MARCHing to the ETL drum!



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Mihani, it is sunny and glorious out! Spring is here! It is supposed to be sunny and mild all weekend. The tu-no is one of my favorite lunches and I put it over a huge pile of leafy greens so I'm very full when I'm done. I have large portions of it since it's mostly beans! It probably isn't 6-week compliant because there's 1/4 of a cup of cashews in it, but that is for 3 cups of beans, so maybe okay??

    Grats on your fab weight loss, Karrie! The garlic couscous sounds YUM! I haven't had couscous in ages. How's the house selling going?

    Hi RunningMaven! I think most of us here have gone off plan at one time or another and are happy to be back at it. When I was slimmer, I ran, but not long distances, only 5k. I am going to take it up again once I get some weight off to give my knees a break. Here's a VegNews article on Matt Frazier, the 'no meat athlete' with tips for distance runners And his blog is all about this kind of stuff too:

    Joe and I are planning on lots of yard work this weekend with the nice weather. There are tons of branches to remove from the yard, and the grass is ready to be mowed. We also need to get going on our seeds in the greenhouse! And still more trees to prune. I'm also hoping to fit in a long walk. If Joe isn't on board with that, I might have to get up early and join a walking group in town.

    Today menu:
    b - green smoothie w/ blueberries
    l - baked tofu, baked yams, over humungo pile of mixed baby greens, curry dressing, few raisins
    snack - orange
    d - loaded 'blue cheese' burger and salad
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Woohoo Karrie! Well done!

    Hiya RunningMaven... welcome to the group! I was going to suggest Matt Frazier too. He even tried ETL himself. I recall reading his experience with it.

    Sounds like a busy weekend coming up Carla. I'll definitely be trying the tu-no salad when I'm done with the 6 week plan. Your meals today sound great.

    Today was my most difficult day so far. I didn't get enough sleep, today was stressful, I was fatigued. That added up to hunger and I even wandered into the kitchen a couple times and opened the snack cabinet, but I didn't give in. I drank a couple cups of herbal tea, lots of water, and made it until I got home and had dinner. I am heading to bed early tonight.

    B - usual smoothie
    L - big 'ol salad with power greens, arugula, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, balsamic and nooch, 2 tangelos
    D - leftover cheezy chickpeas, rice, and sauteed greens, some steamed broccoli, an apple and a few walnuts

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Nice job of resisting temptation, Mihani!

    All the meals this week turned out well. The 'blue cheese' dressing didn't taste great on it's own. It had a raw tofu taste to it, but combined in the meals it was tasty. I'm going to add a note to the recipe next time to get a half size tofu block and halve the recipe because we have a lot left over.

    The upcoming meal plan is Irish themed for St Patty's day. There are a 2 days with potatoes, which we normally don't have, but the Shepherd's pie sounds good, so we're going to indulge a little, and I'm going to go light on the potatoes.

    I didn't wake up in time to go on the group walk, so I'll go this afternoon unless I get caught up in the yard work. It was frosty this morning so I'm waiting for the sun to dry things up a bit first.

    B - smoothie, added 1 tsp of vanilla extract and noticed it in there. nice.
    L - big salad, baked tofu, tahini dressing
    S - orange
    D - leftovers, deconstructed pot pie over whole grain penne
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    I wondered how the blue cheese would turn out Carla. That would be a tough imitation. I love potatoes! I haven't ever tried making a shepherd's pie but there are a lot of recipes that look good. Did you get a lot of yard work done? I haven't added vanilla to my smoothies lately, I should try that again. Sometimes, if I remember, I throw a dash of cinnamon in there.

    I didn't go to the office today. I am so behind on housework that I decided to take a day and do some minor home repairs and cleaning, lots of laundry, grocery shopping and hardware store, prepping for salads, etc.

