Daily check in



  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    I'm up for a new challenge.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Although I agree with not beating one's self up over a bit of indulgence, I re-learned I HAVE to stick to a plan to a T with no allowances or I get completely derailed. I also learned that I need to adjust my eating plan/habits because what I have been doing hasn't been working. Finally, I learned that I need to focus on an eating plan, an exercise plan, and basically just on overall healthy, positive living plan and not focus on losing weight.

    Other than that, yes, I am up for another challenge. Perhaps we could do the 21 days and then even another one starting after the first of the year, maybe for 60 days or so.

    Congratulations, everyone, on a job well done and thank you for all the positive posts, encouragement, and your participation/efforts as well. Good luck to everyone in the future and I hope to see all of you in another challenge soon!
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you. This challenge has helped me watch my calories, stop eating by 7 pm, drink more water and do min 30 min of cardio a day. Lost 8.6 lbs. will continue logging. I’m in for the next challenge.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Just checking in, taking a week off before we start the new challenge! Keep kicking bootia!!
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Ok I fell off the face of the earth, but I’d love to jump back in and get involved with the new challenge! I hope everyone is doing well!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Are we starting today??
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Yes, Sheri said we were starting today. So excited! I'm going to do better this time around!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Clean eating starts today!!!! Let's do this, just 21 days, easy - peasy! ;)
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    I spent a bunch of time this weekend getting food ready and then just got back from a 66 minute walk, so I'm off to a good start!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Just a suggestion:

    Clean-Eating Foods List
    By: Lisa Valente, M.S., R.D. | Friday, March 25, 2016

    Watch: 6 Foods to Limit for a Clean Diet
    Eating clean is a lot easier when your cupboards, fridge and freezer are filled with healthy, clean foods. When you're eating clean, whole foods like fruits and vegetables are obvious choices. But minimally processed foods with short ingredient lists can also fit into a clean-eating diet. Choose foods with healthy ingredients like whole grains and healthy fats and those low in added sugar and salt. Here are some tips to help you stock your kitchen with foods that make it easier to eat clean.
    Pictured recipe: Broccoli Rabe & Chicken White Pizza
    Don't Miss: 10 Best Tips for Clean Eating
    Fruit is almost always a clean choice. Be wary of added sugars in canned fruits or dried fruits, which provide empty calories. Fruit juice can count toward your daily recommended fruit intake—just make sure it's 100% juice. Also, keep in mind that some juices can contain almost 30 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving. Even 100% fruit juices don't contain the beneficial fiber found in whole fruits—and you're also more likely to guzzle additional calories by drinking orange juice, for instance, than you would if you peeled and ate a whole orange.
    Related: Healthy Fruit Smoothie Recipes
    Clean Fruit:
    • Any fresh fruit
    • Canned fruit with no added sugar
    • Frozen fruit with no added sugar
    • Dried fruit with no added sugar
    • 100% fruit juice (limit)
    Vegetables should be the building blocks of your clean-eating meals because they're low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Frozen and canned vegetables are healthy, too, but choose ones without sauces and be sure to read the label since even items that look plain may have added salt. Some vegetables, such as potatoes and winter squash, are starchy. You don't have to limit them, just be aware they are higher in calories and carbs.
    Don't Miss: Delicious Ways to Eat More Veggies
    Clean Vegetables:
    • Any fresh vegetable
    • Frozen vegetables with no sauce or added salt
    • Canned vegetables with no sauce or added salt
    Whole Grains
    Nutritious and fiber-rich, whole grains­, such as brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, farro or millet, are unprocessed and contain only one ingredient. They're about as clean as you can get. When it comes to whole-grain products, look for whole-wheat versions of pasta, refrigerated pizza dough, bread and English muffins (just be sure that whole-wheat flour is the first ingredient and there isn't sugar in the ingredient list). Even popcorn is a whole grain: buy the kernels and pop them on the stove or in an air popper for a clean snack that doesn't have the additives and buttery calories you find in microwave bags.
    Don't Miss: 7-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan
    Clean Whole Grains:
    • Single-ingredient grains, such as farro, millet, oats, barley, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
    • Whole-wheat pasta
    • Popcorn
    • Sprouted whole-grain bread and English muffins (with no added sugar)
    • Whole-wheat pizza dough
    Choose plain yogurt (either regular or Greek) over vanilla and fruit-flavored yogurts, which are usually high in sugar, to clean up your diet. Dairy products, such as cheese and milk, can do double duty: eat them solo or use them as ingredients in cleaner homemade versions of foods, such as pizza and macaroni and cheese. Opting for nondairy alternatives, such as soy, coconut and almond milk? Look for unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugar.
    Clean Dairy Foods:
    • Plain yogurt
    • Milk
    • Cheese
    • Unsweetened nondairy milks
    Choose leaner meats, such as chicken breast and chicken thigh, sirloin and lean ground beef. Meat offers protein, iron and vitamin B12. Eating clean means avoiding processed foods, so steer clear of bologna, salami, pepperoni and hot dogs. These—and other processed meat products—are usually high in sodium and may contain artificial colors as well as preservatives. Fish and shellfish can be super-healthy protein sources and many fish contain heart-healthy omega-3 fats. Choose sustainably sourced seafood when possible. Pacific cod, wild salmon and tilapia are all good choices according to Seafood Watch. Eggs are a great choice—and don't skip the yolk or you'll miss out on extra protein and nutrients. Nuts, seeds and beans are all great choices for plant-based proteins. Just be sure to look for lower-sodium options when possible.
    Related: 5 Healthiest Fish to Eat (and 5 to Avoid)
    Clean Proteins:
    • Single-ingredient meats: chicken breast, chicken legs, ground beef, etc.
    • Seafood (choose sustainable options, such as wild salmon and Pacific cod)
    • Eggs
    • Unflavored nuts (e.g., almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts)
    • Plain nut butters (no added sugar)
    • Dried beans
    • Canned beans (rinse to reduce sodium by 35%)
    Now that you're ready to stock your kitchen with clean-eating essentials, be sure to try our budget clean-eating recipes, clean-eating lunches and clean-eating breakfasts.
    Related Links:
    Download a FREE 1-Week Clean-Eating Dinner Plan & Shopping List!
    3 Ways to Limit Processed Foods (& the Ones You Should Keep in Your Diet)
    6 Unhealthy Foods to Limit for a Clean Diet Video
    Clean-Eating Recipes for Weeknights
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Ate clean today except for 15 M&M's and a tablespoon of low sugar jam. Nothing fried, processed or boxed today. Stayed under 1300 calories (gross - meaning pre exercise calories).
    Had eggs, low carb, low sugar yogurt, kale, spinach, rice (it was white as I'm not crazy about brown any more), light tuna, boiled chicken and low sugar OJ, and a little yogurt butter.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Checking in - Day 1 Monday!

