Sugar addict -fell off wagon due to Halloween candy

Fell hard these last few days, but iv been stuck in a plateau for over 2 months and just caved. I need a REBOOT. Should I fast? Learn how to eat with macros ( still confuses me) please help a girl out!!! Age 41/w 150 /gw 140


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited October 2017

    Just focus on keeping carbs low and eating only when hungry.
    It’s most important to realize that when you’re close to goal weight the changes are different. You can lose bodyfat without losing scale weight.
    My goal weight was 130. I haven’t been able to achieve that but I did get into the size 4/6 that was my clothing size goal.
    Even after I got within 10 pounds of my goal I kept losing fat but somehow gained and have maintained a 2 pound increase while actually being smaller for well over 2 years. I still don’t consider this lack of scale weight loss a stall. I could convince myself if I wanted to I suppose and give license to chowing down on candy which was my all time biggest issue before keto, but I learned a while back not to use the scale as a measure of progress.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I find I can still lose if I stick to dark chocolate, peanut butter cups, or peanut M&M...and don't go crazy on a day is my limit...but there are definitely days when that one is a huge blessing for my sanity...
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Louise Hendon at just posted a long list with links for keto candies including interesting ones like hibiscus gummies (not all fat bomb style stuff). I get a regular email from ketosummit.
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    I think fasting mite be difficult if you have all those fresh carbs in yr system. I wld go back to 20 carbs with IMF from dinner to supper for a week or two then maybe alternating days w 24 hr fasts .... good luck
  • ekfulton
    ekfulton Posts: 24 Member
    I did the same thing last night! Back on track today!
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    just keep on keto-ing on...
  • mskeyaj
    mskeyaj Posts: 76 Member
    lol.. I feel victim to the candy stash last night too! Today is a new day! Put alllll the candy that kids came home with out of sight!
  • EryOaker
    EryOaker Posts: 434 Member
    I've fallen off too. Dang Halloween candy!!!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    thankfully for me they don't hand out cashew nuts or chips, I'd be lost............. >:)
  • RobinSturgeon
    RobinSturgeon Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for all the suggestions. Iv been low carb all along with the frustrating cheat here and there because I give up when I don't see progress ( therefore the lifetime of yoyo diets) This is the first type of diet that iv not given up on! When it comes up my friends are shocked that I'm still eating the same way 6 months later. Does anyone know of a " perfect macro day diet plan" that I could copy??
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Luckily I didn't get into the store until today, so all traces of Halloween candy were gone, and in their place were aisles of Christmas candy and other decorative crap (at full price, of course). Disaster averted.
  • keezo1
    keezo1 Posts: 204 Member
    No kids so i just did not buy any candy and went to bed early,went to my friend's house the following day and her daughter kept offering me candy. She looked upset when i kept refusing so gave myself a stern lecture and had one peanut butter cup,she was happy and so was i.