(Phase2) Week 1 Discussion -- Staying On Track, Tips You've Learned

During this week please try to check in daily. Post 2 tips this week that have helped you stay on track with either health(ier) eating or exercise.

My tips -- I really dig hot tea, my favorite is Stash Licorice Spice. It's decaf and a little naturally sweet so it's good after a meal.

Try to find an exercise that makes you really happy.


  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I have taken a break from this. Just got tired of it. Didn't log for a few days. Then started logging again. Over goal calories but under TDEE every day except Thanksgiving. Way over TDEE that day. Then my kids took me out for steak for my birthday. Was up 3 pounds today. The grandkids wore me out, so I went to bed when they left about 9:30 last night, slept til 11:30 this morning. But it was worth every minute. They are lots of fun and I don't see them often enough.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @corinasue1143 -- how many grandkids do you have? What ages? My kids have grown up now, I can't wait to be a grandma.

    How is your knee pain? 3lbs gained isn't bad for Thanksgiving. My other group I'm in calls it a win if you gained less than five.

    I think playing with grandkids sounds like thorough exercise!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    4 grandkids. The 2 youngest were here. 11 and 12. We went shopping at 5 below for Xmas pajamas. Mama liked them, too, so I got her some,too.
    No knee pain. I hope I haven't really gained 3, maybe some water, who knows, but the steak was good, and so was all the pie.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Wow, phase 2 already huh.. Amazing how the time flies by. I lost 30lb during phase 1 and if I can match that, I will be super stoked about it. I'm now settled into keto and IF and I just need to get my exercise program back on track. Will do my best to check in daily. :)
    Thanks for taking up the flag Oregon.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Well, its just about midnight on Monday for me folks, so I'd better put in a daily post :) Pretty huge workout day for me. I hit the gym early, got interrupted by a phone call and ended up doing a lot of heavy lifting and moving of steel items around instead. After that was done and I'd caught my breath, I hit the gym again later this arvo to finish what I started anyway. By the time I was done for the day, MFP was giving me a calorie target of 4,582... :open_mouth: And the crazy thing is.. I don't feel hungry because the keto and IF has really kicked in lol.

    Last week I did some reading about Intermittent fasting. The more I read, the more I realised that daily IF was my natural mode anyway.. For most of my life people have been telling me you need to eat more often.. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day etc.. etc.. Eat 5 small meals a day.. But my hunger has never been down with that plan.. I don't feel like eating anything all day until the evening. So I started reading about people doing daily fasts of 18hours with a 6 hour eating window and thought.. hey.. That sounds like a pattern I could easily fall into.

    Turns out.... Breakfast makes me hungry!! Literally.. If I stimulate my metabolic processes in the morning.. I just want to eat all day.. I fang for food all the way up to lunch.. Eat a big lunch then want to eat dinner early, then cant get to sleep because I want to midnight snack.

    So I'm doing 18:6 My eating window is 6pm to midnight. (I'm a late owl) And so far it's awesome. Outside of enjoying dinner, I'm just not hungry. I had to force myself to eat a low carb choc bar just now so MFP wouldn't complain about me not eating enough for the second day running. I know it's early days.. And I know I need to give my body enough nutrient.. But 2 weeks into the keto and I'm feeling pretty darn good.

    Streak Days 1
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Sorry I haven't been checking in much last week. Been completely overwhelmed with work and school ans haven't has much time for me. I'm attempting to do better this week. I'll once again be challenging myself to 300 minutes of exercise and 84000 steps this week. When I tried this 2 weeks ago I got sick so couldn't complete it. Really trying to get it done this week though. I'm also committing to 30 straight days on logging everything that goes into my mouth. Not yet focusing om macros or even staying under my calorie goal every single day. I just want to get into the habit if logging. As it stands now if I log anything at all it would be breakfast and lunch if I pack one to take with me to work. Evening meals or afternon snacks have been missing all around.

    I'm actually going on vacation for a few weeks to visit my family in the Caribbean. It will be great to see my parents and old frienda again. Unfortunately I still have school work and might have to put in a few hours of teleworking but I think a change of scenary will do me well. My mom and I are going on a cruise the week before Christmas so looking forward to that. However cruise or no cruise I'm sticking to logging and daily exercise.

    In terms if lessons learned. It may seem obvious but just setting a goal for the week has really changed my outlook on exercise ans keeping track of my diet. I think the inner competitor in me is stimulated seeing the numbers rack up and the checkboxes ticked.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @plainanjelik -- wow you are one busy woman! whew. I don't know how you do it all but go you. Huzzah! There is something really cathartic about ticking off a box on a goal for a week. I'm going to give weekly goals a try. My fitbit is like, "you placed 3rd in the 20,000 step challenge" this week. Yeah I need to do a lot better.

    @Fyreside -- We missed you there for a bit, I wondered if you had gotten sick of the Yankees talking about eating turkeys. You inspired me to pick back on on the IF today, and it went really well no problems.

    I had a problem losing energy last week with the IF and just got off track not feeling well and at first I thought maybe it was the diet, but actually it was my IBD flaring up. So after reading Fyresides post this morning decided to get back on track with the fasting plan.

    I subscribed to eMeals and have been making their recipes this week. They have a lot of different options, I chose the classic family plan, since I cook for everyone. The dinners are higher calorie than I would normally eat but it works out with IF.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @plainanjelik I really like your approach.. I too have found tapping into my competitive side to be of great motivational value. And your plan to just log diligently is a great idea. Some of my family has finally noticed I really am losing weight and suddenly they want to pile on the wagon with me. I've tried telling them, don't just jump into some diet or keto or slash your favorite foods.. It will just shock your system and your body will fight you all the way.. Just log.. and learn. Find out what you already eat and the way forward will become clear. Anyway, they won't listen lol. For me, just logging has really helped me find and set the right portion sizes for the food I already eat..

