Anyone up for a challenge? Let's do it!

When it comes to weight loss, exercise, etc., challenges can be tricky. Many of us are hyped up and excited in the beginning. We start the challenge, jumping right in and a few days later we happens. We feel miserable bc we "failed" or didn't follow through. Well, this time we WILL complete it and we WILL follow through!!!

Let's start with an easy one that we can all achieve. Let's make a challenge that is 1-2 weeks long. We can all complete that! I mean COME ON...Easy peasy! It will motivate us for the next one. Any ideas? I will post some ideas in the comments as I come up with them :-)


  • ShadowBamboo
    ShadowBamboo Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hit the gym or excercise 4 times a week for 2 weeks is my challenge to you ☺
  • EnigmaMadeira
    EnigmaMadeira Posts: 3 Member
    HI. Since there was minimal activity on my group I had forgot about it, YIKES. OK, 4 x's a week for 2 weeks for is perfect.