A journal of thoughts.



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm 41. My parents are still having to help me due to some residual fallout from my divorce, and then my ex messing me about on taxes. But the simple fact is, our parents help because they care. Someone probably asked your father very specific and possibly leading discussion likely before being caught on camera.

    And I can tell you that if he is a decent person at all, he would not want you to feel bad. He made his choice. His GF might have been disappointed, and their relationship might depend on elaborate gifts, but I can promise you that if I had to give nothing at all to my boyfriend because my daughter needed me or financial help, if he was disappointed in me or that, he's not worthy of me.

    Sure, I might have wanted to do something specific, and been slightly disappointed if I couldn't do it, but I would never ever want my daughter (she's 17, btw) to feel responsible at all. If I made her feel bad at all, I would feel like the biggest, most selfish jerk.

    If you believe your father is a decent person, please talk about this with him before you leave. Don't leave it unsaid.

  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    Shes not disappointed, it also doesnt hinge on gifts, shes actually a very selfless person, shes been very lovely to my father, she took care of him when he had cancer and helped him do what he needed to do..

    I think thats why it bothers me.. *I* wanted her to have a good christmas, i feel like i took away from that.
    at 31 i should be passed this.. i shouldn't be struggling anymore. I just wanna be able to take care of myself. I wanna show up at christmas and have gifts and surprises for them. He's 60 now.. it's time i start doing things for him.. he's given me enough.
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    edited December 2017
    December 27 2017

    So.. Tomorrow taking control starts.. I took some before photos.. I am very disappointed in myself.


    135lbs I used to be and I let myself get to this point. I have an old photo of myself when i hit 199 pounds, i look exactly the same as i did in that photo, in this photo.

    In lieu of using a weight trend app i decided to use Excel so I feel more involved in the process. I took measurements and am in the process of creating a meal plan.. Half the month is consistent, the other half is left free to involve variety, i just don't know what i want to put in there yet, simply because i do not have a job yet or any money.



    300 calories burned on the elliptical 4x per week.

    Food is going to be tight for a while.. I had $50 to do me for the month.. which was enough to buy a 10lbs bag of potatoes, a couple 5lbs bags of carrots, a whole chicken, lettuce, a turnip, 2 $1 bottles of diet soda, 2L of skim milk and some cat food and that is it. I have a frozen turkey i am thawing now.. I will make a large batch of soup.. I have some meats left to make some dinners with.. I got the remaining of my belongings from the ex, which included some food i cooked, although it appears he ate some of it, so there was only a few containers left.

    Based on food availability, Calories won't really be an issue.

    My goal is to get myself back on a normal sleep schedule.. none of this being up til 4,5,6am anymore and sleeping until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I never wanna get up and do the things i need to do in my day. Also, my pills wear off by then and it's just screwing with my eating.

    I am going to start shutting everything off at 12am now. Lights, computer, phone.

    I can't let myself go down hill anymore..

  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    December 28 2017

    Got a little more of my meal plan done.. although it may change since i have not tried any of these recipes and I don't know how many calories are in them. Soup is my go to food when i want filling options. But They look good, so i thought i would share a few pictures from the recipes I have picked for my first month of meal plan.. (Which may not start until february mind you lol)


    Name is on the photo lol


    Name is on the photo again.


    Italian wedding soup


    Italian Wedding soup pasta skillet


    Jambalaya Soup


    This was supposed to be Creamy garlic salmon pasta but the recipe apparently got removed.. so i found this one for Salmon fettuccine.

    I found a bunch more recipes for the other days.. I am sure a lot of these will transfer over into march, since i will freeze left over servings.

    I tend to alter recipes, so i can lower the calories in them.. It will be interesting to see how big the portions are/calories when i make them.

  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    edited December 2017
    December 29 2017
    So my first day of keeping within my calories went good. Hit 1200, my goal is 1400 but where food is limited, my main concern is simply to hit 1200 right now.

    I have some of my personal Challenges planned out.. some of them involve getting some exercise in and others involve just taking pride in my life and to just stop letting things go.

    Since i am trying to get my sleep schedule switched around, I will be up all night and all day tomorrow until it's time to shut down everything. No later then 12am. No exceptions.

    I have a turkey to cook so i am going to put that in the oven. I am also going to clean up some things around the apartment. Probably gonna move the furniture around again.. i find i clean better that way.

    Had a little fun with snapchat tonight.. lol.. I figured that since i took those before photos to show myself why i need to gain control.. i should also take photos that at least let me know im not ugly as sin either lol..



    I will probably also get my cardio in today at some point.. dunno if i can do it at this time of the night tho, the noise from it might travel through the floor more then i think it does.. but maybe early this morning before i go to my doctor appointment.
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    January 2 2018
    I am very deeply depressed these days.

    I feel like I'm really struggling with everything...

    I put in my 30 days notice for my apartment because I just don't have enough time to find a job that's going to be able to pay the rent that I'm paying now and even if I did get a job there wouldn't be enough hours I would be able to work to pay it and there is nobody left for me to borrow money from if I couldn't get a job or pay my rent I would be on the hook for that $820 and it would just end up being another debt and it would end up being a negative reflection on my rental history which does not help me find a new place since my credit is already terrible and I'm going to need a co-signer to move

    I put my 30-day notice in the day before yesterday and of course as soon as I did that my laptop decided it no longer wants to work anymore

    Without a laptop I can't search for apartments and I can't search for jobs and I also can't start school in two days because my classes are online and I need a computer.

