'Tis the Season to be Jolly: December Accountability & Weigh-In



  • nic_27_grassisgreener
    Hi everyone, hope you're enjoying the season.

    I wanted to come check in because I'm struggling. I'm on day 3 of 6 of staying with my mom at home and I feel out of control! I've eaten over maintenance by a significant amount everyday, with Christmas Eve and Christmas still to come.

    Normally I really wouldn't care at all, but the reason I wanted to lose the weight (started back in July) was for a wedding I'm attending/in next week. I'm trying to remind myself that I can't gain all sorts of weight in only a week and a half. I'm still afraid of looking/feeling bloated though.

    Anyway, I hope everyone else is able to relax a bit more than me!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Don’t beat yourself up over it! Go for walks to burn off or earn some extra calories. But between now and the wedding you shouldn’t suffer that much.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    Height: 166 cm (5’5.5”)
    HW: 65 kg (143 lb)// LW: 50.8 kg (111.8 lb)
    CW: 54 kg (119 lb)
    Goal range: 51.5-53.5 kg (113-118 lb)
    Current measurements remain the same as in July when I was around 51 kg

    I’m around my goal, so for this month I’m going to 1) maintain it (weight and measurements), 2) carefully select my food, and 3) weight-train more regularly.

    Dec 4th: 54 kg
    Dec 11th: 53.4 kg
    Dec 18th: weight doesn’t mean anything this week cuz my uterus says so...
    Dec 26th: 53.8

    Buckle up for the new year!
  • Govgirl410
    Govgirl410 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, everyone. Can you explain some of the abbreviations to me? UGW? HW? (is that highest weight?) SW? CW?
  • nic_27_grassisgreener
    Ultimate Goal Weight ( as opposed to a shorter term goal weight), Highest weight, Starting weight, Current weight
  • Govgirl410
    Govgirl410 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, Nic.
  • blackcatsdancing
    blackcatsdancing Posts: 16 Member
    righto back to it tomorrow (28th). Had some bad news today so stuffed down the rest of the chocolate in one go and had far too much pasta. Plus side is there are no more sweet foods lying around. Tomorrow is going to be really hard, but it will soon get easier. I can't face weighing myself though, shall hold off until my usual Saturday weigh in . Going to buy a lovely low calorie ready meal for dinner , then have egg and turkey sausage for lunch. I'll be drinking lots of water too! Hoping i sleep ok tonight, been suffering insomnia past few days which really affects the way i eat (i eat far more when tired).
  • nic_27_grassisgreener
    Height: 5'7"
    SW December: 145.7
    December Goal: 145.0

    Dec 1: 145.7
    Dec 8: 145.4
    Dec 15: 144.8
    Dec 21: 144.6
    Dec 28: 143.6

    Well I'm not sure how I pulled off weight loss in the past week, as I didn't hold back on indulging, and air travel. Maybe because I stopped working out?
    Thanks @rianneonamission for the words of encouragement when I was freaking out!
    I'm officially not logging for the rest of the year, as I leave for San Francisco tomorrow.
    Happy New Year every one!
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 113.4
    Dec Goal Weight: 112-115-Maintenance
    Dec Fitness goal-Complete Strong Curves and rehab

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- 115
    Start of august-115
    Start of sept 112
    Start of oct:113
    Start of Nov-112
    Start of Dec: 111.5

    Dec 1: 111.5
    Dec 8: 110.2
    Dec 15: 110.4
    Dec 22: 109.6
    Dec 29: 112.0
    Struggles/success: I expected that my weight would be high today. I arrived home last night after 1 week in the frozen north after eating with abandon and only 2 workouts. Frankly, I am relieved it’s not higher. I am really glad to be back on the band wagon today. Only NYE on the horizon. The rest is back to cold beans and bacon. I am actually really glad to be back to it. A year ago, I never thought that would be possible.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    edited December 2017
    Height: 5'3”
    HW: 127
    SW December: 111.2 (110.4 trending)
    Ultimate goal: Maintenance. Goal range is 108-113.

