Week 4 Daily Discussion, Weekly Exercise, Chat, and Discussion



  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks @plainanjelik I can do very well for about 20 mins and I have to push the last 10, but it's worth it. I think I will keep the gloves. I was thinking back to when I very first started working out months ago, I could only go about 15 to 20 and that was without extra weights. So if I keep going, even for just 30 mins at a time, eventually I'll work my way up again.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    I haven't checked in for a couple of days... work has been all-consuming this week...
    Did not complete my diary Monday, but did complete it yesterday. Have done minimal exercise, so far this week, but will do more now that I have laid the uber-problem to rest (finally killed that issue!).

    My foods were pretty crappy over the weekend, but I have gotten a hold on that as well. Oh well, what's past is past, so I will move forward from here.

    Keep on with the good work peeps!
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Just been doing Yoga & smoothies. I’m kinda in a holding pattern without much going on. :smile:
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! Had to take a day off today. My whole body hurts. Unfortunately I gave into temptation after a stressful day so went over my calorie goal. Was also stuck at my desk today so not many steps. I got my pushups in though.

    Diary complete: 4/7 days
    Days under calorie goal: 3/7
    30 minute walk complete: 3/7 days
    Exercise miles: 9.63/15
    Calories burned 0
    Steps taken: 4234
    40 pushups complete
    Active minutes according to Fitbit: 0
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Checking in. The last couple of days have been busy, but good. Started mixing up my routine at the gym, trying to include cardio and weights in a one hour period is frustrating and challenging, but it seems to be working. Instead of running for length in the mornings, I've been trying to up the speed with which I get a mile in. Thats been more challenging, and also give me time to lift for a bit before I have to shower and go to work. Foods been off a bit this week, haven't had lunches for a couple of days, and thats hurting me in the long run. But I feel better with my new routine. Hope things are going well for everyone. Keep getting better every day.
  • burly_man308
    burly_man308 Posts: 93 Member
    Also, @explodingmango, where about in the country are you, if you don't mind me asking? I'm starting to try and plan my spartan races for next year, and if you want to try to do one somewhere mutual, let me know. Me and my wife are trying to do some together towards the end of next year, just a heads up.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Hi folks, Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. Safe to say I've been struggling. I've kept up the calorie control, but my routines are a mess. Hope everyone is going well, and welcome to the group @plainanjelik

    Something happened today to snap me out of my funk. Something in the form of a big hailstorm. Marble to golfball sized hail in 55mph winds. The neighbors arcross the road have golf green quality lawns, and here is what it looked like after the storm.

    I'm led to believe some places just don't get hail, or it's very rare. So if you've never seen golfball hail, here is a vid.
    Warning, some wildlife is injured towards the end of the vid. https://youtu.be/4hRbt5Wqy2w

    Oh and @MmamabearR Do you have a device that measures your heart rate? If so, with a bit of maths we can work out whether you are better served by the 45min or 1/2hour workout options. But failing that, based on my research, you are probably burning slightly more calories at 45min no gloves. However, that muscle tone might just come in handy. And once your muscles catch up to the new load, you will be back to doing 45mins and will burn more cals than before. So no gloves for pure weight loss, and gloves for overall fitness.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @Fyreside -- wow, I bet the sound of that coming down was incredible and a little unnerving!

    I get migraines once a month, and it's tough - I usually pack in Cokes, something salty like a whole pack of crackers and the requisite pint of coffee ice cream. Settled for decaf coffee and some creamer this time and a little extra soup.

    I haven't yet gotten into the Halloween candy, huzzah. I love those little chocolate snack size bars and most people can get away with a couple but I can pretty much demolish a bag of them. Somehow in my brain because they're small I can eat more of them. If it was full sized candy bars and I ate three massive bars in a row I would be horrified, but with the tiny ones I seem to safely lie to myself. They vanish mysteriously around me. I have a GI disease so they are really incredibly bad for me, it's not even a weight issue (they're not good for that either though and generally I put on 10lbs every fall...)

    So what kind of plans does everyone have for the weekend? Anything interesting and cool going on?

