Daily check in



  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I’ve had a rough couple of days. I just got back from my TurboKick class and I feel deflated. I bought a knee brace because I’ve been in pain after every class, but apparently One size fits most no longer includes me. It’s a stupid knee brace!?!? I’m frustrated because I cannot find work out clothes that fit correctly, can’t do a full workout because I’ll limp for 2 days and that includes just normal walking these days. I’m going to keep pushing forward, but right now I’m just pity party of one. Hope everyone is doing fantastic!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    giglqueen wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday! I’ve had a rough couple of days. I just got back from my TurboKick class and I feel deflated. I bought a knee brace because I’ve been in pain after every class, but apparently One size fits most no longer includes me. It’s a stupid knee brace!?!? I’m frustrated because I cannot find work out clothes that fit correctly, can’t do a full workout because I’ll limp for 2 days and that includes just normal walking these days. I’m going to keep pushing forward, but right now I’m just pity party of one. Hope everyone is doing fantastic!

    You are doing your best, keep pushing you'll get to the end of the tunnel!!! <3
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Started out the day playing some doubles at The Villages in Phoenix. What a beautiful complex next to Camelback mountain. I was doing good on nutrition until tonight. We had a tennis club meeting here and dinner was a potluck. Do you know how hard it is to know exactly how many calories you are putting into your body when you are eating dishes that someone else has made? It all tasted good and thank goodness it was just one day and one meal!!! I just tried to do my best when I logged in my food diary but probably underestimated.
    gigiqueen - keep doing your best every day. Good job on getting to TurboKick class even when your body is aching. I know it can all be frustrating at times but remember you have all of our support and love.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Wednesday check in. I was off work today for a dentist and doctor appointment. It was nice having a day off, even if I didn’t get to sit around and veg out. I ended up getting a cortisone shot in my shoulder and I’m praying it works and the pain will be gone. Finger and toes crossed!! We have MORE company coming in tonight, wish me luck. I moved to close to my husbands family!! Ha!! Who would have thought 10 hours was too close??
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 80 Wednesday

    Played in a tennis tournament and lost so came home and completed P90X3 Yoga and The Challenge, felt better!

    Nutrition: Will be under calories, I tried a new recipe; Zucchini Boats – Mexican flavor and only 167 calories for one boat, lol Yummy! If anyone wants the recipe let me know!

    Kathy – you’re so right, it tough figuring out calories when you eat out but, as you said it was only one meal so, do your best and forget the rest!

    Giglequeen – I hope the shot works, you’re doing great, modify and do what you can. Plus you “Have” to love family!!!! :p

    Day 10 days and counting, keep pushing forward!!!! <3<3<3<3
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check In -Day 80 Wednesday

    Nutrition: under calories
    Water: over 50 oz
    Exercise:Piyo lower body

    Can’t believe there are only 10 days left to the push toward challenge! Thank you Sheri for putting us all together
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all. Back on track. Hit w Manny a bit yesterday and did bike. Was under calorie goal. Planning to keep it up at least until Saturday when there is a Pizza Festival. I’ve been looking for good pizza. Still it will only be a sampling size.

    Goal is to drop more weight in the next few days.

    Btw, I plan on continuing this program after the initial 90 days. Kind of a good habit for me.

    Thanks Sheri so much for creating this group.

    Let’s all keep pushing forward!!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 81 Thursday

    Spent the day at a tennis tournament and won my mixed match, my partner was amazing!

    Nutrition: was sparingly all day so should be good!

    Setting the record straight: I entered my nutrition yesterday and was under calories but, I stayed up to late and ended up food bingeing. Not a good thing but, I'm posting this info so you know I’m not perfect but I’m still trying! AND I will do better moving forward!

    Jperdomo – you are my lady of consistency, I love that you show us that it can be done, I’ll get there with you!

    Crazychicken – Excellent job on getting back on track and pre-planning your treat days! Keep pushing!

    I'm very happy that I was pushed into starting this challenge so "Thank you all" for joining and helping to keep me & others motivated! I know we have 9 days left but, I would love for us to keep posting and helping each other.

    I for one still need a few more lbs and this group helps!

    Keep pushing forward!!! <3<3<3<3<3
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check in Day 81- Thursday

    Nutrition- over calories- Birthday Party - wine and cake (bad combo lol)
    Water : 50oz
    Exercise:Piyo Lower Body

    Today was my sons girlfriend birthday and it was a great time! We enjoy spending time with her and her family. Nutrition could of been better but worked on portion control unfortunately when you eat out it’s hard! I’m still sore from ballet barre class and Piyo has been my rescue. I’m trying to get back to o the JM level 3 got 3 more classes on that level but so sore....

    @ Intotennis: Thank you! Im trying lol ....This group keeps me inspired- maybe instead of posting daily - every other day or weekly -less pressure I’m sure for those that can’t and we can pick a designated day to post ... what do you think?

