carb count

27Kiana Posts: 15 Member
I am knew to keto, and tracking carbs. Can someone please tell me when tracking your carbs on here, is it tracking your total carbs, or your net carbs. When eating things like lettuce I might get 2 carbs from the servings that I am eating. Is this considered net, or should I count it as 0 since it is a fiber?


  • 27Kiana
    27Kiana Posts: 15 Member
    I am getting 7g of carbs from 1 cup of spinach, but the nutrition chart is showing 4g of fiber and 1g of sugar. So should my net carb count as 2g of carbs. myfitnesspal is showing as 7g of carbs when I log it. I am very confused, and have hardly been eating vegetables because of this.
  • dboyer30
    dboyer30 Posts: 14 Member
    It's tracking total carbs, not net carbs.
  • 27Kiana
    27Kiana Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks dboyer30
  • iowagirlgetsfit
    iowagirlgetsfit Posts: 5 Member
    I think people do it differently. I do net carbs and I'm in ketosis and am losing weight. I feel that you want to do what works for you and your body.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited January 2018
    dboyer30 wrote: »
    It's tracking total carbs, not net carbs.

    I would agree with this unless the MFP entry was added to the database by someone in the UK or other area that has fiber already subtracted from carbohydrates on their packaging.

    Since I live in the USA, I tend to search foods by adding USDA to the search: carrots raw USDA. Even then, there may be errors and multiple entries which tend to not agree. One can go to the USDA site and confirm which is correct or create their own food and use that entry in their diary. I've never created a food as I have been able to find what I want in the MFP database but there are many, many obvious (and not so obvious) errors.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    P.S. Net Carbs subtracts fiber carbs from veggies, but not sugar. Sugar is part of the carbs that counts against you.
  • acasp04
    acasp04 Posts: 15 Member
    FYI- there is a script you can use with MFP that will display your net carbs (total carbs - fiber) in a column on the desktop site. I don't know whether or not it's OK to post the link to it, but it's the first hit on Google search.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @acasp04 - Absolutely, please post the link if you have it handy. Is it the TamperMonkey script or the other one that you're using?
  • acasp04
    acasp04 Posts: 15 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @acasp04 - Absolutely, please post the link if you have it handy. Is it the TamperMonkey script or the other one that you're using?

    TamperMonkey :)
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    I do net carbs as fibre isn’t absorbed by the body - 20g or 4%
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Just remember, fiber is great for some people, horrible for others, and neutral for the rest.

    In some folks, fiber causes digestive others, it can spike blood sugars...

    So just be aware, test your reactions to foods, and find what works best for you... low carb in general is very individualized because our bodies are so different!