    B - usual smoothie
    L - big ol' salad, last of the rice and cheezy chickpeas
    D - sliced apple and orange sprinkled with cinnamon, a wasa cracker with almond butter

    I was so busy with the house today I didn't get around to lunch until 3:30 so I was't too hungry for dinner and decided on fruit. I did make a Dr. F salad dressing today instead of my usual plain balsamic. It is good!

    1/4 cup raisins (I didn't have any so I used 2 dates)
    1/4 cup balsamic
    1/2 cup water
    1 tsp dijon
    1 clove garlic
    1/4 tsp thyme
    1/4 cup walnuts
    Blend until smooth.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Week 2 results: 2.8 pounds... total for 2 weeks: 9.6... figured it would be substantially less this week so I'm happy with almost 3 pounds.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    The salad dressing recipe looks great! I think I'll give it a try this week. Congratulations on the weight loss!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    My first slip today, I ended up at the office too long and had a bad headache, dove into some walnuts and ate too many of them, but it's one blip, not going to let it derail me.

    B - usual smoothie
    L - big ol' salad, a pear
    S - too many walnuts (I'm guessing close to a cup... ugh!)
    D - skipping it... home too late to cook and I am not hungry after the walnuts
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    Ya, but your blip was WFPB. It could have been worse!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Not a terrible slip up, Mihani. Glad you won't let it get you off track! I always remind Joe to bring extra snacks to work just to have there in case. That dressing looks really good and I have some raisins on hand, so I might give it a try once the creamy curry dressing runs out.

    I lost 2.4 lbs for the week, for a total loss of 18 lbs since the beginning of February.

    Joe and I are looking at a used car for sale and taking it to the mechanic's today. If it checks out, we're going to get it, and I'll have my car back full time! I'm really excited about that, especially with all of the nice weather coming up. I'm planning to go out for lots of nice walks.

    Today's food:
    b - smoothie w/ greens, flaxseed, chia seeds, 1/4 banana, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup soy milk
    l - big salad w/ curry dressing, raisins, tomatoes, and baked tofu
    s - pear or orange
    d - parsnip-leek soup and fresh made rustic Irish soda bread (Irish theme for the week due to St Paddy's day)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Way to go Carla... almost 20 pounds!! I bet your follow up appointment with the doctor is going to show a big improvement. Did you find a car? The bad thing about yesterday was that I have apples, oranges and pears at the office, I could have eaten fruit with a small amount of nuts and it would have kept me on plan.

    C&P how are you doing? Is your foot better?

    Back on track today. Usual smoothie breakfast and salad with an orange at lunch. All the way home I was thinking of the big huge bunch of collards in the fridge, and what to do with them. I got home and made a lentil stew that turned out tasty. I sauteed onion, celery and garlic, then threw in a bag of lentils, a container of veggie broth and a couple cups water, cumin, turmeric, thyme, smoked paprika, no salt seasoning and black pepper. Once the lentils were done I added chopped collards and cooked just until wilted. It's cold today and this is a perfect dinner. Will have a grapefruit for dessert.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    You all are so motivating! I'm still not ready for the 6 week challenge, but it's encouraging to know that I can start at any time and reap success.

    What I am doing is eating "vegan" as much as possible. Meaning, good choices for breakfast and lunch (although I'm struggling with big salads so if I'm not up for a salad I choose a vegan entrée and a side of carrot & celery sticks). I've picked up a variety of vegan meat substitutes & a vegan cheese so that when the family eats junk, I can reach for vegan junk. :p I'm still battling sugar cravings in the afternoon and I keep giving in to them. I haven't got on a scale for over a week because I've picked up a couple pounds and am a bit discouraged. I don't want to be that person! Really, it comes down to the sugar for me. Sugar = no weight loss, even when I'm under my daily calorie goal!

    Carla, congrats on the new car! We bought a new used car about 3 weeks ago. I'd been driving a 1999 Yukon since 2005 but our son's car tanked in January so we were sharing mine - which made for a crazy schedule. He's inherited the Yukon and now all that's left is to figure out a way to get rid of his car, which needs a new engine.

