Ways to make avocado less disgusting?

Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
I eat as much coconut oil and olive oil as I can but I need another way to get healthy fats and less animal fats. I figured avocado would be perfect. Problem is: I hate them. Any recipes to make them tolerable? I've heard about chocolate pudding! Thinking of trying that. Thanks my fellow low carb peoples.


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    What animal fats are you trying to avoid?
  • Lalasouli
    Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    What animal fats are you trying to avoid?

    Not necessarily trying to avoid them but just prefer eat less of them.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    If you can't stand avocados, there's always macadamia nut butter or the nuts themselves. They have the highest ratio of fats to carbs. 1 oz serving (40g) approx 10-12 whole nuts = 21g fat and 2g net carbs.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    From a fellow avocado hater (it's a textural thing), this recipe makes me a believer!
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    Animal fats are healthy fats. Don't believe all the lies about saturated fats.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm not a fan of avocado in general, but they're good in smoothies in place of yogurt.
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    edited September 2017
    I hated avocados until about two years ago when for health I thought I shld add them to my diet. My hubby has always eaten them w a spoon rite out of the skin which I found disgusting. After two years of including them in salads and sandwiches (pre LCHF
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    I'm assuming you've tried raw in salads, or straight. Have you tried loading with salt and pepper?

    Guacamole would hide the texture and taste. If still not tasty, add more garlic/cilantro/lemon zest. Have to look for recipes online, I just wing it normally.

    Avocado miso salad is tasty, but might be higher carb than your looking for. Been a while since I've made it...

    2 tbs miso
    1 avocado sliced
    1 tbs raw sesame oil
    2 tsp rice-wine vinegar
    2 tbs raw sesame seeds

    Best of luck, I thoroughly enjoy a ripe avocado (unripe and I feel like I'm eating plastic) and hope you can too.
  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    To me avocados are a carrier food for garlic! My breakfast is 2oz avocado, 1 tbls chia seed, 1tbls pumpkin seeds, 1 tbls coconut or some other oil, ghee or butter and a bunch a fresh garlic squeezed on top...and salt. I often use a product from Costco called wholly Guacamole which uses organic avocados. Sometimes I do the same thing above and skip the avocados and double the fat. Good luck!
  • Lalasouli
    Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    If you can't stand avocados, there's always macadamia nut butter or the nuts themselves. They have the highest ratio of fats to carbs. 1 oz serving (40g) approx 10-12 whole nuts = 21g fat and 2g net carbs.

    Thank you! I'll have to get me some
  • Lalasouli
    Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
    Steph_Maks wrote: »
    Animal fats are healthy fats. Don't believe all the lies about saturated fats.

    I don't. I've been following a keto diet for a month. I've just always preferred to eat a more veggie based diet.
  • Lalasouli
    Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of avocado in general, but they're good in smoothies in place of yogurt.

    Great idea!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    If you don't like avocados you can get fats from: coconut, seeds, nuts, nut butters (as mentioned), cocoa and olives.

    I don't over eat nuts and seeds if I keep only unsalted/nonflavored versions in the house. My reports reflect that I seem to get equal amounts of saturated/unsaturated fats. It's not that I fear saturated fats, I just don't prefer fatty cuts of meat. I suppose a lot of my sat fats come from dairy and eggs as well as fish and leaner cuts of meat. I get plenty of fat. I eat about 100 grams per day at this time.
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    I hated avocados until about two years ago when for health I thought I shld add them to my diet. My hubby has always eaten them w a spoon rite out of the skin which I found disgusting. After two years of including them in salads and sandwiches (pre LCHF) I now actually enjoy them. I eat them alone with olive and salt, in salads or w my morning eggs. An acquired taste??
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    I tend to add avocado to my salads and today there was about 1/2 an avocado on my Pechuga a la Monterey (grilled chicken breast, avocado, covered in white cheese). I have a hard time eating them on their own so I always pair them with something else like tomatoes and then add Parmesan cheese, pepper, and kosher salt. You can always make or buy guacamole and use that as a spread or dip, that tends to be my preferred method of eating avocados. There is a restaurant here that will make avocado tacos and rellenos (green chile pod filled with avocado and deep fried not low carb though) which are pretty damn good. From what I can tell the slice the avocado and coat it in some type of sesame seed nut coating an then quickly deep fry it. It tends to make the avocado a little less slimy with a bit of a crunch. I've tried them in smoothies and there are vegan restaurants here that will make avocado shakes but I am sure the sugar content on the shake is high.

    I guess in looking back over my post I tend to like avocado when its paired with something slightly acidic and/or salty.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    How much fat are you trying to get each day?
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I can not conceive of avocado as being disgusting. Oh wait, a rotten one would be disgusting if you tried to eat it.

    Try blending in part of one to your favorite salad dressing recipe. It works very well with blue cheese dressing, I like to blend avo and mayo together for green goddess dressing as well.
  • Lalasouli
    Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
    I can not conceive of avocado as being disgusting. Oh wait, a rotten one would be disgusting if you tried to eat it.

    Try blending in part of one to your favorite salad dressing recipe. It works very well with blue cheese dressing, I like to blend avo and mayo together for green goddess dressing as well.

    Lol just my opinion. Thank you for the ideas
  • Lalasouli
    Lalasouli Posts: 34 Member
    How much fat are you trying to get each day?

    It varies depending on hunger but anywhere from 100-120 grams
  • dillydaisys
    dillydaisys Posts: 132 Member
    avocado carbonara pasta sauce is delicious. Avocado, cream, parmesan cheese, bacon, chicken, garlic and a bit of onion. I don't add the pasta. It's a popular dish in my home and so easy to make. You can improvise with ingredients but it's pretty basic