Daily check in



  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello ladies. I didn't do too well today. I have a lunch with Microsoft at Yard House. Has miso sea bass. I didn't think it had so much glaze but I didn't eat much jasmine rice, but I had to make sure the queso was safe for human consumption. Then Accounting had pizza and I had one slice. Ate good the rest of the day though. Tomorrow will be better because I'll bring my lunch but I have dinner plans at Carrabbas. I plan on going to the gym in the morning. However I was very good about sweets today. I wish I did better.
    Good job ladies!
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Got in a walk in the morning and tennis in the evening. Stuck to my eating plan and going to get up for another walk tomorrow morning. Now, time for bed!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check Day 4 Thursday!

    Nutrition: over calories
    Exercise: None, still getting over my cold & letting the body rest.

    I’m so happy to see all you ladies! Keeping everyone motivated yay! Don’t feel well but pushing forward. Tomorrow is my Birthday Day
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 4 Thursday

    Played about 90 mins tennis singles, very cold and windy today but was moving.

    Nutrition: ok, had my hair done and it took much longer then I planned & was starved so got some granola at Target, it was the only semi healthy snack I could find and had to guess on the amount too. Calories might be over but, it's all good.

    Note: I never took my measurements after the 90 day challenge so I did today and was pleasantly surprise, I lost a total of 13 inch and 3 off my belly which is where I carry most of my weight. I was happy then made the mistake of looking up my pre P90X days and I’m exactly where I was when I started P90X back in 2012. Oh well, I’m going in the right direction!

    Kbranch – you’re maintaining so I’d say a “treat” day every once in a while is not going to hurt so enjoy!

    Naomisds – Super day, moving and grooving plus eating well, keep rocking it!

    Jperdomo – Your body does need to rest especially when your down with a cold. Take it easy and “Happy Birthday!” Wishing you a year full of love, laughter and good health!

    Keep on pushing ladies, you’re doing awesome! <3<3<3<3
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Had a pretty clean eating day and kept calories down so I'm happy about that. I should have drank a bit more water though. Got in some good tennis today even with the more challenging conditions.

    A Big Happy Birthday to jperdomo. Enjoy your day, feel the burn, and drink lots of water (maybe mixed with a little whiskey to celebrate!)
    Looks like people have gotten a strong start on this new challenge. It's preparing us to tackle the holiday. Keep it up.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello pushing forward!

    Wrote a post and hit done without posting. Oh man!

    Getting a slow start on clean eating challenge. My goal is to cut the salt so fresh or frozen vegetables will be good for me. Hoping the puffy bloated fingers will disappear!

    Adding more daily sit ups.

    Let’s keep it up.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Happy birthday jperdomo!

    Got in a morning walk yesterday with another short, 10-minute one in the evening. Got another walk in this morning and would like to do more this evening, but work is pretty busy (on a short break at the moment) and "overtime is approved," so it looks like I'll be pretty busy with work for a while instead.

    Doing great on sticking to my eating plan, but need to improve my water intake and sleep habits. I know from past experience that I have to sleep enough in order for weight to come off and to keep my appetite under control, and being well hydrated is always a good thing!

    Everyone keep up the good work and together we'll make this challenge a success for all of us!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    It's getting hard right now to stay on track. I need to make sure potions are in check which they have been. Choices and temptations could be worked on a little. I think I have some sympathizers?
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    I became obsessed with trying to figure out if my eating plan is working for me or not, but I don't want to weigh until the end of the challenge, so I decided to check my progress with a measuring tape, and guess what? I've actually lost several inches! I'm so excited! Here's hoping that trend continues!

    Also, I got lucky and found the time after work to take another 18 minute walk, so I ended up walking for nearly an hour and 15 minutes total today.

    Kim, just remember that cravings are only temporary and will likely pass if you wait them out! Just hang in there and you'll be fine!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Way to go Naomi!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check in Day 5 Friday & Day 6 Saturday

    It’s my birthday today so did absolutely nothing and it felt liberating
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in day 5 & 6


    Completed P90X3 Lower Eccentrics, really upped my weights so got a great burn.

    Nutrition: Did well, went out to lunch & picked from the "light" menu, Grilled veggies & Cheese on a pita piadina, got home to find out it was over 600 calories! Always good to check "before" I eat. Tried to make up the difference with a protein shake for dinner.


    I'm playing in a tennis tournament so I'll be sure to have plenty of burned calories for today.

    jperdomo - Happy bday and enjoy it!!!

    kbranch - it's been a tough few days for me too so instead of having the "bad" I just eat more of the "good", I might be a little over on calories but, I figure it's better then the alternative. Strong and steady, you'll (we'll) get there!!!

    Nutrition: Good so far and I'm planning ahead for tonight. I'll bring a banana and some granola if I get hungry at the tournament. Plan on a shake once I get home.

    Naomids - Excellent job on the inches, they will continue!

    Keep pushing forward ladies, you rock!!!
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Just finished a 93 minute walk covering over 5 miles. Now it's time for some dinner! Of course, I'm going to stick to the menu!

    Keep pushing forward everyone. We'll all be glad we did!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Doing pretty good. Been away from sugar and eating decently. As long as bad food isn't around I'll be just fine. It's high gear for parties and pot lucks at work and tennis, so I'm eating before I go. I will have a slice of pizza tonight. The last two days I could have had decedent dessert or pizza or burgers or crab cakes, I had soup and salad, easy on the dressing. Played doubles today and plan on maybe jogging tomorrow as I took the day off from work. Have a wonderful Sunday and hope you're enjoying the holiday season so far.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    I had more than I needed to eat today at the Polish Club Christmas dinner and I only got in a few dances so I probably didn't work off half the calories. My eating has not been very clean lately, I must admit. Tomorrow will be a busy day (but not fun, outdoor busy) so I will try to keep as clean as possible and lots of water. Looks like a lot of you are doing really well on this new challenge so keep it up!! I'm working on catching up.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Stuck to my eating plan, got in 16,000+ steps, and spent the day cooking to get my food ready for the week so that I won't be tempted to grab the wrong thing if I get hungry and there's nothing appropriate around. Glad I put in the effort, but now I'm exhausted. Good night!
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Maintenance mode at the moment. Too much eggnog (no rum).

    Way to go team. Good work during the holidays.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 7 & 8


    Played 18 holes of gold and did some Christmas decorating, good day

    Nutrition: Didn’t log but I was good! Lol


    Rest day but went grocery shopping at two different stores, come home, cleaned and finished up some decorating so still moving and grooving.

    Nutrition: Good!

    Found a book on clean eating called “The Eat-Clean Diet- Recharged” and I love it, she breaks things down so it’s simply! I haven't finished the book so right now I’m focusing on having a protein and a complex carb during each meal, also staying a way from white flour and added sugar.

    Happy note: the scale was very kind, the last time I saw that number was Jan 2014! :)

    Super job ladies planing ahead and sticking to your program, keep kicking butt!!!! <3<3
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Exercise: Pilates & Piyo Sweat Day 7&8
    Nutrition: over/under calories

    Hello Ladies: Really busy this week with final Christmas shopping and possibly a change in jobs - a little stressed to say the least - but moving forward and pushing forward. Happy i pushed play and got to my class
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Disappointed to say that I had a terrible day as far as calories I ate (way too many and not really clean) compared to calories I burned (zilch). BUT I am still motivated seeing how well that intotennis, naomisds, kbranch, jperdomo, (and anyone I missed that is staying on this challenge) are doing. So keep it up you all and thanks for all your positive posts because they will help me get back on track.