TEAM: Gutbusters (February)



  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Username: GoBlue1981
    Weigh in week: 2/6 (Week 1)
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 173
    Today’s Weight: 173.4
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Username: Tdrjustus3
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 293.2
    Todays Weight: 295.6
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Username: MoyMG
    Weigh In Week: Week 2
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 272.4 pounds
    Current Weight: 270.6 pounds

    Dropping the "crunchies" weight, but still not back under 270. I'll get back there this coming week!
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    Username: Mollymom07
    Weigh in Week: Week 2
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 155.8lbs
    Current Weight: 155.8lbs

    Sorry for the delay and being absent!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,942 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    Not feeling good so going to bed. Weigh in was 155.4 pounds. Will post properly tomorrow.

    Username: inshapeCK
    Weigh in Week: Week 1
    Weigh in Day: Wednesday
    Previous Weight: 153.6 pounds :)
    Current Weight: 155.4 pounds :o

    UP 1.8 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
    At least I know what I am doing wrong! :s


    I have been considering posting what I eat some days under our group as I think having to post the terrible food choices will make me make better food choices. For example, if I had eaten 2 cookies for snack and I wanted two more I would likely be embarrassed to post to all of you that I ate 4 cookies at once so I might not have the 2nd set of cookies or if I didn't eat any vegetables all day I wouldn't want to have to post that so I would likely eat a vegetable. I may try typing out what I eat some days under our group if it doesn't bother anyone. Don't feel you have to read it or comment on it. I just think it will help me start making better decisions again which will hopefully start some better eating habits for me.

    Need to lose 2.5 pounds more to get back to my December 27th weight (152.9 pounds).
    I sound like a broken record!!!!!

    GoBlue1981 wrote: »
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    Not feeling good so going to bed. Weigh in was 155.4 pounds. Will post properly tomorrow.

    Hope you’re rested up and feeling better!

    I stayed home on Wednesday and was feeling some improvement on Thursday so because I felt a little better I kept my plans to go visit my aunt and then after that I ran 3 errands and by Thursday night I was way worse and today feeling more rotten than I was earlier in the week. ARGH!!!!

  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    @inshapeCK sorry you had a relapse, hope you feel better soon! Definitely post whatever you want here! People only read what they want, so you won’t bother anyone. It’s your thread to take advantage of anyway you see fit! If you find anyone who wants to partner up you can open up your food journals and hold each other accountable that way as well thru what you’re already tracking.
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    @MoyMG Congrats on the losses, slow & steady wins the race you’ll be back in no time!
  • Esmile777
    Esmile777 Posts: 16 Member
    Username: Esmile777
    Weigh in week: Feb Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weeks weight: 226.5
    Todays Weight: 226.5

    Off to a slow start. Will do better!
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 610 Member
    Username: Stimpy56
    Week: FEB WK 2
    Weigh day: Thursday
    Previous week: 237.2
    Current weight: 239

    Sorry for posting late and gaining, but I got sick again and have not been to the gym.
    I am just trying to stay healthy now and will get back on it when I feel better.

  • parinzz
    parinzz Posts: 25 Member
    Username: parinzz
    Weigh in week: Feb week 2
    Weigh in Day: Thursday
    Previous Week's weight: 140.0
    Today's Weight: 140.0

    I'm late too @Stimpy56 Hope you feel better soon!
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    February 8
    Exercised?: Yes, Tae Bo and strength exercises
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    February 9th
    Exercised?: Yes, Tae Bo and strength exercises
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Feb 9th
    Calories: nope, ate a piece of key lime pie my son made last week, and that put me over. It was worth it, tho!!
    Exercise: yes, some walking and strength work
    Tracking: every bite
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    February 9
    Exercised?: Yes, JM 30 day shred round 9 and an hour of yoga
    Calories: No
    Tracked?: Yes

    @inshapeCK if it helps you stay on track to post your food then go for it! Our motivations are all different but we're a team and are here to support you.
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Happy weigh-in day to @Asturiah @emmclean @jenn7985 @Reanna143 @TypingToaster @ummidrisharith ! Congrats on the big loss @emmclean ! @Asturiah maybe you need new batteries after last week :)@Stimpy56 feel better soon, there's been a lot of that going around, staying healthy is the most important thing! @Esmile777 I am the queen of slow progress, I think I'm going to have to add some cardio and leg lifting back (I hurt my shoulder and can't lift arms anymore for a bit...but I've not move much since I stopped lifting so I guess I need to suck it up and go back to the gym...or stop eating cupcakes...twice a week)

    Have a great weekend everyone, college softball season officially begun here in FL yesterday, my bf is a college softball coach so lots of travel and sitting outside watching games I don't particularly care about or understand is in my future...starting today. I'm driving to Orlando and back to watch a game. They started out 2-0 yesterday, so he's excited. I do like sports and played a lot of them, but softball was certainly never my thing, I lacked the hand-eye coordination for a ball that fast and small (catching it or hitting it). Volleyball, basketball, swimming, track but not softball.
  • tinigirl74
    tinigirl74 Posts: 63 Member
    Feb 9
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes
  • Stefbomb2020
    Stefbomb2020 Posts: 289 Member
    Username: reanna143
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: saturday
    Previous Weight: 200.6
    Todays Weight: 202.6

    Sorru guys. Don't know what went wrong... but next week I'm gonna lose it.
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    Username: TypingToaster
    Weigh in Week: February Week 2
    Weigh in Day: Saturday
    Previous weight: 303
    Current weight: 302
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    February 10
    Exercised?: Yes, JM 30 day shred round 10 and 6km run
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Tried out level 2 of 30 day shred today, it wasn't so bad! There's no way I'm strong enough to do the full versions of most of the moves but I was proud of how much effort I was able to put in. Maybe I was just trying to warm up after running in the *kitten* rain!
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