Calling out all tall girls :) <3



  • goatlady6
    goatlady6 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all--I am 5'8 and weighed 155 upon starting a Keto diet last week. I feel like my stomach is smaller...trying to get rid of the "bagel belly" before Christmas or so. I plan on going off of the keto diet for the holidays and starting up again after my scrap booking weekend away in the third week of January. I also have Celiac Disease so not having things was not too hard. (but it's only been a week)
    After my third child was born (1992) I went right back to my High school weight of 122. Now I think that I must have looked like a skeleton! Anyhow, when I got up to 160 (which was my heaviest weight) while I was pregnant with #2 I decided that I needed to do something!
    This is really hard when you have NEVER dieted before and you are 55 years old! Many of you sound much younger than me and losing weight seems to be really hard after menopause. Maybe there is another group for me? Anyhow, good luck to all and if anyone has any suggestions...I am very new here and would like to hear them! TerriO
  • brig220
    brig220 Posts: 52 Member
    calichiro wrote: »
    OK I have a legitimate question about your calories... how do you exist on 1400 or less a day?? OMG I'm starving if I'm at 1500. I shoot for 1600/day, and often come in between 1500-1700. I'm 5'9" (48 years old), and CW is 173. Goal is 155. My lowest weight was 148 in my mid twenties, but I was only able to maintain that by starving and working out like a fiend. Neither of those options works for me with a family and job. ;)

    I've heard of tall women below 150 lbs but I can't figure out how you actually get there. It's never seemed possible for me. Thanks for sharing!

    Hi, I’m 5’9” and 141 lbs, eating around 1500-1600 calories lately. I had gained about 10 having become lazy about my workouts but started counting about 2 months ago and lost 10 lbs. That amount feels okay to me, but I think it’s what you’re use to and habits. It seems to go back to my childhood and the size of portions I had on my dinner plate. Now my kids eat the same way. We also wait for meals to eat (I’m French) even if a little hungry. I exercise hard regularly, if I’m hungry I’ll have some yogurt and fruit, and a cup of tea. It holds me to dinner which is usually full of vegetables and lowish in fat. Anyway, we are all different and have different needs and habits.
  • LW3380
    LW3380 Posts: 118 Member
    malamar8 wrote: »
    I am 6' tall and currently 162... goal is 155-158. Much lower and I feel too thin! Sheesh you are all listing such low weights! Can't imagine being in the 130s! I work out with a trainer 2x per week- go to boot camp classes 3xper week- and run about 15 miles per week. I eat about 1500 cals per day and I don't increase my calories for exercise- just what works for me.

    I agree with your comment I've been 147lbs before and I didn't look well at all...I'm not a partially curvy or "big boned" person myself but aiming for such a low weight seems a bit far fetched. I enjoy my food and I would be pretty miserable having to try to stick to 1,200 cals a day.

  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm 5 ft 8 and currently at 150. Most of my life, I've "settled" around 140 to 150, and my ultimate goal is 125ish. I look "fine", but I've been 130ish, and that's when I looked good to me (and I think that is what counts most.)

    Reading the posts above, it seems to me that the majority of us are well within a healthy BMI, and working towards the lower end of that healthy range.

    I don't know about anyone else, but for me, it is like constantly trying to hold a beachball under water. If I let go for a nanosecond, my weight bounces back up. I eat between 1400 and 1700 calories a day. For me to lose, I have to stay at about 1,200 to 1,300 calories a day, work out 6 days a week, and log 10k steps. So, I know what to do, I want to do it, but the challenge is consistency. I've also noted that higher protein/higher fiber enables me to be more consistent. ,

    I'm determined! So, please add me to your friend list!
  • sarasoarusrex
    sarasoarusrex Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'9 and I'm usually around 155. I think that's pretty average. Not to mention I'm trying to get stronger so I don't really expect that number to go down much. But numbers shouldn't be your focus IMO.
  • Clau_Ioana1202
    Clau_Ioana1202 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all, I am 175 cm (5'8) and 69 kg (152) but I really want to go close to 141 where I feel the best. Not a lot but it's not happening. I don't exercise much and I eat pretty clean.

    I am trying to stay at 1200 calories/day but not always being successful.
  • annblahow1618
    annblahow1618 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, everyone! I’m so glad I found this thread. I’m 5’8”, (almost) 25 yo, and weigh 161 currently. My lowest was 146, and I hovered between 147-155 for about 2 years before gaining to 165. (Partly I blame myself, and partly I blame that the new town I live in is a food desert!) I felt awesome in the 140s, so I’m hoping to get back there. More than anything I’m trying to flatten my stomach and tone my arms! Those areas have been always tough for me. I love my legs and my butt, but even at my lowest I had a substantial pooch.

