Love Your Health: Feb Challenge- Week 2 (2/8-2/14)

baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
Repeat o' the challenge blurb: :wink:
baconslave wrote: »
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health.

You could make sure your electrolyte levels are better.
Or commit to more exercise.
Or decide to forgo a bad habit you KNOW is hampering your health from being what it could.
Or start a good habit you've been putting off.
Or simply continue to focus on whatever health-conscious New Year's Resolution you made for last month.

And of course, hit dem Basics! :wink:
The Basics? Glad you asked:smirk:
  • Planning ahead!!!
  • Staying under carbs
  • Staying under calories
  • Logging and measuring
  • Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
  • Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
  • Getting enough water
  • Planning ahead!!! Oh, wait. I said that already? Yes, I frickin' did. Because you must! "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

:heart: Love your health by "sprinting," (focusing hard and giving your all) for the whole month. It's only 28 days. :heart:
You've got this!



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Up early I know, but I've been pulled in 80 directions lately and am afraid I shall forget.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Copy Pasta for manana

    February goal - progress at least one difficulty level in pushups and get down to 25 minutes for 2 miles (currently at ~26 minutes) Keep food and water steady.

    Food - :+1:
    Water - :+1:
    Sleep - :+1:
    Exercise - :+1:

  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    Tg give up my addiction too sugar.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    February goal - progress at least one difficulty level in pushups and get down to 25 minutes for 2 miles (currently at ~26 minutes) Keep food and water steady.

    Food - :+1:
    Water - :+1:
    Sleep - :+1:
    Exercise - :-1:
    Pulling into the gym parking lot this morning felt something weird under my shoulder blade, so I sat in the parking lot for 15 minutes stretching, massaging, trying to get my back to pop (it felt like a rib went out ever so slightly). Ultimately, since it was a shoulder/back heavy workout today I had to skip just wouldn't have been safe and I couldn't have had correct form. I am SO BUMMED. Today's workout is my favorite. :(

    Got to work, a few tiny back pops and now I'm feeling fine. :/

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    February goal - progress at least one difficulty level in pushups and get down to 25 minutes for 2 miles (currently at ~26 minutes) Keep food and water steady.

    Food - :+1:
    Water - :+1:
    Sleep - :+1:
    Exercise - :-1:
    Pulling into the gym parking lot this morning felt something weird under my shoulder blade, so I sat in the parking lot for 15 minutes stretching, massaging, trying to get my back to pop (it felt like a rib went out ever so slightly). Ultimately, since it was a shoulder/back heavy workout today I had to skip just wouldn't have been safe and I couldn't have had correct form. I am SO BUMMED. Today's workout is my favorite. :(

    Got to work, a few tiny back pops and now I'm feeling fine. :/

    Hope it stays fine. I'm still doing yoga/Pilates stuff due to my lower back thing. :disappointed:
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Haven’t reported in for a while. Still working on only eating when hungry (making improvements) and stopping when satisfied. The latter remains a struggle but I’ll continue to focus and see how it goes. I broke at work today and had half a cookie, but damn, was it good. My stomach does not agree
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    February goal - progress at least one difficulty level in pushups and get down to 25 minutes for 2 miles (currently at ~26 minutes) Keep food and water steady.

    Food - :+1:
    Water - :+1:
    Sleep - :+1:
    Exercise - :-1:
    Pulling into the gym parking lot this morning felt something weird under my shoulder blade, so I sat in the parking lot for 15 minutes stretching, massaging, trying to get my back to pop (it felt like a rib went out ever so slightly). Ultimately, since it was a shoulder/back heavy workout today I had to skip just wouldn't have been safe and I couldn't have had correct form. I am SO BUMMED. Today's workout is my favorite. :(

    Got to work, a few tiny back pops and now I'm feeling fine. :/

    Hope it stays fine. I'm still doing yoga/Pilates stuff due to my lower back thing. :disappointed:

    Thank you! I think I might need to get myself to a chiropractor. :(
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    As I sit here at my desk it makes me sad that I only have 2800 steps so far today. At least wearing my Fitbit is demonstrating how little I've been moving. I did however remember that I have a fitness band (the one with handles) at my desk so I am using it every hour to get some arm work in.

    Still no chocolate! Next time hubs goes to the grocery store I need to make sure he buys a flavor of ice cream I can't stand please!!!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Exercise, cals and carbs have all been good but my scale does not acknowledge this fact. Boo.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Week 2 here we go! Still working on the damn sugar but today I am going to make some low carb treats and see if that helps me. I am also sure I figured out my lunch issue i.e.: needing more fat and protein. I think next week I will bring some beef meatballs along with my veggies and see if that works. Back to mayo and no sugar salad dressings too!

    2/08 - food was pretty much spot on until I bought a giant cookie and devoured it - mind you it was my birthday and my only non-low carb treat and dang it was good! I also got in 13k+ steps and lifted weights!
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member

    1) Steps :(
    2) No candy :)
    3) Carbs :(

    One out of three yesterday. Horrible day...stressed. Better choices today!!!!
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited February 2018
    Fasted Monday

    Gym time Tuesday and Thursday. Having Lasik tomorrow, maybe I'll hit the gym today so I don't have to tomorrow or Sunday.

    Protein goals have been abismal. Well below 100g daily. Need to give this some thought.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Staying under carbs: :)
    Staying under calories: :)
    Logging and measuring: :)
    Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals: :) 10k steps including 36 min walking
    Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels: Yes
    Getting enough water: Yes
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    1) Steps :)
    2) No candy :)
    3) Carbs :)

    Yeah!!! Back on track!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Staying under carbs: :)
    Staying under calories: :)
    Logging and measuring: :)
    Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals: :) 10k steps including a 1.5 mile run, some cycling and strength training
    Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels: :)
    Getting enough water: :)
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    1) Steps :(
    2) No candy :)
    3) Carbs :(

    Reminder to out the fridge does not mean eat it...throw it out!!!!
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    190.4 lbs yesterday. So I averaged 1.5 lbs per week since the start four weeks ago, and easier to lose the first four weeks anyways. I'd like to average 2lbs per week for the next 12 weeks. I need to do so much better. Still mourning the loss of progress with the binge in Nov and Dec. Will feel like progress after 12 more pounds when I pick up from where I left.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Week 2 here we go! Still working on the damn sugar but today I am going to make some low carb treats and see if that helps me. I am also sure I figured out my lunch issue i.e.: needing more fat and protein. I think next week I will bring some beef meatballs along with my veggies and see if that works. Back to mayo and no sugar salad dressings too!

    2/08 - food was pretty much spot on until I bought a giant cookie and devoured it - mind you it was my birthday and my only non-low carb treat and dang it was good! I also got in 13k+ steps and lifted weights!
    2/09 - apparently I forget to update! Friday was a great day - no sugar. Played around with keto baking and it was successful! Right now I love a biscuit in a mug with almond flour! So good!
    2/10 - birthday breakfast with the fam. Didn't do too bad but higher carbs since we were at original pancake house.
    2/11 - today is turning out not to bad! I received my Amazon shipment and I am enjoying honest syrup chocolate! It is so good!!!
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Back after taking a long hiatus...good to see so many familiar people still here

    Most recent diet change is switching back to mostly just vegetables +MCT/EVOO & some meat. Keeping things real simple after playing around the past few months with PSMF.
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    1) Steps :(
    2) No candy :)
    3) Carbs :)

    Still working on that step goal!!!!!
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