    @OregonRunner5 Yeah I really struggled with the participation for a bit there.. For me it's mostly about the spreadsheet. What initially attracted me to this group was the idea that there was going to be a scoreboard which would be a visual reminder of progress. I know from my time playing computer games that I like to better my score and so I felt confident that I could tap into that competitive drive. Unfortunately Burly's life took some turns and he got really busy, so we've never had the chart. That led me to join another challenge and end up becomming the person who managed their chart lol. I'm going to msg Burly right now and see if he would allow me to take over the chart duties.

    I hope IF can be as good for you as it is for me. I remember you talking about it weeks ago, but I wasn't really sure what it was. I kinda wish I'd done more reading back then.

  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Progress report including yesterday.

    Steps taken: 22871/84000
    Exercise minutes: 179/300
    Diary complete: 1/7
    Days under calorie goal: 0/7
    Days under TDEE: 1/7
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    @OregonRunner5 Oh yes, this period in my life has been insane. In July I'll be done with school so can manage to sleep a bit more every night. I really would like to be at my goal weight by then.

    @Fyreside Oh yes that diet train atrracts a lot of people for at least a few days. Congrats on the weight loss! It's great when it's to the point where others can see it. Hey if you manage to inspire someone to do the same then more power to you.

    @explodingmango Glad you were able to get the announcement out of the way without too much damage. Good luck on the rest of the family!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    @Fyreside It would be awesome to get that spreadsheet up and running! I won't mind posting a weekly achievable fitness challege for everyone to try ( those daily dares were getting a little crazy :D )
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Daily post for Tuesday, Good solid day with cycling to finish. Still struggling with the falling asleep thing. But I guess that will have to go on the list of things I want to fix lol.

    Streak day 2
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    edited November 2017
    Anjelik, where does someone from the Caribbean go on a cruise? You're already there! Lol.
    I would love for you to do our weekly challenges. Even though I couldn't do some of the daily challenges, they got me trying, like planks instead of push-ups, working on crane yoga pose instead of gorilla jumps. Good tries anyway.

    Fireside, I'd really like a spreadsheet, too. I really struggle with how much exercise really helps me, and at what point my body just rebels. I didn't exercise any at all over Thanksgiving. I slept about 14 hours Saturday night, and 10 hours Sunday night. At yoga class this morning my body was more relaxed and limber than it has been in years. Where is that happy medium?

    Oregonrunner, Thanks for taking over.

    Navarro, please let us know how you're doing. Been thinking about you. Are you doing ok?
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @Fyreside - Actually Burly is taking a bit off and put you and I in charge if you want to go ahead with the spreadsheet that sounds great. Is it based on percentages? Crazy busy today but checking in :-)!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    @corinasue1143 Haha! We are doing a Caribbean cruise in fact! Great cheap way to island hop. Checking out the islands I've never been to before.

    Will be glad to do the weekly challenges from Sunday.

    As my daily check in, my car died on me again so have officially given up on it and will just save for a new one and take the bus. Unfortunately it now takes me 2 hours to get to work rather than 20 minutes however I do get a 40 min walk each morning and evening to and from the bus stop.

    Still have to walk home in about 30 mins so will post my stats later tonight.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Finally home!

    Stat update:

    Steps taken: 37498/84000
    Exercise minutes: 238/300
    Diary complete: 2/7
    Days under calorie goal: 0/7
    Days under TDEE: 2/7
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm a bit of a car guy.. And although its unlikely I will be able to help from the other side of the world. I am curious as to what sort of car it is and what it's doing wrong. Any detail you can share will help.

    Also, I have to ask.. What is TDEE?
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Daily check in time. Wednesday
    Rainy day here.. Boy it would have been easy to just spend the day on the PC.. But it would be a shame to waste that gym I set up lol... So I got in there and had a good session.

    Streak day 3

    Also, hey Oregan, are we still doing the workout streak?
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    @fyreside It's just old. 1996 Saab 900s. Need to get new rods and rims so another 200 dollars just for parts that i'm not willing to spend. Already spent nearly 2000 dollars on the car in the past 6 months so will just suffer through the bus and save for a down payment on a new one.

    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure. Basically the extra calories MFP will give you for exercising. I usually try to go for the base goal set by the program despite exercise.
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    AAAHHHH! I lost my streak. MFP is so dang picky. I meant to check in all day yesterday, but it was one thing after another. oh well, i'm still in it, so here we go. Day 1 :)

    I'm doing terribly but I haven't lost my desire to keep going. I bought a new workout DVD set from Jessica Smith called Walk Strong 3. I was going to get her first set, but this one was on sale and I really liked the look and feel of the environment she was in. I don't know why, but if I don't like the background or stage of a workout, I can't stick with it. it doesn't come in until Friday, so I'll still be using my other DVD for now. BTW - my streak on that is also 1. I got a workout in on Monday only so far.

    Thank you @OregonRunner5 and @Fyreside for taking the reigns on this group. I really like it and I don't have the ganas to look for another one (ganas=desire). I would love to see that chart @Fyreside. It may give me the accountability I need to push myself to do more, like I did with my Healthy Wage Challenges. And IF sounds interesting. I may try it. I had a couple of friends from church tell me about it years ago, but I never tried it myself. I always thought kickstarting my metabolism first thing in the morning was the best way to lose weight. Perhaps I need to try something new.