Week 2 Daily Exercise, Weekly Challenge, Chat, and Discussion



  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I went Pokemon hunting at the park, took over 3 gyms and Onix was spawning and caught about a dozen of them. The wind comes in from the ocean is pretty strong and cold, so was only out for an hour before I was pretty chilled and headed back. Walked about 3 miles today.

    My cold turned out to be Hay Fever - wow who knew. Since I was outside I was sniffling and sneezing again, need to go find the nasal spray.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Stay Strong!

  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hey,which day does everyone do their weekly weigh in? Sat for the end of the week or Sun for the start of next week? I've been weighing in on Sun, but I weigh in Sat for another comp. I'm thinking I just want one day per week, and I have to make myself take a rest day at least one day a week. Otherwise I will burn my enthusiasm out.
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hey guys. Hope all is well. Gout is gone so happy to get to jog again. Not sure if any of you have experienced it but it is excruciating and so frustrating. This week ended up being more of a maintenance week for me. I'm no expecting the scale to move very much. Hope everyone is still staying strong. Fyreside feel free to weigh in on which ever day you would like. That's awesome your doing multiple challenges and really attacking your goals. Keep up the great work fitness warriors. Until tomorrow. Out.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Hi team.

    Burly, good news about your foot/feet. Nothing worse than an injury. Specially one you have no real control over.

    I'm just going to do all my weekly weigh ins on a Sat from now on.
    Hey, remember those brand new shoes from page 1 of this thread? Well today, I killed them lol. Literally one hour of treadmill and I had a blowout in the right air sole thingy. One might say it left me a little deflated, but I won't because I'm way too classy for bad puns.

    Daily check in time. Sunday. I did make myself back off a bit today. Did 2x15minute cardio instead of the 20m sessions. Felt good about it, and all ready for another week.

    Hope everyeone is amped up for a great week3 We are getting to that point where this could all get to be a bit of a grind. But now is the time to remember why we signed up and take what we want from life.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello everyone! @burly so glad your gout is better! I've never suffered that but had 2 close friends that did, and boy let me tell you they were miserable! But, you already know that.

    Weekend was ok. I ate alright, but I am so exhausted and I can't figure out why. I suffer on an off from anemia, and it kinda feels like that, but without getting blood work I am not sure. I have been upping my iron-rich foods hoping that makes a difference but it hasn't so far. I HATE taking iron pills, well, because then I can't poop for days! I know, tmi, sorry guys!

    So I have a short week this week, because on Wednesday my family is going on vacation, yay! I'm excited for all the extra moving and walking, but terrified about all the yummy food temptations. Once I get back from vacation only 2 weeks until my surgery, and I still have those damn 5 lbs to lose. Trying not to stress, breathe...

    Making it count today!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    Monday, funday checkin... ate reasonably over the weekend and completed my diary both days. Today, I am going to take a walk instead of the hourly workouts (or maybe along with them).

    Keep on keepin' on folks - everybody seems to be doing great!