Weekends are my worst

Weekends are the worst. I have to cook during the week as it is, and when it comes to weekends I hate it even more. Friday I went from my full time job at Fleet Feet to my our side gig (photo booth rental). I had to drive an hour to the location, set up and run the booth solo, then drive home. It was 7:30pm by the time I got home and I was exhausted. I hadn't eaten much and still had 1100 calories left for the day so I talked my husband into picking up some McDonald's for us. It wasn't a great choice health wise but I was within my calorie allowance. But after that, it was getting later, I was cuddling with the new grandbaby and started to have a bit of a coughing fit (still fighting a cold) and I really wanted something to either soothe or scratch my throat. So I ended up eating a package of graham crackers....which then put me over my allowance.
And then today, we're up in Kalamazoo for another photo booth rental and we got a coffee at Biggby, and now we're eating out at a brewhouse. Had to try a local beer right? Shared some cheese curds with hubby (ate fewer than he did), and got a Butternut Squash Ravioli with some blackened Chicken added to it (some protein to balance out the carbs). I probably shouldn't have substituted the salad for the zucchini fries, but this is the only place that serves them and I can get a salad anywhere.
Chances are this will be my only meal today and I'll be drinking water the rest of the night. We'll see how things add up as I get it all added into my food diary.
Have a great weekend. What are your challenges or tips on weekends?.


  • hunsize
    hunsize Posts: 4 Member
    My weekend is going good. Today I did better on eating more instead of one shake and one meal yeah me. Tomorrow is my family dinner so gonna hold myself to be good, fingers crossed. Monday I’m gonna cleanse actually might do a two day
  • Time is so structured during the work week (40+hours) we can set up times to eat, and so busy that you can pass on the snacks. The weekends are different. Run here an there try to fit in the work you can't do during the work week. Meals are at different times, especially this time of year. Hang in there! We all have a common goal, and now a community that understands.
  • JennDavis2016
    JennDavis2016 Posts: 13 Member
    @Iwilldothis4glwh you're soooo right. It's the same when the kids are on summer vacation. Can't wait until they are back to school and the chaos of a schedule vs the chaos of the un-schedule.