15lb weight loss in March. Let’s Go!!!



  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    @bigghunny , Melanie, congrats on getting in the 40's for lbs lost!! :D You've been having some good motivation and are so supportive of everyone else. Just think, you've found what is working for you and so much more is also possible. Just keep your head in the game, no matter what goes on during your vacation in Vegas. We all need some fun in our lives. We will be here for you when you return.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Good Morning:
    SW: 305
    Total Loss: 6 pounds. But for me the fact that I am below 300 and plan to never be there again is huge for me. I am pretty pumped that I have lost 94 pounds and I am close to 100. I want the 100 so badly. I am feeling the need to really push myself.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @amy_kee thank you so much for your kind words. I try to be supportive of everyone because this is definitely not easy.
    @cassiebintc way to go girl! Your such an inspiration and I know you will reach the century mark real soon. You got this!
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @bigghunny great job hiring the 40lb mark. That’s amazing. You should be so proud!! 10more lbs and we want photos!! That’s amazing!!! Congrats.

    @CassieBinTC wow great work and congrats on the break through to the 2’s. And 100lbs is incredible you will get there very shortly!! You are an inspiration!!
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited March 2018
    The 1st half of March, I had my stomach virus and lost lots. So, I've been mentally doing the 2nd half of March and trying to lose 7.5 lbs, or more. At mid March, I weighed 314.6. This morning, I weighed and I'm at 309.4. I hope the scale doesn't go back up much in the next few days.

    @CassieBinTC You've been doing real well, and for quite some time too. o:) You've come a long way and have lots to look forward to. *high-5* for reaching the 200's.
  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member
    Good job everyone! So this week I only lost a pound, but I was so proud of myself because I exercised twice and that's my biggest struggle. I easily lost more than 15 pounds my first two months, but I guess my body is settling in and slowing down.

    SW: 380
    LW: 376
    CW:375 (only 1 little pound this week)

    Total lost to date 39lbs
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    @kwiris0328 a loss is a loss...be proud of it and keep at it!
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @kwiris0328 any loss is a great loss!!! And congrats on getting in your workouts
  • cwrisbeck
    cwrisbeck Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone I was recommended to this group and am pretty new here trying to change my lifestyle and could really use some support.

    I don't really know how to add friends, so if anyone wants to add me I would appreciate it. Like many of you I have over 100 lbs to lose. Thank you
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    @kwiris0328 A loss is a loss. We all take them to matter what way they come. Keep doing what you are doing.

    @cwrisbeck Welcome we are all here to support one and other. Good luck!
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    3/1 380
    3/9. 376.6 -3.4
    3/16 371.2 -5.4
    3/23 365 -6.2
    March total is now complete 15 lbs. I will keep working to make it a few lbs more by the end of March. Next month, I will be making a group challenge that we all work together to hit a group Total of weight loss
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @Dad4Myla I am soooo proud of you! What a way to get the job done, my friend.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @Dad4Myla you’re killing it! That is wicked awesome my friend!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Ugh! So between my cold last week and my "time of the month" this week, I am only down .9 oz. I am happy that its a loss and not a gain, but I am so hoping that this next week is kinder to me - especially since it is the last week of March.

    Down -4.4 in March so far

    sw 297.9
    cw 293.5
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @cnavarro002 it’s still a loss and headed into the right direction. And look at you are 3.5 lbs away from being double digits under 300lbs. Keep pushing and leave that old mark in the dust.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    edited March 2018
    @Dad4Myla thank you!!! Even better, wanna know a secret? I am 9.5 lbs away from hitting 50 lbs lost! I want to hit that mark SO FRICKEN BAD!! Which is why it is so hard to only lose ounces right now...
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    Well after being up 0.5 pounds last week, I happy to report that I am down 2lbs this week.

    PW 306.6
    CW 304.6

    It would be so awesome if I could have a whoosh next week and get below 300 by the end of March!!!
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @cnavarro002 tunnel vision and plow through. I’m 13 lbs from 50lbs. We can do this!!

    @JJKM02 great job. Weigh to go!! Your so close to punching through the 300lb Wall!!
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    SW: 344.6
    Wk1: 340.2
    Wk2: 339
    Wk3: 333.8
    Total loss: 10.8
    I worked really hard this week and drank a lot of water the past few days, At least 120 oz. Here’s hoping I can do it again and get another 4.2 off to hit the mark....but if it don’t I’m still proud of myself!! Woohoo!!
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @meldwel - nice job! You hit it out of the park, girl!