January 2018 Monthly WL Challenge



  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 275.8
    CW: ---
    GW: 274.0
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins: Saturdays

    1/06/18 =---
    1/13/18 =---
    1/18/18 =275.8
    1/20/18 =

    Total WL for the month=

    I'm glad to see the group up again after no activity the last few months of 2017. :D It's been a horrible few months. Hubby and I found out we were pregnant right before thanksgiving but we lost the baby the Monday before Christmas. We decided to call him James. On January 5th I came home to a busted water line that someone put in the attic. We're renting so the process is taking forever to fix. We've been without a kitchen since and I am thinking its going to be another 6 weeks. When I say "without a kitchen" I mean, a company came in and ripped up the floors, took the cabinets and appliances. The only thing we have is a microwave and fridge. Better than nothing. And finally we're getting over the flu type A. I realize others have it worse but things can still feel miserable.

    Hubby and I are going to work together this year. His goal is about 20lbs mine is 50lbs or 2 sizes.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 762 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time Jenny and I hope you manage to get your house sorted out very soon! It's nice that your husband is joining you though <3 Being able to support each other will help lots! Good luck.
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    edited January 2018
    Chin up Pidge! Weight loss is not linear as we all know only too well! Still nearly 2 weeks to go this month, we can achieve plenty in that time.

    Well done (and thank you!) for being honest though - it takes courage sometimes, but if we're going to get to where we want to be we can't lie to ourselves, and we are all here to support you in the downs as well as to celebrate your successes. After all, we've all been there and more times than we like to admit! Do you know what went wrong this week?

    I had a good first 3 days this week but then had a team away day yesterday which was very luxuriously catered and......oh dear! >:)>:)>:) Can't even attempt to log that but back on the horse today and we'll see the result on Sunday.
  • Esmile777
    Esmile777 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Pidge. There is still time and I must get in a higher geer to make it. Good luck to you and everyone to start the first month of the new year with a win!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    edited January 2018
    Name: Jen

    My Numbers:
    SW: 364
    CW: 327
    GW: 323
    LTGW: 252

    Weigh ins: Sundays

    07/01/18 = 332
    14/01/18 = 330
    21/01/18 = 329
    28/01/18 =

    Total WL for the month= 2lb gain!

    Oh dear oh dear! Still more than I started the month at (I'm starting to wonder if that was an anomaly?!) but I now have a new battery in my scale so am confident this is correct reading.

    I'm now going to be happy if I can just get back to my starting weight this month!

    I had a mostly good week, but there in lies the problem. Thursday was a team away day, very decadently catered for, and Friday night I was so exhausted after first week of new job that I hit the chippy on the way home instead of cooking the meal I had planned (even though it was a simple one!)

    Still, a pound lost is a pound lost, and I can try and do better this week.

    Jenny - sorry I overlooked you before, I hadn't spotted that the forum had gone onto a second page until I logged in now! So sorry to hear how tough things have been but it sounds like you have a great partner there and I hope the two of you working together can pull through the rough times and achieve your goals. It's always easier to do when someone is working with you!
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 275.8
    CW: ---
    GW: 274.0
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins: Saturdays

    1/06/18 =---
    1/13/18 =---
    1/18/18 =275.8
    1/20/18 = 275.8

    Total WL for the month=

    Thanks everyone.
  • Esmile777
    Esmile777 Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Rita

    My Numbers:
    SW: 272.4
    CW: 223.8
    GW: 217.2
    LTGW: 141

    Weigh ins: Monday
    1/01/18= n/a (had not joined)
    1/08/18= n/a (had not joined)
    1/15/18= 223.8
    1/22/18= 223.8

    Total WL for the month=0

    no lost but no gain either! I'll take it!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 762 Member
    Name: Pidge

    My Numbers:
    SW: 318lbs
    CW: 295lbs
    GW: 289lbs
    LTGW: Honestly no idea!

    Weigh ins: Thursdays
    1/4/18 = 295
    1/11/18 = 293 (-2)
    1/18/18 = 295 (+2)
    1/25/18 = 294 (-1)

    Total WL for the month = 1 lbs

    Well it wasn't exactly the best start to the year there was it! I will have to redouble my efforts to get into the swing of a good routine again and hopefully make it under 290 for Feb. Good luck to everyone that has another check in this month!
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Pidge - you've ended the month a pound down, and that is not to be sniffed at! It's always hard to get things lined up again after the season of indulgence - but you are here, you are not giving up, and that is worth celebrating in itself! Well done for sticking it for a month!
  • BrownieKitty12345
    BrownieKitty12345 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Jenny

    My Numbers:
    SW: 275.8
    CW: ---
    GW: 274.0
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins: Saturdays

    1/06/18 =---
    1/13/18 =---
    1/18/18 =275.8
    1/20/18 = 275.8
    1/27/18= 278.4

    Total WL for the month= +2.6

    Not sure if time of the month plays into weight going. I’m determined to start doing my 10k steps per day though.
  • gin_rummy
    gin_rummy Posts: 222 Member
    Name: Jen

    My Numbers:
    SW: 364
    CW: 327
    GW: 323
    LTGW: 252

    Weigh ins: Sundays

    07/01/18 = 332
    14/01/18 = 330
    21/01/18 = 329
    28/01/18 = 330

    Total WL for the month= 3lb gain!

    What the hell? I had a GREAT week. And I truly mean great. I logged EVERY morsel and was under target every day.

    Ok I know I didn't sleep anything like enough, but it shouldn't have made THAT big a difference, surely? I was also doing my own brand of workout by making 2 extravagant birthday cakes (a very manual job, and that's on top of my full time job!) And I didn't even lick the spoon!

    Very unhappy with this.

    I do think my initial weight was understated, it had yo-yo'd wildly for a few days but I recorded it as a snapshot for that day and I replaced my scale battery the following week, it's been a reliable reading since.
  • Esmile777
    Esmile777 Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Rita

    My Numbers:
    SW: 272.4
    CW: 223.8
    GW: 217.2
    LTGW: 141

    Weigh ins: Monday
    1/01/18= n/a (had not joined)
    1/08/18= n/a (had not joined)
    1/15/18= 223.8
    1/22/18= 223.8
    1/29/18= 223.5

    Total WL for the month=0.3

    Happy for my loss. Not what I had planned, but I will take it.
  • Esmile777
    Esmile777 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, February is coming and time for another chance. A small loss or small gain is okay with me. Let's turn the page and refocus...we can do this.