


  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi There! My name is Sara. I am once again getting started on losing weight and getting my fitness back after having lost 80+lbs 4 years ago (and regaining 60 of it back when I went back to school and stopped focusing on food and fitness). SOOO ready for some accountability and results of all kinds:) Also hope to support others as well!
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    I’m Jackie from Washington State, I’ve lost 65 pounds 15 more to go till maintenance. I workout regularly but wanting to get yoga in the mornings now. So I decided this will be perfect for that!

    Hi @GrandmaJackie ! :kissing_heart:
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    I'm Sandra, 41, married, have an 11 year old son and I live in Scotland.
    I started off at 191lbs (far too much when you're only 5ft 1.5!) I managed to get to about 143,(just 8lb from my goal weight) but my wee Mum passed away last year and I gave up on myself and shot up to 170lb. I've lost about 5 of that so I'm now roughly 165. My goal weight was 135, but I've changed that to 140. If I reach 135 even better!
    I love hiking, hitting my heavy bag and most forms of exercise. I'm not a big yoga fan, but don't mind a bit of power yoga.
  • tarynbearyn
    tarynbearyn Posts: 25 Member
    Hi All! I had been pretty good until my wedding about a year and a half ago, but after, kept letting little things slip. I never weigh myself, so when I went to the Dr for my yearly checkup, the number on the scale was a bit shocking, and the highest it has ever been at 168 (I am 5'6") . I also have hypothyroid so weight loss always comes more slowly, and I tend to get discouraged, and give up. Hoping this challenge provides the accountability I need to keep going!
  • laurateri73
    laurateri73 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! Laura here and I need this. I moved in April and just have not been able to get back into a workout routine. I am hoping this challenge will help me become motivated again. I look forward to learning from y'all and cheering y'all along the way! Good luck to us all. :)
  • cp0416
    cp0416 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! I'm Cait, 28, married. I was very excited to stumble upon this challenge. I love the idea of it and can't wait to get started. My healthy eating/exercising sort of comes and goes. We always start with a plan to meal prep and eat at home during the week but somehow something fun always comes up and we end up going out with friends. A few too many drinks which usually leads to some late night pizza (or other snacks), and sometimes brunch the next morning. A fun way to spend the weekend, but certainly not healthy or productive. My husband and I both have talked about the need for a real lifestyle change and we've been getting back into the gym this week and last (HIIT/circuit training classes) and have eaten healthy meals at home all week. The real challenge is keeping it up! We also have quite a few events this month (concert, college football game, weekends away with friends, "Friendsgiving") aside from the actual Thanksgiving holiday so we have a lot of temptation but I'm hoping this group will help give me the willpower to keep up the healthy habits! Thank you :smile:
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,195 Member
    I'm Sandra, 41, married, have an 11 year old son and I live in Scotland.
    I started off at 191lbs (far too much when you're only 5ft 1.5!) I managed to get to about 143,(just 8lb from my goal weight) but my wee Mum passed away last year and I gave up on myself and shot up to 170lb. I've lost about 5 of that so I'm now roughly 165. My goal weight was 135, but I've changed that to 140. If I reach 135 even better!
    I love hiking, hitting my heavy bag and most forms of exercise. I'm not a big yoga fan, but don't mind a bit of power yoga.

    Hey, Sandra <3:)<3
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    I am 198lbs 5'4.I always tried to lose weight with a half hearted attempt but Years back I managed to lose 20lbs.I have 2 kids.One is 3 years and the other is 3 months old.I need to lose atleast 40lbs in one years time.For this month I will try to lose 8-10 pounds.
    I am happy to be part of this group.
  • Stefbomb2020
    Stefbomb2020 Posts: 289 Member
    Hello. I'm steffy. New to this challenge. Logging in food daily is quiet difficult. And that too within my target calories Is more difficult. Thank u craigo. I'm gonna be accountable for all that I eat..... let's see how this month goes off.

    I'M READY.......
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Hey there! I'm looking forward to being in this group/challenge. I need to lose some weight by Jan 1st. I have to fit into a dress that I have in my closet. I lost a ton of weight, but some of it found its way back home this past year. I'm ready for it to go and get back into my exercise routine. Let the fun begin.
  • mswitty1
    mswitty1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Angie here. Live in Austin, TX and this is my first challenge. Have been using MFP for the last few years through my weight loss journey and always do better when tracking and holding myself accountable. Look forward to the challenge and supporting each other!
  • kaye4health
    kaye4health Posts: 115 Member
    Hello all, My name is Kaye and this will be my 2nd UAC. I did the October one (still going) and loving it. Had a few days, I didn't think I would make it, but pushed myself. So far so good. Going to do the November challenge too. I have lost a total of 64 lbs, and just hit Onderland. (my profile does not show that weight loss, for I was here a few years go and lost some of it, didn't gain it but am back now to lose the rest) My goal is to get to 150 pounds. It is lots easier for me to do now, but losing weight was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am a diabetic, which makes it even harder. I do have an open food diary to all.

    Welcome all the new faces and good luck with the challenge. I find it helps to stay accountable.
  • Dld5th
    Dld5th Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I'm Dawn. I'm a 47 yr old sole parent and I live in Australia. I'm new to MFP but not to weight loss. I lost 57kgs just over 10 years ago. I've recently gained 28kgs back and now it's time to kick it to the curb again. I look forward to making some friends and enjoying the accountability of this group.
  • 135terry
    135terry Posts: 432 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm Terry and also new to this challenge. I lost about 20 lbs last spring, but somehow most of the lost pounds have crept back on. I'm hoping this challenge will keep me accountable as suggested.

    Thanks for setting this challenge up. I look forward to participating.
  • Cleosweetie
    Cleosweetie Posts: 71 Member
    I'm Rachel, married, two kids, and live in California. Glad to be here. I've been on MFP for almost two years and love it. I've lost 40 pounds and am almost at goal weight, but have been stalled for the past year or so. I suppose I'd be considered a maintainer, but I really would like to get these last 5 pounds off and keep them off. I log every day, and exercise at least five days a week. Somehow my cheat days (which really aren't too excessive) throw me off track. Even though I get right back on plan the next day, I gain 2 or 3 pounds with every cheat day, and it takes me a week to get those pounds off. It's a never ending cycle. After resisting for months, I've realized I need to try something new, and I recently lowered my calorie threshold to 1200 per day. So far, it's going ok. Looking forward to being accountable and meeting new folks! :)
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Hi all, I'm pleased to be part of this challenge. I live in rural SW France with my partner, 2 dogs and (sadly only now) 2 cats. I am aiming to get leaner and lose approx 20kg, but will review when I get close. I am following a low-carb regime as it seems to suit me. I also want to improve my fitness and flexibility. My exercise will mainly be walking (with or without dog) and Pilates &/or some yoga.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    I am murdog3t
    Looking for a challenge group
    Doing carb cycling currently I work out 5 x weekly with sat & sun walking and yoga
  • rangai
    rangai Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Ron and my goal is to lose 40 lbs. I've lost weight in the past, but gained it back. I hope this challenge will motivate me to lose weight and keep it off.
  • ChrisQueen67
    ChrisQueen67 Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning. I'm Christine. I've been struggling off and on with my weight for a few years now. I got certified as a trainer a few years back, more so for me than to train anyone, but I have my own struggles keeping myself in check. I'm coming up to the big 5-0 in November and would really just love to feel comfortable in my skin -- whatever that weight may be. I'm the trainer who needs a trainer. I've tried MFP briefly before but now I really want to take advantage of challenges, be open to learning, be accountable and lean on the support of others. A new chapter begins!