


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    There is no one true way. FWIW I lost my excess about identically to your co-worker except I was not keto. She lost 65 pounds in 52 weeks. I lost 63 pounds in 53 weeks.

    If keto is restrictive for you, find a way to manage your intake that is not restrictive. You've already lost via another way. You can do it again. The key is, once you lose it, you have to find a way you can continue if your weight loss method is not sustainable long term.

    Today, I eat much lower carb than I did when I was losing-to manage cravings and hunger. Higher carb left me hungry on maintenance calories. Perhaps it was that the thrill of losing was gone and reality of maintenance set in. Dunno. I tried keto for a year in maintenance but like you, less than 20 carbs per day was a bit too restrictive for me. The last 6 months I've been eating about 50 carbs/day when at home and making the best of whatever is available when eating away from home. I don't go carb or calorie crazy but I am more flexible.
  • catrainor
    catrainor Posts: 12 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    Unless you have a medical reason to restrict carbs, you do not HAVE to go keto. Just because it worked for someone else, does not mean it will "work" for you. All weight loss results from less calories in than out. Keto gives some people an advantage because it keeps them from feeling hungry and deprived, so easier to stick to. It does not sound like that is working for you. You can lose weight many ways, just keep calories down.

    Maybe ease into this with just "low carb" to start with? I.e. keep carbs under, say 100. See how it goes. If you really WANT to go keto, it may just be a matter of waiting it out. But if you are seeing decent weight loss through just calorie restriction without carb restriction, then do that! Keto can be faster, but the hope is that it is *easier* , rather than faster.

  • catrainor
    catrainor Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for advice and encouragement. Yes, like most people you want I quick fix. I am ok with losing 1-2 pounds per week. Unfortunately, I am still having cravings and feeling deprived. I think I will ease into it, i was trying to stick to 20 carbs. Looking at my food intake I'm between 25-35. I do like the fact I am watching and eating healthier and fresher foods. Time will tell. thank you all Again. My current weight is 190 would love to get to 170. I'm 5'7".
  • lady_bug_jd
    lady_bug_jd Posts: 221 Member
    It may take a little longer than 2 weeks for the cravings to go away. I'm wondering if you're eating enough protein and fat?

    What are you craving? Maybe you need to find satisfying low carb alternatives? I keep fat bombs in my freezer and eat one or two if I feel like having something sweet; nuts, seeds or pork rinds can replace chips/crackers. There's lots of recipes for low carb bread or mug cakes. These are all things that helped me transition to this diet in the beginning. Now, after 2 months on this diet I hardly have cravings. Btw, I've lost 14lbs in 8 weeks. I lost 7lbs the first week and nothing for 3 weeks straight so the weight loss is definitely not linear or consistent. I know that initial big loss is exciting and motivating but like others have mentioned it is almost all water weight and you should be proud of losing a pound of actual fat the 2nd week.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    catrainor wrote: »
    Thank you all for advice and encouragement. Yes, like most people you want I quick fix. I am ok with losing 1-2 pounds per week. Unfortunately, I am still having cravings and feeling deprived. I think I will ease into it, i was trying to stick to 20 carbs. Looking at my food intake I'm between 25-35. I do like the fact I am watching and eating healthier and fresher foods. Time will tell. thank you all Again. My current weight is 190 would love to get to 170. I'm 5'7".