    B - oatmeal w/small banana, 1 tsp of unsweetened coconut, 3 walnut halves
    L - Pinto beans in a whole wheat tortilla w/ cilantro and tomato, a handful of carrots and celery, and a clementine
    S - a larabar and (here comes the processed sugar) a 12 oz. hot chocolate
    D- will be Salad w/ Braggsberry Dressing, 15 bean soup, a pear
  • RunningMaven57
    RunningMaven57 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you for the tip, Carla_wfpb! Definitely checking the site out!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited March 2018
    The car inspection checked out and we bought the car. It's a 2014 Honda Civic. We've both driven Civics in the past and liked them. I'm really happy to have my car back, and Joe is happy to not have to drive the truck every time I need the car for the day! I took ownership of my car back by cleaning it inside and out. It feels good to have it clean and shiny again!

    CoffeeandPie, looks like a good food day! I like Lara bars a lot. My faves are the pecan pie, cashew cookie, and the coconut one. I've been avoiding them lately because I've been known to go overboard on them...especially if I buy an entire box on Amazon >:) Congrats on your new car, too!

    RunningMaven, hope the site is helpful! In awe of your long distance running! How's ETL working for you so far, or are you still looking at how to make it work?

    Mihani, you are much more adventurous with putting together recipes than I am. The lentil stew sounds good. I haven't had a grapefruit in ages. Maybe it's time. How is your work load lately?

    Today is going to be a catch up day for me. I have cleaning to do around the house and some errands to run in town. I'm hoping to get in a decent walk before the rain starts this afternoon...I'll probably just end up walking in town while I'm there anyway.

    B - smoothie w/ mango, strawberries & blueberries
    L - tu-no salad over mixed baby greens
    S - orange or pear
    D - shepherd's pie and salad
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Well I just can't keep up with the threads at all. Still loving the new job, which is VERY busy. Still haven't unpacked all the boxes yet. Still haven't sold the old house. Still have a ton of stuff over there that we'll have to find room for at the new house. What a gong show...

    RunningMaven, I have done marathons, half marathons, 1 triathlon and 1 tough mudder. But it's been 2 years since the tough mudder, and I am currently OUT OF SHAPE. I'm trying to get back on track; in fact today was my first day back at it.

    I walked on the treadmill this morning. I did 40 minutes and I got day 1 under my belt. I'm going to just walk for a couple of weeks to get myself moving again and get my feet used to my brand new shoes. I have past foot injuries, so I need to ease into it or I'll just get hurt all over again. After that, I'll add sprints to my walks for 8 weeks, gradually increasing the number of sprints I do each week. That'll bring me to the end of May, and then I'll start jogging outside. My goals for the summer are to run 5-10km every morning and then maybe I'll consider signing up for my next half marathon. :smiley: ... maybe

    So my focus right now is nutrition and sleep, so I have the energy to keep moving!!!

    Maybe if I get up even earlier I'll have some time to catch up with the thread...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    edited March 2018
    C&P, just adding lots of greens for the time being will do a lot to get you on the way. I used to not really enjoy eating salad every day, and I would often make hummus wraps and stuff them as full of veggies as possible. Anymore I really like eating salads every day. Your meals sound good!

    Congrats on getting your car back Carla! I have trouble with lara bars too, best for me to leave them at the store. :# I am still super busy. Going to put in another couple hours tonight.

    Karrie, hope the house sells soon. At least that will get all the work concentrated in one place. Nicely done on the treadmill.

    B – oatmeal cooked with water topped with cinnamon and a diced pear
    L – usual salad, an orange
    D – leftover lentil stew, sautéed mushrooms, sautéed purple kale and red chard, a few spears of asparagus, small apple with a dab of peanut butter
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 125 Member
    Hurray for the new car, Carla! No more musical chairs with vehicles! Did you enjoy your shepherd's pie?

