Weekly Way In!



  • saptap
    saptap Posts: 18 Member
    saptap wrote: »
    A little higher than I thought I’d be but starting out at 214. Need to kick it into gear now. Rather frustrated.

    Try not be to frustrated, you will do this. Do you have an exercise plan for the New Year?

    My main form of exercise is lifting weights 5 to 6 days a week. I was doing a lot of cardio and no weights and then went to all weights and no or little cardio. Have to find a balance that works in 2018. I put on muscle but added some fat to my body also (mostly eating poorly). My goal is to add cardio 3 Days a week and continue to lift weights. At my age (47) I don’t recover as fast as I once did but fell in love with lifting weights. I have to eat cleaner and add some cardio to my weekly activity.
  • 2nelune
    2nelune Posts: 82 Member
    saptap wrote: »
    saptap wrote: »
    A little higher than I thought I’d be but starting out at 214. Need to kick it into gear now. Rather frustrated.

    Try not be to frustrated, you will do this. Do you have an exercise plan for the New Year?

    My main form of exercise is lifting weights 5 to 6 days a week. I was doing a lot of cardio and no weights and then went to all weights and no or little cardio. Have to find a balance that works in 2018. I put on muscle but added some fat to my body also (mostly eating poorly). My goal is to add cardio 3 Days a week and continue to lift weights. At my age (47) I don’t recover as fast as I once did but fell in love with lifting weights. I have to eat cleaner and add some cardio to my weekly activity.

    I think that’s a good way to approach it. Having that balance is important. It’s easy to do one or the other, but both provide great benefits. For me, I sometimes find that doing 20 minutes of cardio and then my weights helps with the balance. To minimize my time and maximize results, I also try and do supersets when possible. I use an app called JEFIT to help find/track my workouts.
  • Kinggoliath
    Kinggoliath Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry I'm late!
    36% BF
  • BerniA1
    BerniA1 Posts: 7 Member
    Start W 80.9 kgs
    Goal W 61 kgs
  • georgebutters
    georgebutters Posts: 5 Member
    saptap wrote: »
    saptap wrote: »
    A little higher than I thought I’d be but starting out at 214. Need to kick it into gear now. Rather frustrated.

    Try not be to frustrated, you will do this. Do you have an exercise plan for the New Year?

    My main form of exercise is lifting weights 5 to 6 days a week. I was doing a lot of cardio and no weights and then went to all weights and no or little cardio. Have to find a balance that works in 2018. I put on muscle but added some fat to my body also (mostly eating poorly). My goal is to add cardio 3 Days a week and continue to lift weights. At my age (47) I don’t recover as fast as I once did but fell in love with lifting weights. I have to eat cleaner and add some cardio to my weekly activity.

    To help with recovery and be able to train more I’ve adopted push/pull/legs training methods, it’s a good way of isolating different muscle groups so even if certain muscles are aching bad from a push session the day before won’t affect training a different group the next day in a pull session for example. Will let you know how I get on with it!

    I hear you on the food, I can train more and more but if I don’t sort my food out then still gonna be keeping that fat on! Going ok so far with renewed determination - early days tho
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Lost a little this week 177.6
  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    Weigh in: 180.2 lb, so 2.8 lb lost this week. That was more than I was aiming for so I imagine it will be less next time.

    Amazing! Well done. You've worked really hard this week and the number reflects that :smile:
  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm weighing in at 136lbs/ 9 stone 10lbs

    2 lb weight loss this week. I'm assuming a lot of water weight so I will need to be on point this week. :smile:
  • fightingthetideofaging
    164.8 this morning, down from 168.4. Bumped up my exercise this past week.
  • PNWBethany
    PNWBethany Posts: 116 Member
    Weight: 157.8 (down 1.8lbs)
    Body Fat: 25.5%

    My only true goal this week is to drink enough water each day. I haven't been drinking enough for a couple of months now and staying hydrated is usually the best starting point for me because it makes me feel better within a day and that makes me more motivated. ☺
  • sammarie_
    sammarie_ Posts: 39 Member
    -300g (0.6lbs) this week.
    -13.9kgs in total
    Weight loss is starting to slow down but a loss is a loss (right!? :neutral:)
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    228.0 weigh in this morning.
    Down 2.8 from Jan 1st weigh in.
  • saptap
    saptap Posts: 18 Member
    Still same as last week.... a frustrated 214.
  • hannamarie0098
    hannamarie0098 Posts: 85 Member
    178.4 this morning. 1.8 lb down from last week and 4.6 since the beginning of the month. It’s a faster loss than I’m aiming for so I’m sure I’m due a stay the same some time soon!
  • georgebutters
    georgebutters Posts: 5 Member
    I won’t lie I forgot to weigh in last weekend! Weighed in this morning 12st 5 so I’ve lost 3 lbs since the start of the year! Very happy with this as I’ve been away all this week for work and this eating out at the hotel/restaurants etc.!
  • alvarezadriana968
    alvarezadriana968 Posts: 48 Member
    Weigh in: 245
    Current: 241.6
    Super stoked!
  • sammarie_
    sammarie_ Posts: 39 Member
    Gain of 200grams or a ‘glass of water’
    Feeling like I’ve hit a bit of a plateau and have been within the same kilo range for almost a month
    Losses are slowing down.
    Can’t wait to have my scan in a week and only work off monthly progress scans.
    In a bit of a battle with my scales atm...
  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    I've stayed the same! Never mind.
    I kind of expected this as exercise was only waking this week due to being so busy. On it tonight!!
  • 2nelune
    2nelune Posts: 82 Member
    Weight: 131.8, down 2 pounds since beginning of the year.