  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @Fyreside -- wow, I bet the sound of that coming down was incredible and a little unnerving!

    The sound of it approaching was indescribable. I've heard similar before, but never anywhere near as loud and ominous. Quite often it's raining as the hail starts, so your only warning is the tik tak of the first few pellets hitting the roof. But it was quiet and dry.. memorable.

    In Aus, we have a pharmaceutical called Mersyndol. Pretty sure I've discussed this with a friend in the states already and discovered it's not sold over there. But perhaps your pharmacist can reccomend something similar, it has 3 active ingredients. Paracetamol; Codeine phosphate; Doxylamine succinate. The last one being a muscle relaxant. It's the only thing I've ever found to tame my occasional monster headaches.

    This weekend I'm doing everything from an oil change on a generator to hopefully releasing a parrot back into the wild lol.

  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    Diary and exercise completed ✅
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Burly - I'm in SoCal, pretty close to LA. If it's doable, I'd love to try doing something together!

    General: as for today's updates, today is kind of a good news-bad news day.

    The good news: Two major NSVs today.

    One: today in stress management class, our workout involved us attempting the feathered peacock pose for the first time. Most of the class couldn't do it. I was one of...I think 3 people who managed it. I was only able to hold it for about 2 seconds at a time and it took several attempts to get into it, but I actually did it.

    Two: Ran 1.5 miles in 13:24 - beating my previous record by an entire minute, and constituting a passing score for a man under 30 trying to enter the Air Force. (Note, I have no intention of joining the Air Force, but I use their fitness test as a guideline for myself because the kind of work I want to do in the future has similar requirements for fitness.) This is especially a big deal right now because...without medication, I have a hormone profile that's more typical of a woman than a man. I've been without my hormone therapy for a couple of weeks now due to a paperwork snafu - long enough that I'm pretty much completely back to what my body produces naturally. The difference in expected score between men and women...has many factors, but one of the big ones is hormones and their effects. So the fact that I was able to do that today of all days is...kind of amazing to me.

    The bad news: I messed up. I messed up bad. After that run I went and got fast food for lunch, because I went and forgot to pack one. With celiac disease, that's always a gamble...and it's one I've had to take every day this week, and so far I'd been lucky...but today, I finally lost. I am in a lot of pain right now. Luckily, my case is nowhere near as severe as a lot of people's - I don't get much worse than digestive upset and severe pain, and the worst of the worst of it is generally over and done with within 24-36 hours, so it's not going to stop me from running this weekend...but it will slow me down. Thankfully this one isn't a competitive one - hell, it's not even timed - but it's still frustrating that I'm not going to be at my best.

    As for tomorrow, it's going to mostly be resting, crafting, and cleaning. I plan to set off a bug bomb when we leave on Saturday, because that's the next time we're planning for the apartment to be totally empty for long enough to have it not poison us - the cleaner this place is, the more effective it will be. Speaking of which, in non-fitness-related good news, we just got a dishwasher, so that will make the cleaning much easier - the dishes are our biggest roadblock.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! Update for yesterday. The crappy thing about wanting to take a rest day is every day after that I want to sleep in. Didn't help that last night and the one before were cold as (insert expletive). This island girl has not adjusted to cold weather even though it's been 7 years. Unfortunately when I don't exercise I eat a lot so again went over my calorie goal. I did manage to go for an hour walk and get my pushups in but the cardio workout I had planned didn't happen. Planning on doing it today along with my Friday night sparring class.

    Diary complete: 5/7 days
    Days under calorie goal: 3/7
    30 minute walk complete: 4/7 days
    Exercise miles: 12.35/15
    Calories burned 324
    Steps taken: 12134
    40 pushups complete: 5/7 days
    Active minutes according to Fitbit: 64
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    @explodingmango nice job on the run time!!
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I guess in the US there is a major veggie recall
    http://www.miamiherald.com/living/food-drink/article180279086.html I don't have cable tv or anything so I'm probably late to the news. But anyway, if you eat raw veggies from Walmart, Safeway or many other places you might want to check that out.

    Continued Yoga today - thankfully it wasn't 36 minutes of core work again, ouch. It's really pretty outside around 60 or so, planning on going on a long walk after lunch.