    Karrie, great workout on the treadmill!

    Mihani - nice menu today. I have not attempted chard of any kind yet. But I love "massaged" kale!

    I had a good day beginning a long, slow (major) decluttering project. Lots of reasons: in preparation for dd's graduation party in June, in preparation for me returning to work this Summer (finishing homeschool), and we hope to sell our home in the next year or two. We've accumulated loads of stuff (especially homeschooling) during the14 years that we've lived here. Our two kids are on the verge of leaving the nest and we want to be ready to make big changes once they are on their way.

    40 minute walk at the community center.

    B - oatmeal w/ banana, coconut, walnuts
    L - bean soup, salad, pear
    D - stuffed bell pepper*, salad
    S - Spinach & fruit smoothie

    *Bell pepper was stuffed w/onions, mushrooms, peppers, bulgar, 1 oz. beef, 1 oz. Vegan beef crumbles. I tried some Chao Vegan Cheese on top of my stuffed pepper. It didn't add much flavor for the calories (and of course it didn't melt). I'll try it on a bean burger soon.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Nice day C&P with food and exercise. I need to declutter my house, but I'll likely just keep putting it off until I move.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm 2 for 2 on the treadmill. Yay me! :smiley: I moved the speed up one notch. Will keep moving it up one tenth per day until I'm at 4mph by the weekend. Then I'll leave it there for the second week before I add sprints.

    I have to admit, it feels REALLY good to be up in the morning and to have already finished my workout before anyone else wakes up. And I'm in love with my Zombies, Run! app again, I've missed it!!

    B - grapefruit, red grapes, apple
    L - green smoothie; I PACKED the blender full of spinach & baby kale!
    D - OSG Kale & Red Lentil soup and some cucumber slices

    I'm going to go swimming tonight, too. I feel so athletic today! :wink:
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited March 2018
    Mihani wrote: »
    Nice day C&P with food and exercise. I need to declutter my house, but I'll likely just keep putting it off until I move.

    Well it certainly works, but it also SUCKS to have to declutter and pack and move all at the same time!!!

    Also, I wasn't very good at the declutter part. I still have too much stuff. So I'm going to have to go on another Varage Sale selling spree... (which is ok, because my hubby said I can use the money I get to buy whatever I want for the house - yay!! I still need an area rug or two, a nighttable, a bench for the front entrance and a counter height bar stool for my craft room. And just décor stuff, too... Lots left to get...)
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited March 2018
    Karrie, woot! Great 2 days in a row on the treadmill, and awesome fitness goals! I'm with you, packing and decluttering at the same time is the suck. Hope you have more good luck with Varage. Enjoy your swim, you bad*ss :) (trying to avoid badkitten! haha)

    C&P, nice day! The stuffed bell peppers sound yummy! I haven't had luck with vegan cheeses, other than cheese-like sauces. The Shepherd's Pie was good. I overstuffed it with veggies so next time I'll put it in a bigger container so I can fit more potatoes on top. The kale-potatoes turned out really good. A nice way to get in extra kale since I don't like the taste of it in my smoothies.

    Mihani, fingers crossed for you that the workload will continue to go down until you get to a level that feels good to you. I have lara bars left over from Dec/Jan that I haven't touched. I went overboard on them so much that I got sick of them. I'm leaving them alone, I don't went to mess with my groove!

    I got in a short walk yesterday before the rain started. There are showers forecast for today, but the rest of the week is supposed to be dry and partly sunny so I should get in some good walks. I'm going to see about going to a physiotherapist to strengthen the muscles around my knees so that I'm able to jog again in the future.

    I logged my food in MFP yesterday. I'm not sure I'll do it every day, but I like having a record of it. It's going to be a pain to log my dinners since they are involved recipes and different every day.

    B - smoothie
    L - tu-no salad over baby greens, tomato
    D - Green Goddesss Broccoli and Lentil salad with herb croutons
    S - orange