Hello fellow Keto'ers!



  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    jlzpo1 wrote: »
    Greetings- just started on MyFitnessPal a few days ago. Been following WW's Program since June 2016 when I was 253 lbs and lost 90 lbs. Trying to reach optimal BMI for the past year without success. Now trying keto diet with intermittent fasting to break-through and lose the final 10-15 lbs. WW has been great up to now, but I think I need something radically different to shock my system into resuming weight loss.

    Started on keto plan about 4 days ago- most difficult thing honestly is trying to get to 80% fat goal....protein seems to creep into my fat allotment. Primary protein sources - chicken, tofu, ham, turkey. Fat sources - avocado mayonnaise, coconut/olive/avocado oil, cheeses (brie/blue), nuts (macadamia/hazel/pecan/walnut), almond butter, along with ranch dressing, spinach, celery, apple cider vinegar. Any other suggestions on palatable high-fat/low protein food would be greatly appreciated.

    I hear you. Getting the fat without the protein is very hard. I find I’m consuming way too many nuts. I lost 8.5kgs following the CICO model on MFP but stalled for 3 months. I’m giving keto a good go at least for the next 6 weeks to shift the last of my weight.
    Best of luck
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to the group and new to Keto. I'm currently on day 3 and I feel pretty good. Yesterday was rough, I wasn't getting enough water or fat, so today I've upped both and I feel perfectly normal, yay!

    CW: 275
    GW: 185 (for now)

    I've been slowly cutting back on my carb intake for the last year or so, along with my husband, so that we're to the point where switching over to keto hasn't been any huge change for us. I have type 2 diabetes and am on insulin, so this change has been sort of touch and go for me. So far my sugars are looking good, the best they have in months in fact! And I see my doctor soon, so I will check in with him and see what he feels I should do as far as my meds.

    Other than that, I'm super excited to be feeling as great as I do! I'm pretty inactive, I work at a call center 40 hours a week, and sit in front of the TV most of the day at home (when I'm not cleaning or cooking), but I want to change this. Problem is, my treadmill broke on me in the middle of January and it's far too cold to walk outside yet (I live in eastern Utah).

    So hello and please feel free to friend me! I would love to have people to share and commiserate with!
  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Ketoers
    After a rather crap day yesterday, I went so well today. I cooked a couple of boiled eggs at work and they kept me satisfied all day. I then cooked a beautiful steak with mushrooms and cream and a garden salad. Delightful and only 11grams of carbs. I hope every day is as good as this one.
  • txngus
    txngus Posts: 10 Member
    Hello there!

    I started my Keto journey a few months ago, and haven't really seen many results until very recently. I think it took me a while to really get the hang of things. I lost weight last year doing the low glycemic index diet with my step-dad after a heart attack, but have slowly crept back up. It think the MFP is really going to help me keep my macronutrients in focus.

    SW: 215
    CW: 209
    GW: 185

  • txngus
    txngus Posts: 10 Member
    KETO DIET! hell ya! all the yum and none of the crap. Do you guys know where I can get a accurate macro measurement for my body type?

    Here's a good one:

  • StrangeKraem
    StrangeKraem Posts: 19 Member
    Hello there! Day 10 on keto and can't wait until my body has properly adapted, still seem to be struggling with fatigue and lactic acid feelings whenever doing something. Anyhow! I jumped on board not because of weight loss, but because of having Lipoedema. There are several reports saying that some of the symptoms are lessened by being on a keto diet sooo.. here I am! With that I am also doing a dairy free keto, so none of that butter or cheese for me. It's a bit of a struggle since I do love my carbs but my lipoedema has also become soooo much better already, and that is worth everything <3
  • 357girl
    357girl Posts: 30 Member
    KETO DIET! hell ya! all the yum and none of the crap. Do you guys know where I can get a accurate macro measurement for my body type?
    Ruled.me has a calculator and the bacon butter cookbook has a url of keto-calculator.ankerl.com in it. I haven't gone there, though
  • 357girl
    357girl Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on day 7 and down 7.5 pounds. I'm not feeling "great" yet, but I am feeling pretty good. I'm sure part of that is grief because I lost my mom at the end of the year and keto has helped quite a bit with how I feel. My primary goal is to feel better and have energy/clarity.
    SW: 139
    CW: 131.5
    GW: 120
  • ridi222
    ridi222 Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm reposting this here as I introduced myself a moment ago on the general board. :)

    Hey there! I've just recently returned to MFP. I originally joined in 2012 after having my daughter. I had gained 110 lbs and weighed 240 lbs! I had successfully worked my way back down to 140 lbs by 2014 and was really happy until the chaos of life caught up with me (divorce/finances/restarting life over again) and I started eating my emotions. As I mention in my profile, I was emotionally eating to the point where I was waking up and eating two pints of Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream for breakfast.. The next thing I knew, i was back up to 230 lbs by the beginning of 2016.

    At the end of that year, I challenged myself to push forward and start breaking out of the rut I was in. I soon found happiness again in 2017 and lost weight without changing much of my diet or exercising. My weight was down to 197 lbs as of Feb 2018.