    @explodingmango -- I'm not Celiac, have been given blood work a couple of times now. But apparently I can't eat grain, not just wheat, but most grain. After cutting it out, I've felt so much better but am super paranoid about screwing up. Good luck on the fun run! :) !

    @plainanjelik -- amazing work on the exercise, DANG. 12134 steps -- that's pretty much a week for me I think! Great work!

  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @OregonRunner5 The most interesting thing I took from that article was look how many stores have their product packaged in that one facility. I know I'm a bit of a tree hugger, but there is something about the way the corporate machine has evolved the fresh food industry that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
    Once apon a time, not very long ago every major town and city had a fresh food market where farmers took their harvest and local retailers bought it by the box... to sell that day. Now farmers who want to stay in business take a contract, it says they must supply X amount of say broccoli grown a certain way with specific fertilizers and pesticides because it has to look a certain way.
    There is no more, "Best Price" there is just. "The Price" and the whole lot goes on a truck to travel halfway across the country to a facility, where it gets treated with radiation to effectively kill it. This is how they can sell food that is weeks old as "Fresh" Then it get's bagged up and back on trucks to travel halfway back across the country. And all the big stores are selling the same broccoli regardless of the brand on the packaging.

    Anyway. Thats my rant for the day lol. Hi all, hope things are going well. :)

    Today is a little milestone for me. 1 month after I weighed myself and said right, time to fix this. I've weighed in at exactly 10kg less. {Thats 22lb in Ye Olde Measurments. ;)} Sick of my nocturnal sleep pattern, yesterday I just stayed awake all day and reset to a better pattern. And I feel pretty recharged.. Ready for month 2 of finding a better me.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @Fyreside -- whoa 10kg - 22lbs in one month? Did I even read that right? That's incredible. *High Five* !! WOW.

    I totally share your food rant Fyreside. I was shocked by that as well, I had no idea all our 'fresh produce' was being funneled through a single mega company - I was clueless - it's very disquieting. Next year going to attempt to get a freezer and freeze / can in jars from local farms. We have a whole lot of stuff grown in Oregon and I have access in the summer to outstanding farmers markets, but no freezer space.

    We get a lot of beef up here on the coast stamped as originating in Australia believe it or not. That blows my mind really, how can they even afford to ship it this far?

  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @OregonRunner5 You read right.. Pretty happy with my first month. Now, on balance.. from that first weigh in, I'd say the first 4Lb just fell off me in water weight. But the rest of it was genuine grind. Lets see if I can back it up in Nov. :)

    I live in a rural part of the country where much of that beef actually comes from. I've quite likely seen some of that beef pass me in trucks still mooing. The how is, Australia deliberately tanks it's economy to lower the value of our dollar. So our farmers can be more attractive to export markets. It sure hurts whenever I buy something from the US tho.. One of my dollars only gets me about 75 cents US so between that and shipping.. Today I went to get some bodyglide runners balm. Over there it's $9.99 USD with free post. Here.. $24.95 :/
  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    Hello to all my diary and exercise completed ✅ 11,565 steps
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    @OregonRunner5 Thanks for the info!

    @Fyreside I completely agree. I had no idea all these stores were putting their produce through the same plant.

    Managed to give myself whiplash today so decided to forego working out until my neck, shoulder and back recover. I really need to figure out how to control my startle response. I'm on an emergency call list for temperature sensitive equipment and apparently there was a problem on the manufacturer side that caused one bay to go out of service. I received 6 calls between 2:30am and 6:30am for each one and each time I messed my neck up more and more by jumping out of bed and turning quickly towards the noise. Diet is going to have to carry this for me today.

    Diary complete: 6/7 days
    Days under calorie goal: 4/7
    30 minute walk complete: 4/7 days
    Exercise miles: 12.35/15
    Calories burned
    Steps taken: 5971
    40 pushups complete: 6/7 days
    Active minutes according to Fitbit: 0
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @plainanjelik Ouch, hate the neck injuries. Some applied heat and gentle stretching might help straighten out the kinks.. Take it easy.