Fitbit not syncing today



  • lnhudlow
    lnhudlow Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! The problem started yesterday and is continuing today!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yes - still not syncing. So frustrating! Mine hasn't synced since late in the day on 12/16.
  • Smifie
    Smifie Posts: 1 Member
    OUI!!! PAs de synchronisation depuis le 16 décembre en après-midi. J'èspère que le problème sera réglé rapidement et que les données ne seront pas perdues. Très frustrant lorsqu'on fait un suivi serré.
  • Glad to know it's not just me. :D
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    Same! I hope they fix it soon!
  • sherryallinger
    sherryallinger Posts: 7 Member
  • jtbrock1
    jtbrock1 Posts: 1 Member
    Same with me. It stopped syncing on Sat Dec 16. They should release a notification somehow to let us know. I disconnected and reconnected then finally came here. Thankfully it’s not my device. Hope they get it fixed soon.
  • AntoinetteHart
    AntoinetteHart Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I have been trying for days to get them to sync as well.
  • shearnerve
    shearnerve Posts: 37 Member
    Mslmesq wrote: »
    Me, me, me!

    My food is not syncing today
  • spdavis513
    spdavis513 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! The problem started Sunday afternoon (12-17-2017) and is continuing today!
  • bestrongbefit1
    bestrongbefit1 Posts: 68 Member
    Glad I'm not alone. kept trying to restart everything. What a day to start tracking again
  • Lisa9633
    Lisa9633 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, this is not fun. At least I can stop frantically trying to fix stuff, and just stew in frustration. Or go for a walk. That may be a better idea. Sure hope it gets straightened out soon!
  • SMBerry80
    SMBerry80 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, so I see many other people are having this issue. Thanks everyone for posting because I couldn't figure out how to fix it or why it was happening.
  • booktdi
    booktdi Posts: 2 Member
    Got this too late, already did all the stuff they tell you not to do. I never got a notification from them.

    Monday, 12/18/2017, 12:17 PM PST


    Our genuine apologies for the current issue with data not syncing between MyFitnessPal and Fitbit.  Our engineers are looking into it and we will do what we can to resolve the issue as soon as possible.  

    Right now no data will be syncing between Fitbit and MyFitnessPal, and relinking the two programs will not resolve this issue.  At this time, we recommend not relinking the two, as when the integration is functioning again, this will increase the workload on the servers, and will lengthen the amount of time it will take to work through the backlog of sync requests.  

    We will continue to update this article as more information becomes available.  Please check back for further updates.


    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    booktdi wrote: »
    Got this too late, already did all the stuff they tell you not to do. I never got a notification from them.

    Monday, 12/18/2017, 12:17 PM PST


    Our genuine apologies for the current issue with data not syncing between MyFitnessPal and Fitbit.  Our engineers are looking into it and we will do what we can to resolve the issue as soon as possible.  

    Right now no data will be syncing between Fitbit and MyFitnessPal, and relinking the two programs will not resolve this issue.  At this time, we recommend not relinking the two, as when the integration is functioning again, this will increase the workload on the servers, and will lengthen the amount of time it will take to work through the backlog of sync requests.  

    We will continue to update this article as more information becomes available.  Please check back for further updates.


    MyFitnessPal Staff

    MFP doesn't send personal notifications for issues like this. When you see your Fitbit isn't syncing, it's a good idea to check the "Help" page to see if it's already something they've noticed and are working on before you begin additional troubleshooting.
  • emalademfp
    emalademfp Posts: 6 Member
    Just read the statement saying don't try and relink - why could this not have been posted more prominently. Feel bad I tried to relink 4/5 times before I saw that. Glad it's not just me though.
  • najatchk
    najatchk Posts: 2 Member
    Même problème. J arrête de me battre avec mes apps j attend que cela se regle
  • najatchk
    najatchk Posts: 2 Member
    J arrête de me battre
  • New fitbit flex2 not syncing today or yesterday. Also, fitbit aria scale vanished from myfitnesspal.
  • timhartvelt
    timhartvelt Posts: 1 Member
    Ah thought it was just me..