    Crazychicken: you got this!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Went out for breakfast with a friend that just got back from WI. Played some mixed doubles in a tournament and I'll have another match tomorrow and Sat. for sure and hopefully Sunday. Did well with nutrition especially after my breakfast out but could have done more with exercise. Good to hear that everyone is staying on track and working hard up to the very end. I tried putting in a recipe for a cranberry nut bread that I made and saved it in my diary. Seemed to work pretty well. I will have to try that again on other foods I make. I like how it calculates the calories without me having to do too much guessing. Lots of water this weekend everyone!!! And keep on pushing forward (the only way to go).
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check in Day 82- Friday!

    Nutrition: under calories
    Water over 50oz
    Exercise-None rest day

    Almost at the finish line ladies, decided to give my body a rest day.... starting back up tomorrow with PIYO! Next challenge going alcohol free yay! Let’s keep pushing forward and making changes. Every little bit counts! We got this!

    @kathy: yes lots of water and pushing forward! Nice job on the breakfast.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 82 Friday

    Played in a tennis tournament and my match got delayed twice from rain so warmed up 3 times, lol Got the match done and won!

    Nutrition: same as yesterday, sparingly so good

    Jperdome – We all need some wine & cake, lol Plus, you’ve been working crazy hard so it was well earned! Excellent idea on making new challenges for ourselves, I'll have to think of a good one!

    Kathy – Your moving and grooving on the courts so I’d say your getting in a good workout! Great job with nutrition too! Keep kicking butt on the courts!

    8 more days, I’m open to whatever you want to do, post every other day or one day a week, do what helps you to continue! Keep pushing! <3<3<3<3<3

  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Kathy, Sheri, CC, jperdomo, and giglqueen: Sounds like you are all continuing to do great! Keep pushing forward to the finish!

    I have been working on getting more sleep lately and recently heard a couple of ideas about different eating habits that I am going to try since what I have been doing has not been working.

    Other than that, I have played some tennis lately, took a walk today, and I made sure to reach my step goal for the day. Nothing more for now and off to bed in just a bit.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Naomi glad you’re back.

    Today I played tennis unexpectedly so that was a positive.

    Went to pizza festival and it was fun. Lots of long lines. Tried a couple different types. Pretty good. The crowd was fairly young and music was good.

    Will try to do more bike and get that weight down.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 83 Saturday

    Played in a tennis tournament, well I was on the court but, unfortunately my game did not show up! Got home in the late afternoon and have a date with my hubby so no P90X3.

    Nutrition: Hit and miss all day, my match was pushed back so wasn't prepared. I’m going to enjoy my dinner tonight, drown my sorrows over my ugly loss and start fresh tomorrow plus, I'll start my new challenge. It’s bad timing to have this challenge end on Thanksgiving week but, I’m going to do my best and forget the rest!

    Naomisds – Hey, it’s great to see you back posting & great job for continuing to push forward!

    Crazychicken – Sounds like a great day!

    New Challenge: No alcohol for 10 days! (with the exception of Thanksgiving).

    Anyone care to join me? :)
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    My internet at home is down until we get a tech guy out so I am using my phone to post and it is a pain but wanted to say that I'm still pushing forward and you are all awesome! :):):)
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    edited November 2017
    Sheri, I'll go 10 days without alcohol with you, but I usually don't drink most days so it is not as much of a sacrifice for me as it is for you.

    I met my step goal again today, getting over 10,000 steps today and yesterday. I also bought some food for my new eating plan. I will buy the rest of what I need next week and then will start my new plan on Monday the 27th. I would start sooner, but I need time to get mentally ready to make the change.

    Keep up the good work, all!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check In Day 83 & 84- Sat/ Sun

    Nutrition: under calories
    Water : not enough ugh
    Exercise- Piyo Core & Piyo Sweat (literally dripping on sweat) tons of house work in prep for thanksgiving dinner!

    Yes! I’m in 10 days of no alcohol
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    I'm not a big drinker but I'm leaving Thanksgiving open for a drink. I'm behind all of you taking on that challenge though. Played lots of tennis in the last 5 days so happy with my calorie burn. I am so stoked to be part of Pushing Forward. Let's really celebrate all we've accomplished. (With pats on our back, not food). Keep going strong. We've got this!!

  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 84 Sunday

    Played the last day of a tennis tournament and won our last match. Kathy and I were teammates had some great points, we really contented well. Had strong opponents and got the 1st set 6-2, lost the 2nd set in a tiebreaker at 6-7 and held strong in the 3rd set tiebreaker and won it at 16-14!!! (it’s usually the 1st to 10 points by two).

    Nutrition: all over the place! Had a glass of celebratory wine so I’m staring the “No alcohol” tomorrow, opps!

    Naomisds – I am a wino as you can see from above but, I’d love to have you do the challenge with me as it will help. Excellent job at 10k for 2 days, that’s a lot of walking! What’s your new meal plan called?

    Jperdomo – Two great day’s back to back, keep kicking butt and thanks for doing the “no alcohol”!

    Kathy – You definitely burned some calories over the past few days, great playing and thanks for keeping it going!

    6 days to go (sort of,lol) <3