What symptoms have you had and how are you dealing with them?



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Patches629 wrote: »
    Hot flashes from hell. Taking Effexor to control them.

    I've been taking that for about three years, and have found little relief over the past few months. My mood swings come and go in waves, hot flashes are abundant, weight gain has my head spinning.

    We have a history of breast cancer on both sides of the family, so HRT won't be one of my options. I've tried several supplements, but not getting much relief.

    Am in the process of re-evaluating my diet, and getting back into the weight room. (Had just been walking and climbing stairs (and swimming during warmer months), but just cardio isn't doing much of anything.

    Going to look into Natural Changes (thanks for the link, @tcunbeliever)...

    Something's got to give.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Patches629 wrote: »
    Hot flashes from hell. Taking Effexor to control them.

    I've been taking that for about three years, and have found little relief over the past few months. My mood swings come and go in waves, hot flashes are abundant, weight gain has my head spinning.

    We have a history of breast cancer on both sides of the family, so HRT won't be one of my options. I've tried several supplements, but not getting much relief.

    Am in the process of re-evaluating my diet, and getting back into the weight room. (Had just been walking and climbing stairs (and swimming during warmer months), but just cardio isn't doing much of anything.

    Going to look into Natural Changes (thanks for the link, @tcunbeliever)...

    Something's got to give.
    I ultimately do think diet is the key to balance for many of us. Good luck, and happy new year.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    There have been a lot of intake changes (i.e. cutting out caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, etc) to see if they make any difference in the amount of hot flashes. I had hoped they wouldn't be because coffee in the morning, wine, and I love hot food, and they weren't the culprit. Now, based on the "Natural Changes" mention, I perused Amazon and found Nature's Sunshine also puts out simply "Flash Ease" time release and started taking those 6 days ago.

    Now, I don't know if it's coincidence (because I also started lifting heavy again in the weight room about a week & a half ago), the supplements or both, but I've gone from having several flashes per hour during most days, to only 2-3 per day, and did not wake up sweaty overnight for the first time in a very long time.

    I'm also eating less processed food, so maybe that is a part of it, as well, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. :wink: Whatever is happening, it's working!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Patches629 wrote: »
    Hot flashes from hell. Taking Effexor to control them.

    I've been taking that for about three years, and have found little relief over the past few months. My mood swings come and go in waves, hot flashes are abundant, weight gain has my head spinning.

    We have a history of breast cancer on both sides of the family, so HRT won't be one of my options. I've tried several supplements, but not getting much relief.

    Am in the process of re-evaluating my diet, and getting back into the weight room. (Had just been walking and climbing stairs (and swimming during warmer months), but just cardio isn't doing much of anything.

    Going to look into Natural Changes (thanks for the link, @tcunbeliever)...

    Something's got to give.
    I ultimately do think diet is the key to balance for many of us. Good luck, and happy new year.

    Thank you and Happy New Year, to you, too! :)
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    Hot flashes and night sweats for about 6 years. Weight gain, but if I'm honest, I can't attribute it to menopause. Had to admit that when I finally started tracking/logging all of my food (and beverage) intake.
    Just finally got past that when I had a total hysterectomy, including ovaries, in June of this year. Round 2 of hot flashes and night sweats!!!!! Not as severe as the first time around but geez............

    I'm right there with you, and I'm not as bad in round two, but the waking up in the middle of the night because of flashes and sweats is annoying.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    My hot flashes got much worse lately; I'm 53, and I'm sort of foggy/dizzy lately. Made myself a dr's appointment before I hurt myself !!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My hot flashes got much worse lately; I'm 53, and I'm sort of foggy/dizzy lately. Made myself a dr's appointment before I hurt myself !!!

    The dizzy thing was my worst peri symptom. It *seems* to have abated. Not sure if it's because menopause happened, or because I started low dose bio identical estrogen (along with progesterone).
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Well, my gynecologist's appointment for today got cancelled and she can't see me next week either. I'm sticking with my appt with my general practitioner the week after.

    If it's something that'll go away by itself, I guess I can wait it out ... as I said, I don't want to fall or trip though.

    Today I spilled a huge container of coffee and then walked into a wall. That wasn't fun.

  • alstar15
    alstar15 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, i am peri menopausal, my periods have gone from regular as clockwork to NOT, and a lot heavier and painful, I am now starting on the mini pill to regulate these, so hoping this helps. I have gained weight especially around the waist as lots of women do but I hate the loss of my waist, I'm trying to eat a healthy diet as 'dieting' has no effect at all, my Doctor is very good and has told me that during menopause our bodies are in stress mode and it affects our metabolism, I have stopped coffee and alcohol and take Sage, Vit B complex with Vit C. I haven't so far had hot flushes but brain fog big time some days, I'm getting married in June and would love to shift some of the extra weight before then,
  • llward5
    llward5 Posts: 128 Member
    Besides considerable weight gain (20lbs) and insomnia... I have hot flashes(maybe more warm flashes) and then shortly after I get the chills. Periods are shorter in length, around 4 days, with 2 very heavy days, with heavy cramping. Still pretty consistent, about 26-30 days apart. However last year, they were around 40 days for a few months, then back to "normal". I am 50 years old. Good times!! LOL! Eating right and exercising keeps me sane. Unfortunately hasn't helped with weight loss. Haven't gained for the last few months though, so I will take it.
  • teressalogan
    teressalogan Posts: 3 Member
    In 2007 I had breast cancer...a few years later I had a total hysterectomy. I was only in my 40's but couldn't take any HRT due to having had cancer. I was so emotional and had terrible hot flashes and mood swings. My doctor gave me Effexor. It helped all my symptoms. Hot flashes are rare for me now. When I do have one they aren't as intense. For dryness, the doc gave me a cream. I'm working on getting my weight down. It's hard!