    I'm familiar with low carb living (it's what helped me be my slimmest before) and I'm now on the keto train! I'm just starting Week 2 now and today I weigh 190.2 lbs. My goal is to get back down to 140 lbs by Fall 2018 so I can be my best self again. After I do bounce back, I cannot allow my weight and eating habits to spiral out of control like that ever again.

    Since last year, I've been having issues with my immune system and chronic hives. It's called CIU or chronic idiopathic urticaria which i'm taking prednisone for until the allergist helps figure out the next step. I had to make a drastic change and that was just an even greater reason to seriously commit to the keto lifestyle - effective immediately. I hope that this lifestyle change will help improve this condition as well.

    This week, I successfully stayed under 20-30 total carbs and today I'm around 35 net carbs. Shark week is coming (TMI - sorry) and I'm struggling with keto flu. I'm still new to keto and trying to understand the whole total carbs vs net carbs thing. The cravings are difficult to deal with right now but I'm managing. Ahhhh - this has been a huge change but I know it will be worth it!

    Feel free to add me - We've got this!
  • darkangellucius
    darkangellucius Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I used to live off of keto more than a year ago until I fell on my tail bone on my engagement night. Since then, doing menial tasks have been really hard and exercising was out of the question. All of this led to a loss of motivation which then translated to a slow progression of weight gain. My wedding is in july and I hope to lose all the the weight by then.

    Feel free to add me as I'm looking for friends for accountability, encouragement and motivation.

    Let's not let our dreams be dreams and keto on!!!

    SW: 140lbs
    GW: 110lbs
  • anelyaG
    anelyaG Posts: 42 Member
    Started Keto on January 8th at 140lb, now I am 125lb - my goal weight! wanted to share my success! :)
  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    I am finding that I'm not getting those crazy cravings for carbs. I haven't eating a chocolate, chips or any junk since January. I feel like I am over it, but like an addict, I am worry that one slip up may send me on the slippery slope.
  • anelyaG
    anelyaG Posts: 42 Member
    jacqui2494 wrote: »
    I am finding that I'm not getting those crazy cravings for carbs. I haven't eating a chocolate, chips or any junk since January. I feel like I am over it, but like an addict, I am worry that one slip up may send me on the slippery slope.

    I envy you! I still get very strong carb cravings right before my period ... other than that its easy and definitely rewarding :)

  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    I don’t know if anyone has mentioned good podcasts. I like listening to 2keto dudes. I used to listen to Jimmy Moore but I just didn’t get it.
    I started eating lovely things made with xylitol, cream cheese, almond flour, almond butter and guess what? I didn’t lose a darn thing. The truth is that it doesn’t matter what WOE you do, you have to be in calorie deficit. The major difference with keto is that cutting out the carbs gets out body to burn fat for energy Provided we are in calorie deficit! Very important point. This time I’m recording those calories and macros on MFP.
  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    anelyaG wrote: »
    jacqui2494 wrote: »
    I am finding that I'm not getting those crazy cravings for carbs. I haven't eating a chocolate, chips or any junk since January. I feel like I am over it, but like an addict, I am worry that one slip up may send me on the slippery slope.

    I envy you! I still get very strong carb cravings right before my period ... other than that its easy and definitely rewarding :)

    There are advantages in getting older. TOM is so foreign to me now. :)
  • KDoddMI
    KDoddMI Posts: 2 Member
    Day 25 - I'm staying focused and determined. Nothing is going to keep me from making 2018 the year I finally get my health better. 47 years old and feeling every day of 60 after a life of nothing but carbs. That is changing. I already feel way better and have more energy than i thought was possible.

    SW: 223
    CW: 204
    GW: 160
  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    I went for a 2 hour bike ride yesterday. My motivation was to get tipped over in to keto. Well, it didn’t happen. :s
    I think I’m going to have to be far more discerning about fibre, net carbs, protein as I think I am still eating too many.
  • anelyaG
    anelyaG Posts: 42 Member
    jacqui2494 wrote: »
    I went for a 2 hour bike ride yesterday. My motivation was to get tipped over in to keto. Well, it didn’t happen. :s
    I think I’m going to have to be far more discerning about fibre, net carbs, protein as I think I am still eating too many.

    @jacqui2494 have you tried using ruled.me macros calculator? If you input your biometrics and the activity levels - the results will tell you how much of fat and protein to eat. And carbs you know it - under 20 net grams per day
  • sallyann8
    sallyann8 Posts: 41 Member
    anelyaG wrote: »
    jacqui2494 wrote: »
    I am finding that I'm not getting those crazy cravings for carbs. I haven't eating a chocolate, chips or any junk since January. I feel like I am over it, but like an addict, I am worry that one slip up may send me on the slippery slope.

    I was doing well on the cravings, then suddenly began to crave chocolate again :| I wondered if it was the low carb desserts because they had sweetener in. So I've had a couple of squares of dark chocolate, which did the trick, but would like to be free of cravings :/
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Hey all, just giving an update:
    I'm on day 40 of this WOE. SW: 275 CW: 257 GW: 150.
    My biggest NSV is getting off injectible insulin. I've been diabetic for over 10 years, and been injecting insulin for the last 4 or 5. So to see my A1C and daily blood sugars go down to where I no longer need insulin is a HUGE reason why I started keto in the first place.
    Also, I can pull my pants off me without unbuttoning them! Woot!
    If anyone would like to be friends, feel free to add me.