


  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    @MrsCunningham76 I understand how it feels to look at yourself in pictures and not like what you see. It sounds like you're on track to change that, but if I may offer one suggestion, try adding squats to your routine (knees permitting - my right knee sometimes gives me issues since I twisted it in my younger years. but i digress). I took a 30 Day Easy Squat Challenge and it really transformed me.

    Squats are considered a great exercise (benefits of squat exercises), and they are awesome for your thighs, back, and rear. I'm attaching the plan I followed just in case you, or anyone else, would like to give it a try. BTW - even though it says "easy", it wasn't for me. At first, I had to cut each day by 10-15 squats. When i got past the third rest day, I was actually able to do the requested number, but I usually broke it down into 2-3 sets adding up to the total.

    Ex. Day 16: 25 squats, quick rest, 25 squats, quick rest, 30 squats = 80!

    I've only done the challenge once, but I think I'm going to give it another go.
  • FitLifeCrossroads
    FitLifeCrossroads Posts: 57 Member
    @MmamabearR Hey, thanks for the info on the squats! I thinkni may give this a try on top of my regular exercises :smiley:
  • mybesttutu
    mybesttutu Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Everyone.. Happy New Year.. almost! I am needing the daily accountability this challenge is going to give me. I just need to follow the 3 simple basics. Good luck!
  • mybesttutu
    mybesttutu Posts: 62 Member
    * Or not.. so simple. :)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    OMG Simon my goal is to get down to 135 too LOL. My biggest obstacle is my job which is sedentary and a foodies paradise.
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    Hi everyone! This is the first time I am in the UAC challenge and I am thinking this is the accountability that I need to get myself in gear! I hope we all have a successful month!
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to this group and looking forward to it! I have lost weight using mfp before and am ready to do it again (had my 4th baby 3 months ago). I think the support of this group will help me stay on track. I am a stay-at-home Mom, I homeschool my older kids, and I teach a few fitness classes a week (strength training, cardio and yoga). My biggest challenges are being busy and trying to prepare food that my family will eat that is also healthy.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Hi All. This will be my 3rd month in the UAC. Not made the winners' circle yet, but have high hopes for January! Everyone here is so supportive and motivating.

    I am retired and live in (slightly damp at the moment) SW France with my husband, 2 Spanish Water Dogs and 2 cats. My aims for 2018 are to lose enough weight (approx another 14 kilos) to get to a healthy weight, and also to improve my (frankly abysmal) fitness. My method will be to get back to eating lower carb, cutting right back on refined carbs and eating good quality meat, fish, cheese, veg and beans/pulses. My main form of exercise is walking, with or without dogs, also Pilates. I also want to start doing some Yoga again so have signed up for a 30 day introduction for January.

    Look forward to seeing you all in the coming month, and wish us all every success. Special thanks to @RangerRickL for keeping this challenge going, and for his wonderful photos!
  • Gus130
    Gus130 Posts: 598 Member
    Hi! I am Gus (Augusta). I have had great success with UAC in the past and hope to have that success again.
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    December was my first month with UAC. Did not, seriously, start with MFP until November. I had previously been tracking (since January 2011 through December 2016) at another online site ( which is no longer offered. I was extremely disappointed when the site was shut down, as I had personalized many aspects of the program; and had, diligently, entered numerous (96 to be exact) recipes. CalorieCount did allow downloads (exports) of logged, foods, weights & recipes to Excel files; however, that information could not be imported to MFP. I, subsequently, manually entered my weight log in MFP so I would have an accurate weight history; but I now have the privilege of customizing recipes all over, again. I do find significant shortcomings & errors to the MFP food database but am that much more diligent with those database items I do select to log or include in a recipe. I find myself consistently cross-referencing the MFP database with actual product nutrition labels and the USDA database for accuracy. I particularly enjoy UAC for the supportive participants. I had gained just a few pounds between December 2016 and October 2017 for which serious logging in November and December have me back at my ideal weight and in maintenance starting January 2018. @RangerRickL and his leadership is an inspiration to all. I extend my personal welcome to each of you who is new to this challenge. May we all look forward to a happy, healthy new year! Kind regards.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hi everyone! And hi @SimonsChange , sorry you're injured but nice to have you back! How long do you think til you'll resume training?

    I'm back for January. Looking forward to it! I'm a part-time teacher, mother to an energetic nearly two year old, and studying for a masters so some days I may post less than others but I aim to check in daily.
  • BobWw2017
    BobWw2017 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi everybody. This is my first time in the UAC, and I really feel I'm ready for it. 2018 will be a big year for me and one of the main things I want to do is get to what is a normal BMI. That is about 17 pounds less than where I am now and I feel that if I can really get into tracking my calories and maintaining my limit. I run a fair bit and usually stay fairly active, but my letdowns are usually from over consumption.
    Looking forward to getting started!
  • twylight48
    twylight48 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm glad I found this in time☺
    Accountability is really what I need right now.
    Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next few weeks
  • SimonsChange
    SimonsChange Posts: 230 Member
    Hey there @am_change and while being injured is never a fun experience I am certainly happy to be back and get back to making some more changes on myself especially with how well 2017 went.

    As far as training goes I've already started training tho there's a few things I can't do like majority of cardio other than swimming and no leg day for about 10 weeks.
    In those 10 weeks I'll be following a upperbody routine and just a basic diet and go from there.

    And wow you're certainly a busy person! Good luck with the grind on the masters I'm sure it'll be worth it.
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Hi everyone! Decided to join, been thinking about it for a week! I love logging and exercise, but do tend to go over some days, this will keep me in check! Looking forward to meeting you all and giving you some support, I am 54, been through the mill a bit the last 2 years, joined here in Sept 17, mfp has turned my life around, love being healthy and feeling good! Good luck everyone, we can do this!
  • qwertycat1
    qwertycat1 Posts: 61 Member
    This is my first time joining a challenge! I'm really excited, as I think this is just what I need. I'm a college student, and I've been struggling with a sequence of eating disorders for the last 4 years or so. I joined MFP 540 days ago, and have been logging in ever since. Still, I've been struggling with my weight, body image, and relationship with food. I truly hope this accountability challenge will change my life for for the better! I'm ready to put in the work
  • paulab4me7982
    paulab4me7982 Posts: 44 Member
    I have never joined a challenge before. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s progress. I’ve been with MFP since 29Oct and so far I’m successful at losing 16 lbs. I have at least 18 more lbs to go
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,034 Member
    Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
    I am not new on MFP, but am new to UAC. I really need 2018 to be my year to lose weight. I'm thinking that maybe a group like this will keep me accountable. Other groups, I'd let the team down if I didn't lose weight. I like that it doesn't matter if I weigh in or not -- the important thing is to eat right, exercise and track it. Of course, I knew these things... but haven't been successful in the past. I was skinny the first half of my life, but definitely another story, nowadays.
    Wishing all the best in 2018!
    Linda (Elbee1)