus NEEDS TO GTFO.
    My workout yesterday was rough. But I made it through.
    Cals and carbs are perfect. Sleeping more awful than usual, but y'know, it is what it is.
    I'll do another strength today to get caught up. Camping tomorrow evening.
    I'll weigh tomorrow so I can get good and pissed off. If I have to cut my calories more I'm going to be the biggest witch on earth! NO! I'm not already the biggest witch...I don't think. :wink: Tomorrow morning I'll probably change my profile name to BroomRider though.
    Fall is coming... : mrgreen:
  • mskeyaj
    mskeyaj Posts: 76 Member
    Logged: yes
    Water: yes
    Electrolytes: :)
    Calorie Goal: :)
    Carb Goal: :20-25
    Exercise: yes
    No alcohol: :)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Not much action on my part. Been dealing with the same summer cold so many others have and had to earn some income this week. Bummer.

    9/15 3 mile walk
    9/16 3 mile walk, strength
    9/17 3 mile walk
    9/18 strength
    9/19 zip
    9/20 strength
    9/21 zip
    Still doing misc exercises in a group challenge (dips, Russian twists, planks, reverse crunch, tri-pulls, butterflies, step=ups, push ups, chair pose, tree pose, half moon, etc). Doesn't take much time. Thumbs up to that.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    New thread:

    Cals and carbs on point for me. Scale is still being a petard. I didn't do strength after all but I walked. I just wasn't feeling strong. The cold lingers.

    Anyway, I be off camping for the weekend soon. I wanna see you all in the new thread.
  • mskeyaj
    mskeyaj Posts: 76 Member
    Logged: yes
    Water: yes
    Electrolytes: :)
    Calorie Goal: :)
    Carb Goal: :20-25
    Exercise: yes
    No alcohol