    Had a semi private tennis clinic so lot's of running and hitting so much I was sucking air a few times so all good!

    Went grocery shopping and stocked up on fresh veggies and fruits. Ate clean for the most part but, my tennis partner had car trouble so go home later then planned and was starved so had a can of beans, not all that bad but had a little sauce on them.

    Tracking water and I'm up to 9 cups and still going!

    Only 18 more days it's a little shorter then 21 days; I'd like to stop on the 22nd and have everyone enjoy the Holiday without having to worry about a challenge.

    Come on ladies we can do this!!!!! :)
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check in Day 1

    Forgot we were starting today, but my menu wasn’t too bad. I wasn’t able to find the pepperchini potatoes chips on the menu to add- had a small bowl
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check in Day 1

    Nutrition: clean eating under calories
    Exercise: JM Ripped in 30 level one

    Welcome back ladies! Thank you Sheri for that info on clean eating- it’s my favorite style of eating because it’s what my body most loves! Great job ladies on our fiat day back - it’s only 21 days and we can do this!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Under calories. Ate clean except two packets of light mayo, my dozen M&M's and coffee creamer, regular not flavored. Dinner: Had a jersey Mike's sub but no oil, no cheese but very light mayo, hardly. I even brought by own mayo to make sure. It was a chicken philly without the philly part, loaded with chicken and veggies.
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Day 2 check in

    Menu was clean, Amy’s organic bowls because I was too lazy to cook and didn’t have any dinner left overs.
    Tomorrow will be super clean!

    Felt great to get outside and fill my lungs with air ❤️
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Water consumption is good and calories burned is also good BUT I haven't exactly been eating clean enough. I will focus on that more tomorrow. Felt good playing tennis tonight and had a butt load of fun too. We even saw some rain drops.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    I was only able to get 33 minutes of walking in today (at 10 pm!), but I got it done, and I haven't been doing "clean eating," necessarily, but I have stuck to a T for 9 days now to a plan that I think (hope!) is working for me. Jeans are a little looser, so fingers crossed! I intend to keep at my plan for the whole challenge and beyond (especially if I am getting good results) and will be getting up early tomorrow for another walk as part of that plan. Glad to hear everyone is doing well!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check in Day 2 & 3

    Exercise: Treadmill Walk incline
    Nutrition- Tuesday (over calories) & Wednesday ( under calories)

    Nice Job ladies! Thanks for the motivation. I was sick yesterday - not feeling well! Today felt better and walked on treadmill on incline- might go home later and do some PIYO :-) busy day for me but focused on water and calories!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 2 & 3


    Played a 3 hour tennis match in the morning and then 2 hrs of tennis practice at night.

    Nutrition: Great, ate clean and came in under my calorie goal also, plenty of water.


    Was a little tired today and didn't really want to workout but, pushed myself to complete P90X3 Upper Eccentric and felt good after so glad I did.

    Nutrition: Ate clean but was hungry all day, might go over calorie goal but stay under with exercise calories. Did a good job with water today too

    Note: I do have FF creamer which isn’t clean but, I will cut back.

    Naomisds – way to go, pushing thru your workout at 10PM, and looser jeans, crazy good!

    Love seeing everyone still logging and checking in, You ladies rock!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3