TEAM: Gutbusters (February)



  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    Username: eevang
    Weigh In Week: Week 2
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Previous Week: 199.2
    Current Weight: 199.7

    Blergh. I'm going to increase exercise this week. Might see increase in weight next week but should go back down soon after.
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    I cut my finger with hand grinder today.Got 9 stitches.Today my weight is 189 lbs.I will post next week but won’t be able to do much as I am in extreme pain.
  • szodyraa
    szodyraa Posts: 60 Member
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Happy weigh-in day @jamiewilldo @hawkins410 !
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Yikes @fe452436 hope you heal up and feel better quickly :'(
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Blergh. I'm going to increase exercise this week. Might see increase in weight next week but should go back down soon after.[/quote]

    I remember when I broke 200 I plateau’d for awhile, it’s probably a mental thing as there’s no real barrier but it feels like it! Good luck this week, you’re doing great!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    February 13
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 3km in 24 mins (hills).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Short post dinner walk.

    Work day and travel into city. More than 10000 steps today.

    Not much else to add.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for February 13 is door frame rows ()

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
    • Third set

    The reason for this exercise is push ups and dips work primarily the triceps (pushing). This exercise balances the others by working the biceps (pulling).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Username: craigo3154
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's Weight: (65.6kg) 144.6
    Todays Weight: (64.8kg) 142.9

    Up and down again this week. Was as high as 66.2kg again over the weekend, but it's back to below 65 now. Still not doing anything different.

    Just have to ensure it does not dip too low.
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    February 12
    Exercised?: No, but hit 10k steps
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Had an old foot injury flare up today (not related to exercise) so took a rest day.

    Have been reading up about heavy lifting for women and the science behind it, it's everywhere at the moment. After going over a LOT of sources - mainly UK and US but ranging from academic studies to the more pseudo-science fitness websites - I'm sold on the results. Think I'm going to start trying to incorporate some of the practice, starting with trying out some of the dumbbell modifications. I don't have the room or budget for a home bench and barbell set and the weights section at the gym is always full of "bro" undergrads. Downsides of a university employer! Tried a couple of reps tonight with 6.5kg (I usually use only 1kg) and it was definitely a challenge!

    Are any Gutbusters into lifting?
  • tinigirl74
    tinigirl74 Posts: 63 Member
    Feb 10
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    Feb 11
    Exercise: active rest day
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes (

    Feb 12
    Exercise: no - had to take a family member for a medical test
    Calories: no
    Tracked: no

    Feb 13
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Feb 13th
    Calories: net are under my limit, ate less than half exercise cals = good day
    Exercise: lots of walking
    Tracking: every bite

    Took the seniors out today; we had ramen at a top noodle house, then saw Star Wars. First time with GOOD ramen (not that stuff we lived on in college all those years ago... ) for all of them, and they all enjoyed it, so that's a plus for my outing! I love introducing seniors to all these cuisines they haven't tried before, they are so open to the new experience.

    The only minus is for me; getting them into and out of the van, and driving the van, is a workout for me! But that's ok, I can take it easy tomorrow.
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    February 12
    Exercised?: Yes, Tae Bo and some cleaning
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    February 13
    Exercised?: Yes, Tae Bo and some cleaning
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Happy weigh-in day to @aeloine @cjv73 @inshapeCK @tinigirl74 and @tintarandy !
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    February 14
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 3km in 25 mins (hills) + 1hr roller skating.
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Happy Valentines day all.

    Short pre dinner walk. Post dinner skating.

    Taught daughter how to do crossovers rollerskating tonight. She had been wanting to learn this for a while, but needed an experienced teacher to get her past some skill roadblocks. I was pleased with how much she was able to learn in a single session.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for February 14 is side lunges ()

    3 sets
    • First set 10 or 15 each leg (if 10 is too easy continue to 15).
    • Second set 6 or 9 each leg.
    • Third set 5 or 8 each leg.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    emmclean wrote: »

    Had an old foot injury flare up today (not related to exercise) so took a rest day.

    Have been reading up about heavy lifting for women and the science behind it, it's everywhere at the moment. ...

    Are any Gutbusters into lifting?

    @emmclean. Take care of your feet. Spares are hard to come by, expensive and never as good as the originals.

    Lifting is definitely a benefit. It is a fast track to lean muscle gain (not bulky muscle), metabolism increase and weight loss. Always be mindful of technique. Do lighter weights till you are sure technique is perfect to avoid injury.

    Best advice is get professional instruction from a gym on exercises, technique, weights, intensity, repetitions and frequency. You can do too much. You can work weight too often. Rest days are crucial. Always get enough water, protein and sleep.

    Women have less testosterone, so build muscle (lean or bulky) slower than men. Women also lose muscle tone quicker than men if not maintained.

    I use modifications on bodyweight to use leverage to increase weight without equipment. Eg. just by changing an arm position a pushup can go from easy to near impossible. I want lean muscle and fitness, not bulky muscle. So I use relatively lighter weights (easier variations), with more reps.
  • cjv73
    cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
    Username: cjv73 (Chandra)
    Weigh in week: February week 2
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Last week's weight: 245.4
    Today's weight: 245.2

  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    @aeloine Congrats on doing something awesome for your health!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    ... I quit smoking last week and gave myself a grace period of 5 days to have ANY thing besides a cigarette and the extra snacks definitely resulted in some minor gain and major bloat.
    Happy to say that I'm 8 days nicotine free and 2.5 pounds down since Sunday (like I said, MAJOR bloat!).

    @aeloine. Well done for giving up smoking. One of the very BEST things you can do for yourself. (and also very hard). I hope you can stay away from them for good.

    (fortunately, I never started :) , but I know a lot of people who have quit successfully including my mother, father and wife. By coincidence, my wife quit smoking on the day we met :) . We probably would not be together if she had continued to smoke).

    Don't worry about the reported gain for the week. As you mentioned, the weight will come back down (with care - as the replacement snacks become less desirable too).

    Breath easy.

    You do know you exhale most excess weight :) . Fat + oxygen becomes water + carbon dioxide (+ energy). Clear your lungs and you can do more (and more efficiently expel the excess carbon dioxide :) ).
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Feb 14th
    Exercise: yep
    Calories: in, even with the chocolate!
    Tracking: yep
This discussion has been closed.