Class and Practice Check in - Week of 9/25/2017



  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    Sparring class this morning. I'm feeling a little more confident and not so intimidated.
  • shadowbaby4
    shadowbaby4 Posts: 60 Member
    Went to a women's only bjj class last night. It was lots of fun, but I had to leave after an hour to get my kids to bed, and then I dealt with my husband's anger after I got home. I really don't know why he feels so threatened by this. It sucks to pay a monthly fee and then only be able to attend classes that are during his workday. If I could go to the evening ones more often, I'd be getting a lot more jiu jitsu for my money!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Black belt class this morning - warm up included conditioning - Pushups, pullups, squats and leg raises. I opted out of the pushups as I went through a massive pushup fest yesterday, and haven't recovered from them yet.

    After that was 2 rounds of free sparring (no pads) - good times. Then I led what has been named "Kicking segments" - I selected out 2 round kick drills, bringing everyone "Back to basics", because when it comes to kicks, the better the basics are, it carries over into the advanced kicks 1 to 1.

    Then on to some serious forms work for several members that are preparing to test for 2nd degree - which was fun, as we tore apart their form move by move, and was great experience in really dialing in the technical details.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Went to a women's only bjj class last night. It was lots of fun, but I had to leave after an hour to get my kids to bed, and then I dealt with my husband's anger after I got home. I really don't know why he feels so threatened by this. It sucks to pay a monthly fee and then only be able to attend classes that are during his workday. If I could go to the evening ones more often, I'd be getting a lot more jiu jitsu for my money!

    I have this same problem - any time I want to practice, it has to "not take away from family time".. which basically means I spend the majority of my practice time alone, after our daughter has gone to bed, or early mornings... but for me, I can live with it, even if it's not ideal.

    It's part of my life, and will be as long as I live.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Good night last night - basics training (stances, strikes + kicks), basic and advanced fighting combinations (beginner to 1st dan level) and finally got on to learning a new kata :smile:

    Saturday was a double gym session (arms and legs), because we had the time, with an extra half hour tagged on the end teaching my 14 year old how to work with free weights. I love training with him - he's my favourite training partner whether we're sparring or working in the gym.
  • shadowbaby4
    shadowbaby4 Posts: 60 Member
    I skipped Sunday BJJ class because we agreed Sunday would be our "family day." Then he decided he needed to go hang out with his friends. Oh well. I spent some good time with the kids and went to bed early, so I'm all rested for my Monday!

    I'm preparing for my next judo belt test, and I have a lot of questions about the techniques I'll be demonstrating in a couple weeks. Hopefully I'll get them all answered tonight!
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    Went to a women's only bjj class last night. It was lots of fun, but I had to leave after an hour to get my kids to bed, and then I dealt with my husband's anger after I got home. I really don't know why he feels so threatened by this. It sucks to pay a monthly fee and then only be able to attend classes that are during his workday. If I could go to the evening ones more often, I'd be getting a lot more jiu jitsu for my money!

    This used to be an issue for me. Once my wife found an evening thing she enjoyed - Zumba, it stopped being such an issue. We compromised and switch off. (We both train on our lunch hours.) Then one of us gets 2 night classes a week and the other one class. We then flip flop the next week. The spouse at home handles kid stuff (3 and 5 year old).

    Wife was not a big fan of my training and was often resentful of it, before she found "her thing." Does your husband have an evening hobby he could do?