    Dec 1: 111.6 (110.7 trending)
    Dec 8: 111.0 (110.4 trending)
    Dec 15: 111.0 (111.1 trending)
    Dec 22: 108.6 (109.2 trending)
    Dec 29:

    I am feeling much better after my bout with the flu/food poisoning, but my weight has still been a little low. Good thing I have lots of Christmas cookies lying around!

    I made it back into the gym today after taking a break to heal up, and WOW it kicked my butt today, but felt great!

    Husband and I have also decided that we are going to take up yoga together. Once his giant-sized tall-person yoga mat arrives in the mail, that is.
  • itseclair
    itseclair Posts: 43 Member
    Height: 162.5 cm
    HW: 152 lbs
    UGW: 110 lbs
    December SW: 145 lbs
    December Goal: 142 lbs

    Attempting to lose 3 pounds this month!

    December 1st: 145 lbs
    December 11th: 145 lbs
    December 18th: its either 144.5lbs or 145 lbs
    December 19th: 144 lbs
    December 30th: 144 lbs
    Last weighin of this year!
    I must say that although i did not reach my goal for this month I'm happy that i lost just 1 pound even after all those family gatherings and christmas parties!
    I think that being apart of this community and these monthly weighin groups has kept me accountable and has also taught me that its okay to mess up, I'd like to wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Years :) and for only good things to happen to us (although iknow with all thats good comes with some bad)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,014 Member
    I lost 138 lbs about 5 yrs ago, 115 of it using myfitnesspal. I have maintained until recently and have put on 8 lbs nope, nope, nope not going to happen. I am scared of putting the weight back on so I joined 2 dietbet I am back here on myfitnesspal and I am going back to what I did to help get the weight off

    Hw 238
    Gw 150
    Cw 158.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    Height: 5'8" / 173 cm
    Original starting weight: 158.7 lbs
    Goal weight: 128 lbs
    December goal weight: 140.8

    Dec 01 142.2 lbs
    Dec 08 142.8 lbs
    Dec 20 142.3 lbs
    Dec 22 142.2 lbs
    Dec 31 140.6 lbs

    Total December loss: 1.6 lbs

    I did it! After stalling for 3 weeks the weight started to drop after Christmas. It was a strange month, but I'm happy with the result. Without MFP and all of you guys I probably couldn't have done it, so thank you for that! Tonight there is one more night with lots of tasty snacks and drinks before it'll go back to normal.

    Enjoy your New Years Eve everyone!! <3
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    Nice job @GoldenEye_ ! Also, to everyone who put in the efforts this year, WTG. Onwards and Upwards. Haver a great NYE!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @brianneangell08 I am so sorry, what an absolute dickhead! Sending you many virtual hugs.

    Happy New Year to everyone (also @brianneangell08: Things can only get better, as hard as that may be to believe right now!)

    Well done to all of you maintaining and losing. Not me. But I enjoyed it. New thread here!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Huge hugs to you @brianneangell08 what a crappy way to start the new year xx
  • blackcatsdancing
    blackcatsdancing Posts: 16 Member
    he's been a complete dickhead, so sorry @brianneangell08 xx
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 124.6
    December Goal: 122 LBS

    Nov 30: 124.6
    Dec 1: 124.8
    Dec 4: 124.8
    Dec 7: 125.2
    Dec 14: 124.2
    Dec 18: 125.8
    Dec 31: 124
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    Height – 5’ 10”

    HW - 186.4 lbs
    SW August – 177.4 lbs
    SW September – 173.2 lbs
    SW October - 169.4 lbs
    SW November - 167.9 lbs

    (Moving Average Weights)
    December 1- 164.6
    December 4 – 165.1
    December 8 – 165.7
    December 12 – 166.4
    December 15 – 165.8
    December 19 – 164.5
    December 22 - 163.9 (165.6 for today's weigh in)
    December 26 - 164.4
    December 29 - 166.0

    December Goal - 162 lbs :D What was I thinking?!

    I wanted to do a final post here before moving over to January. I ate and drank everything over the holiday. Oh well, I had fun and regret nothing. I've got a long life ahead of me. It's okay to loose a week or two here or there.

    See you all in January!