    I try to stick to 1200, but it’s rough sometimes. I’m also trying to exercise as much as possible, with a minimum of 3 45min workouts per week.
  • charlotteddd
    charlotteddd Posts: 148 Member
    Similar #s for me: I’m 5’ 10” and 153lbs. Looking to lose around 10lbs, finding it quite difficult. Eating ~1400 cals a day but not eating back exercise calories apart from maybe 150cals if I do an especially long run. Quite active in general.
    What’s a typical day of eating for those of you who are eating around the same #s?
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    I didn't know this thread existed and it's great! I'm 175 cm (almost 5'8) and...I don't know my weight right now as I don't own a scale. I know it's weird, but I've been moving around so much I couldn't be bothered to buy one and am going by my body measurements for now. I'm in the last phase of losing now as I want to lose around 7 pounds more but these last ones are extremely hard. I used one of the online calculators provided in one of the forums and it estimated I would need 3.5 more months to lose that little! I eat 1,607 calories and last time I checked I weighed in at about 140 pounds.
    Feel free to add me!
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited April 2018
    I'm 5'8" and honestly shocked by how low weight some of you other 5'8" girls want to be. I'm currently 180 and my goal is to get to 148ish, but realistically I'll be happy if I hover around 150. There is no possible way I'd get below 145 without starving myself and looking skeletal. I'm curvy and muscular - busty with a big booty. I'm currently netting 1400-1500 calories a day and I stay pretty satisfied at that right now.
  • LlamaLlime
    LlamaLlime Posts: 10 Member
    I am just under 5'10 and am currently 137. My intention is to gain more muscle, so who knows what weight I will finally land on. I am curious about the calorie intake everyone has posted - is it the total number of calories you are eating in a day, or the final count after calories burned from exercise has been taken into account?
  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member
    I’m 5’9” and currently hovering around 145 lbs. i currently have my goal in around 135, which I’ve been at healthfully before. I think numbers vary so much person to person, and on so many different factors. Right now I’m at a good weight, but am visibly carrying a bit extra.
    I’m also trying not to stay too fixated on the scale. My main goal is to lose body fat and build muscle, and if I get to a place I’m happy with before my goal weight, I’ll readjust then.
    I’m also getting married this September - which is definitely motivating me to stick with things this time around.
    I’m eating just over 1500 calories, which is where MFP puts me for lightly active, trying to lose 1 lb per week. I’m not eating back exercise cals, hence choosing lightly active.
    In reality I’m losing around 3 lb/monthish (and recently just fell right off track, so
  • xelsoo
    xelsoo Posts: 194 Member
    LlamaLlime wrote: »
    I am just under 5'10 and am currently 137. My intention is to gain more muscle, so who knows what weight I will finally land on. I am curious about the calorie intake everyone has posted - is it the total number of calories you are eating in a day, or the final count after calories burned from exercise has been taken into account?

    I generally don't take back the calories burnt from exercise, so I eat the same each day and it balances out at the end of the week. This works for me and gives me a little surplus as I'll usually have some treats and drinks during the weekend.

    As for the numbers and stats, as another user mentioned it varies from person to person and I personally don't bother with the scale number. I've always been on the lean side and quite bony (and yet my legs and arms are very toned), so my body weight hasn't fluctuated much even when eating over 2,000 calories for maintenance (staying active). As everyone, I have my personal goals, in particular eliminating a stubborn pouch of belly fat and then gaining back a few pounds in the form of muscle :)
  • lar25473
    lar25473 Posts: 183 Member
    Shorter than most of you - I'm 5 ft 8 and I'm at 195 right now, trying to hit somewhere around 130-140. Struggling right now though.
  • lar25473
    lar25473 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 5'8" and honestly shocked by how low weight some of you other 5'8" girls want to be. I'm currently 180 and my goal is to get to 148ish, but realistically I'll be happy if I hover around 150. There is no possible way I'd get below 145 without starving myself and looking skeletal. I'm curvy and muscular - busty with a big booty. I'm currently netting 1400-1500 calories a day and I stay pretty satisfied at that right now.

    I think it depends on your body structure also! I have wide hips so I know I can't be anywhere below 130, but I had a friend who was 5 ft 10 and was not very curvy who weighed 125 pounds or so and you couldn't tell. Bone structure makes a difference!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    If you want to check what size of bone structure you have (no matter how overfat you may be at the time) you can get someone to measure between the epicondyles of your humerus. bend your elbow to 90 degrees (like you are going to throw darts) and carefully measure between the two points.

    If your measurement is smaller - you have a small frame. Larger, then you have a large frame. This can also be done with a wrist measurement but in fairly obese people the wrists may be padded with fat and throw the bone measurement off.
    I have a small frame at 5'8" - for women over 5'5" a medium frame wrist measurement is 6.25-6.5" (mine is 5.5"). My bones, although small, are very strong; at 54 I have the tested bone density of a 22 year old.

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi! I just joined this group. I’m 5’10” and weigh 156ish. I have my goal set to 1900 calories. I’m not tying to lose more weight I’m just focusing on exercise