    I've always known that I'm not a very good person.

    I grew up to be a very distant person who really made an effort into pushing people out of my life... In fact I still do it

    I am insecure and I don't know how to let someone care about me or love me and as a result as soon as they try to I become very impossible to be around

    I become very irritable and angry and my personality becomes somebody that they don't want to have around and most likely over the years I have probably hurt a lot of people

    I realize that a person like that doesn't deserve anything in life which is probably why at this point I have nothing left and I have been left with no way to restart my life

    But it's not like I can just wake up today and not be that distant person

    I always feel like nobody understands me... Like I'm the only person who's living in reality... Everybody else seems to think one issue is one issue or that everything has a fix or nothing is as doomed As It Seems

    And maybe they're right to be so optimistic and trust me I've been trying since March I've tried I've tried to see things as that they could get better

    But as things keep going through the months

    First I lost my job... Then I lost all of my possessions... then I just started gaining weight and just can't seem to regain control because I feel like everything in my life is just swirling and I can't focus... so I cashed out my rrsp and was supposed to rebuild my life... Get a new place and use that money to purchase new furniture to put in it I had everything all picked out and then something happened and I had to put half the money I had set aside towards vet bills... I wasn't able to find an apartment because there wasn't anything available at the time due to students going back to school... And the remaining little bit of money that I had was used towards trying to help me survive at this apartment I'm in now while I struggled with these minimum wage jobs that couldn't help me make enough to live where I am... And then eventually I ran out of money

    I still tried to remain positive

    But as this month has started and as I realize that I'm not going to have enough money to bring any of the remaining things in my life with me besides what can fit inside of a car and that I was going to be moving into an apartment with nothing but a few boxes of my stuff and the mattress part off of my futon so that I didn't have to sleep directly on the floor... as I realize that while I'm still waiting to hear back from that nursing home job there's a good chance that because I really want this and it would change my life I probably won't get it because I really want it... Knowing that I'm going to have to go back to working a minimum-wage job and that I won't be able to even afford anything past paying my bills so that the apartment that I was going to end up living in could become something more than a bunch of boxes and a mattress on the floor

    These realizations were heartbreaking for me but I was willing to accept it despite the tears and then of course today I wake up and my laptop just will not work anymore

    When you only have 30 days to find an apartment had only so much time to get a job to pay for the new apartment you would want to move into... It just seemed like the Last Hope and prayer that I had to just do something to help myself was now taken away

    I have no money to get it fixed... I have no friends who can lend me a laptop or possibly know anything about computers to fix my laptop...

    I signed up for school to better my life so that this would not be my reality just shity jobs and no pay for the rest of my life but in order to better my life and get my high school credits I need a laptop and now that was taken away as well

    Maybe I deserve all this... I don't know how much more I need to repay in life before I'm allowed to move back up in the world

    There's only one thing left in my life now that they could take away from me and that would be my cat and if they take that cat away from me...

    I will have no reason left to even wake up in the morning

    I really honestly don't know what else to do
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm sorry you are so depressed. I don't know if you have resources around you, but near me, there are mental health clinics for the unemployed and such. It might help to try something like that... Also, are there suicide hotlines that you can call? If you present with an urgent situation, it might help push through the health care system more readily...

    All of that being said, I know you're talking about leaving your things behind... And your laptop being broken... Here in the states, we have public libraries that have community machines available for everyone to use. Another library has tablets and such...for rental on site...

    If you are going to have to leave things behind, why not try to sell them, even if for less than they are worth, to give you a miniscule nest egg to get started again. I know there aren't many things, and they aren't worth that much to any one else, but even $20 for more food or cat food or gas for the car/bus fare, etc. would be helpful...

    We also have the ability to sell plasma to a donation center here to earn a few hundred dollars a month... Anything to help get you started again...

    There are numbers like 411 and 211 that you are supposed to be able to call for community resources. Heck, there might even be people in groups on Facebook or Craigslist that will take a run of furniture for you from one place to another.... We have groups called "Down on your Luck in (location here)" that are good natured people, that if you put your genuine needs out there (like no degree, skills in nursing aid but no formal education, willing to work hard, but WANT TO WORK), someone will be willing to point you in a direction...even some churches may help (I live in the Southern part of the US - and churches here are a very mixed thing...some good, some bad), but there are resources...

    I wish I had words to help more than this... And the only thing I can say about your words and how your depression is lying to you about yourself right now is that, while I don't know you beyond interactions here, I personally don't believe than anyone I've ever met, online or otherwise, has ever deserved the type of mess you're currently in... It's hard, and it seems that way with more piling up on you, but depression is the best, most conniving, convincing liar I've ever encountered. It could make me believe the sky was green, not blue or cloudy or overcast...and that it was my fault it was green, or that it was only green for me... Don't believe the liar that is depression... It's grip will ease at some point... (HUGS) Be ready for when it starts to let go!
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    I have decided to delete.

    Thank you all for trying to support.. maybe ill return later.. best wishes.