    How’s your sodium intake. Low sodium can drive hunger and cravings. Get more salt.
  • MoonriverDreamer
    MoonriverDreamer Posts: 24 Member
    As you compare your weight loss to your co-worker's, is she diabetic and on insulin? Are you under more stress than she is? Is she taking other diabetic medication that can interfere with weight loss? The initial weight loss you had was probably mostly water weight. At 1 lb. per week you are doing great! Don't compare yourself to others. As lowjax75 put it, don't sabotage your efforts (as I have consistently done over the past few years) by getting discouraged and having a "bad" food day with the attitude "why am I even doing this". It is great advice and something I plan to follow from here on out. It's why I keep losing and gaining the same 2-5 pounds over and over, despite all my hard work. Since I've been on Levemir (45 u per day) it's been very difficult to lose and I had a 10 lb. instant gain. But I need it to keep my BG under control for now. But I won't give up . . . at the very least, I am maintaining but my plan is to get 'er done!
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    edited October 2017
    catrainor wrote: »
    Thank you all for advice and encouragement. Yes, like most people you want I quick fix. I am ok with losing 1-2 pounds per week. Unfortunately, I am still having cravings and feeling deprived. I think I will ease into it, i was trying to stick to 20 carbs. Looking at my food intake I'm between 25-35. I do like the fact I am watching and eating healthier and fresher foods. Time will tell. thank you all Again. My current weight is 190 would love to get to 170. I'm 5'7".

    Play around with your macros to see what's right for you right now. There was no way I could stick to 20 carbs, but 20 NET carbs was the answer that made keto fun for me. Good luck and don't give up. It takes a bit of experimenting to get find what is right for you. :)
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,055 Member
    RAC56 wrote: »
    catrainor wrote: »
    Thank you all for advice and encouragement. Yes, like most people you want I quick fix. I am ok with losing 1-2 pounds per week. Unfortunately, I am still having cravings and feeling deprived. I think I will ease into it, i was trying to stick to 20 carbs. Looking at my food intake I'm between 25-35. I do like the fact I am watching and eating healthier and fresher foods. Time will tell. thank you all Again. My current weight is 190 would love to get to 170. I'm 5'7".

    Play around with your macros to see what's right for you right now. There was no way I could stick to 20 carbs, but 20 NET carbs was the answer that made keto fun for me. Good luck and don't give up. It takes a bit of experimenting to get find what is right for you. :)

    I second this, I’m now increasing my carbs after trying lower levels for some time. Even being careful with my salt intake etc I have to accept it just wasn’t working for me. It may take some playing around for a while with different levels to find a level where your body feels good. You may find even just a small difference in the carb level will make it work for you.

  • hoping32
    hoping32 Posts: 33 Member
    Lots of good advice here. I totally agree it takes longer than 2 weeks sometimes for your cravings to go away. Keep at it! I am at 7 days right now. (I have been off and on keto for a year.). Your body may be able to have more carbs.... or not! 20-25 is my max. I am doing good at sticking to this. As time goes on the cravings decrease. And the suggestions that there are substitutions for almost everything is correct. There are amazing health benefits to keto!!! I hope you stick with it for a few more weeks.
    P.S. more than a little disturbed at the CICO comments!!
  • trish55011
    trish55011 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm gonna throw my 2 cents into the pot. I have been keto since July 27th 2017, I have been working out 4-6 days per week since August 30th. I have not lost a single pound. In fact, I have gained a pound. Am I going to quit? No. If low carb/keto is the way you want to go, then go it for the long haul. I know I am making a difference in my body, because of the way my clothes are fitting. Keto is not a quick fix, it is a lifestyle. A way of life. I would give my eye teeth to be able to claim a 1lb per week loss.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    @trish55011 keep going gurl. You're fine. Forget the scales, they are all and anyone's worst enemy. And they lie, time and time again.

    Example: Yesterday morning. Got up weighed myself.
    Sat in front of laptop, wrote a couple of emails, read some stuff on here and another website I moderate, painted my nails. About an hour passed.
    Weighed myself again.
    Put on a half pound in that hour.

    This morning.
    Got up, weighed myself.
    made myself a cup of tea, and ate two hard-boiled eggs, slice of ham, and a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese.
    Sat at laptop, did much the same as yesterday.
    Weighed myself again. Again, about an hour later.
    Lost a pound.

    What was it @RalfLott said? "Scales how do I hate thee, let me count the ways!"

    Oh Puh-Leeeeze!!

    Clothes and feeling it, are what matter.
    I have hovered around the same scale-weight for nearly 6 weeks now.
    It would be frustrating, if I didn't have to keep going down a clothes size, or rescuing my bracelet from falling off all the time.

  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Wooo-Hoooo!! <3